Category: Game development

100 seconds to understand Neovim

neovim a highly extensible keyboard-based editor designed to optimize the productivity of modern programmers in 1976 Bill Joy created VI in 1991 it was improved by Bram mullinar as Vim then in 2014 neovim came along it’s a fork of them making it a drop in replacement that’s 99 identical for basic usage all of…

By admin 16.02.2023 0

10 Best Video Game Demakes

Games these days are looking better and better. Graphics are getting more polished, rays are getting more traced, and glitches…. are par for the course, seemingly, but never mind. Regardless, it’s safe to say that things in the visual department are changing for the more photo-realistic, especially in the AAA sphere. Sometimes, though, it can…

By admin 19.01.2023 0

Making a Survival Game with 1 Pixel

I made a survival game with 1 pixel! and Guess What You’re looking at it right now. I know what you’re thinking, that’s just a black screen BUT, in the very center there is a tiny point, turning just the right colors, and flashing just the right way, for there to be just enough information…

By admin 17.01.2023 0