Falcon On Gameranx, “10 More Gamers Who Did the Impossible”

13.01.2023 0 By admin

Some gamers out there can’t stop when given a challenge.

And that’s really why they do it.

Not necessarily for recognition but that’s exactly what we’re gonna give them today.

It’s Falcon and today on Gameranx, “10 More Gamers Who Did the Impossible”.

And before we get going, we actually did a previous video of these in case you’re looking for some other equally impressive feats like beating every “Dark Souls” game without getting hit,”Resident Evil 2″ remake,
no damage, no save,not pressing the A button in “Mario 64”.

I mean, there’s a lot of good
ones, some pretty crazy stuff.

But without any further ado,
let’s get into this one.

Starting out with number 10,

somebody actually beat

every main line “Assassin’s
Creed” game without getting hit.

And you’re probably thinking
like, “That’s a lot of games.”

It’s a ton, it’s 12 games.

It took him nine months.

The player goes by the name Hayete.

And it just, this is one
that he started in 2021

and finished in April 2022.

And it took 950 hours.

So again, 950 hours,
nine months, zero hits.

Did not get hit a single time.

Like that’s absurd.

I’m assuming that if he got
hit that he documented it

on his YouTube channel,

which I don’t know exactly
how much of it he showed,

but that’s just such an absurd, long,

laborious, difficult challenge.

He also offered some
notes saying his favorite

of all of the games,

the most balanced
between story, mechanics,

and just coming together
well, it’s “Odyssey”.

And although he thought
probably the least good game

was “Assassin’s Creed”, it
probably had the best story

in terms of explaining the assassins.

And then also the game
with the worst story,

“Assassin’s Creed: Unity”,

was also the one with the best stealth.

He actually detailed a pretty long post

about this kind of stuff.

And it’s, I think, pretty good insights.

It makes sense when you don’t get hit

to have seen a few of the
extra little third rail things

about the games.

But that’s an incredibly
dedicated challenge.

Well done, Hayete.

Moving on to number nine.

In the last video,

we covered a guy who beat
every “Dark Souls” game

without getting hit.

And today we’re gonna cover somebody

who just did “Dark Souls 3”
without taking a single hit

with a “Guitar Hero” controller.

So, there’s a lot of instances

of people attempting “Dark Souls”

with a lot of strange controllers.

And like, it’s impressive when
people win the game, period.

It’s not even kind of easy
to take on “Dark Souls”

with a non-standard controller.

But the “Guitar Hero” controller
is kind of a special beast.

It’s really, really specific
in what it’s set up for,

the “Guitar Hero” games
specifically. (laughs)

And on top of that, this guy, MezzPlays,

didn’t just beat it like with
a “Guitar Hero” controller.

He did it fast.

It was incredibly impressive the speed

that he takes this game down with.

He did like skip all the optional bosses

and did anything he could to
make the story run shorter

but that’s like a lot faster
than an average story-only run.

Just to have done it without taking a hit

on a weird controller.

It’s impressive.

At number eight,

a challenge that YouTuber
Cr1tikal actually

put a huge bounty out on.

He said, if you could beat “Halo 2”

on the highest difficulty setting

with every skull activated without dying,

he would give you $20,000.

Now, of course, that is an absolutely,

totally absurd challenge

known as the “Laso Deathless Challenge”.

So, here’s the trick.

Cr1tikal, whose real name
is Charles White, Jr,

said you have to stream the whole thing

because obviously there
can’t be any cheating.

If anybody finds any evidence of cheating

that stuff has got to be
taken care of, figured out.

Just understand what’s going on, you know?

Now, originally his bounty
was only $5,000, though.

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And it took a couple of
months of nobody doing it

for him to go, all right,
I’m adding 15,000 to that.

So, this streamer by the name of JerValiN,

who is actually not like a
big streamer or anything,

just somebody who had set a
few world records in Halo,

actually did it.

In Cr1tikal’s opinion,

and this was actually
the hardest challenge

in all of gaming.

JerValiN didn’t like freak out or anything

when he managed it, either.

He just kind of said,

“You know, I would’ve
thought this was impossible.

And it wasn’t.”

I mean, I don’t know
what’s more impressive,

that he was that chill
about getting $20,000

or the challenge itself.

At number seven,

a YouTuber by the name of Minthical

kind of did something like really,

really impressive in “Minecraft”.

Which to be clear, isn’t
really the same thing

as a lot of other games.

Like you don’t have the same
kind of accomplishments or,

I mean, you have achievements and stuff

but they’re not set forward
with really finite goals.

Minthical decided he was gonna
mine like all of the blocks

which it’s just an insane goal.

And over the course of about five years,

he mined away about 45 million blocks.

And it’s easily one of the
most insane looking things

of all time.

The map itself with him
basically at bedrock

and there’s like barely
anything left looks insane.

It looks totally insane.

In the live stream he
did near the end of it,

he talks about like how
he had to store blocks

and how he had to prepare
the diamond pickaxes.

And I mean, this is somebody

who mined away 45 million
blocks just ’cause.

That’s nuts.

And really frankly sounds impossible.

But clearly where there
is a will there is a way.

At number six, a gentleman
by the name of Luke Steelman

obtained the impossible arrow

in “Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild”.

So, let’s talk about what
that is before we get into it.

So, when you’re making any game

there’s little things that
get placed or forgotten

or end up somewhere that you don’t expect.

And when you make an open-world game,

the likelihood of this
stuff being overlooked later

and just left in the game is a lot higher.

Now, “Breath of the Wild” is probably

one of the coolest, most
impressive open-worlds ever built

just in terms of not
necessarily density but design.

And despite all of the deliberate
time put into the world,

it still has some impossible stuff.

For instance, in April of 2021,

somebody discovered
that there was an arrow

above Gerudo town just like up in the air,

something that you could
never expect to get to

unless you use glitches.

Now, the main glitch that
people tried to utilize

was a glitch involving a horse
that allowed you to moon jump

which supposedly works kind
of like an infinite jump.

However, it was too
inaccurate to get there.

So, a YouTuber by the name of Steelman

combined it with a glitch that allows you

to use the guardian kind of as a air ship

and combined it with a
couple of other glitches.

Like it’s really complex you can see.

Like, the whole thing’s totally insane.

And he managed to get the arrow,

which was thought to be just something

that wasn’t going to happen.

At number five, a guy did a pacifist run

in “World of Warcraft”
and reached max level

by only picking flowers.

So, this one requires just
a little bit of explanation.

The guy’s name’s Double Agent

and he’s actually done this before.

Back in 2016, he had spent
like 8,000 in game hours

picking flowers to reach the max level

which was capped at 110
for the “Legion” expansion.

Basically, he had just
gone on and on and on

and then did the same thing again in 2018,

when the “Battle for
Azeroth” expansion launched

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and the cap was raised to 120.

He said that was an additional 240 hours.

Now so, “Shadowlands”
launched back in 2020

and had a level cap down at 60.

He started completely
over and hit that cap

without leaving the “Wandering
Isle”, like the intro place.

The thing that you don’t stay in

if you want to reach max level, period.

But Double Agent did it.

And again, it’s totally insane.

Blizzard was so impressed by this

they made an NPC of his character.

And I think he deserves that
sort of recognition, you know?

He came up with a totally different way

of playing the game and reached max level.

It’s really impressive, actually.

Also took an incredible
amount of dedication.

Frankly, wandering around picking flowers

is not the most fun thing
you can do in that game.

At number four, speaking
of going to the max level

without leaving the
first area of the game.

Somebody did it in a
game that doesn’t have

that same kind of introductory area.

“Final Fantasy VII” is a
game that kind of places you

right in the middle of the action.

Although it still kind of uses that action

to tell you about the game.

A guy by the name of Circlemaster grinded

both Cloud and Barret to
level 99 in the first area

before facing the first boss.

And probably the best thing
about it is it took him years.

And did it literally to spite somebody

by the name of Dick Tree on a forum.

Not an open forum, a private forum.

He said he decided to do this

because this guy on this
private forum named Dick Tree

claimed that he would
be able to hit level 99

in “Final Fantasy VII”

without leaving the Sector One Reactor.

Well, he couldn’t.

Either that or he stopped tracking it.

Probably means that he couldn’t.

And in 2015, Circlemaster
decided to, and I quote,

“Express my hatred, and more importantly,

my disdain, for Dick
Tree,” began the task.

This took about 500 hours.

And not like on the PC or using emulation.

He did it on an actual PS1.

He posted a message

about this being a
meaningless accomplishment

but that life is meaningless.

And that we do these
things to give meaning.

He said he wanted to prove to himself

and others on the forum

that he can persevere and
wanted to express camaraderie

for those who followed
Dick Tree for several years

and were ultimately disappointed

by his not following through.

At number three, in
old-school “RuneScape”,

not standard “RuneScape” might
I add, the less advanced one,

a guy by the name of Lynx Titan
got 200,000,000 experience

on every single skill in the game.

Which various people have done the math

would take at least 30,000 hours.

In old-school, not standard,
old-school “RuneScape”.

The well, I’m not saying
that standard “RuneScape”

is the least clunky thing ever made.

But old-school “RuneScape”?


There’s not really a lot
else to say about this.

It’s incredible that somebody
would take that much time

in old-school “RuneScape” doing this.

At number two,

“Asheron’s Call” had this event

called “Shard of the Herald”.

And if we’re going to be completely frank,

there’s too much here
to completely explain.

It’s not often covered in a way

that really fills out the context.

I’m gonna go ahead and cop to
the fact that I was not there.

I was not playing “Asheron’s
Call” at the time.

And therefore I do not
understand the lore.

I did a large amount of research

hoping that I was going to
be able to condense it down

into a short period of time.

That’s not possible.

But I can recommend you an
absolutely fantastic video

that does explain it
from the point of view

of an actual person who took part in it.

It’s narrated by somebody
named Andrew Ross

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who goes into all of these things

that I don’t have a
frame of reference for.

Gonna be completely honest.

I played “Asheron’s Call” a little bit.

And what ended up happening
was one of the servers

called Thistledown managed to
essentially create a situation

where they were the ones
that created the lore.

Whereas in an MMORPG typically,
the developers do it.

And I don’t, there’s so much information.

It is totally insane.

And it’s really cool.

It definitely set a
template for future MMORPGs

to bring in players as
part of the storytelling.

And finally, at number one,
this one, in my opinion,

is one of the most impressive
things I’ve ever seen

in my life.

And it’s less about like an accomplishment

that you can actually achieve in-game

and more about breaking the game.

So, using a standard “Super
Mario World” piece of software,

doing no memory hacking
with like a Game Genie

or any of that,

somebody used just regular button inputs

into a Super Nintendo and
reprogrammed “Super Mario World”

to play “Pong” and “Snake”.

And like, this needs to just be said,

it’s one of the most insane
things you will ever see

in your life.

If you’re unfamiliar, it is tool assisted.

So, it’s not like somebody
put in all of these inputs

on a controller, ’cause it’s literally

at the level of like the frame rate,

like 1/30 of a second you
have to input something.

And then they dump a ton of
code into the game itself

after they just totally break the way

that it manages memory.

Now what’s cool though,

is they didn’t just run it on an emulator.

They ran it on an actual Super Nintendo.

And they did this back in 2014.

So, it was a while back

but still that Super Nintendo

was probably nice and
yellow by that point.

You know how that plastic just ages

to this fine pea yellow color.

It’s just impossible that people

even come up with this stuff for me.

I’m so impressed by it.

Like this was a game that
I played when I was a kid

and somebody was able to totally
break it on real hardware

and program their own
game into the console

without like a Game Genie
or modifying the code,

just like button inputs.

A machine did the inputs to be clear

but it’s still just so impressive

to even figure any of this crap out.

A quick bonus for you.

In an elaborate marketing
stunt that some people did

to market a mod for “Nier: Automata”,

they kind of hoaxed
everybody into thinking

that somebody found a
new area in the game.

But apparently they came up

with these incredible new modding tools

that integrate with Blender.

And frankly, it’s really
cool that they were able

to add something totally new to the game

that nobody thought was possible.

Because mods for “Nier:
Automata” never were

that extensive prior.

So, it was just something that everybody

got incredibly excited
about because it basically

meant people were going
to be able to do a lot

of new cool stuff with the game.

And that’s all for today.

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I’m Falcon.

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We’ll see you next time
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