The Biggest Mysteries left in Hollow Knight

27.02.2023 0 By admin

Despite this channel running for over 5  years now and having over 3 whole videos   dedicated to Hollow Knight lore, there are  still quite a few big mysteries left lurking   in the ruins of Hallownest.

This video will  serve as a rundown of all the weird aspects   of Hollow Knight lore we have yet to fully  piece together.

We’re going to be hitting   on a few topics I’ve already covered in  previous videos, but there are also a   few mysteries that I haven’t really touched on  before as well.

Also, some of these mysteries   do have pretty reasonable explanations, that  maybe aren’t as well known in the community.

And before we get started proper, I did want to  mention the Lore Archives, which is a document   full of interesting lore write ups written by  various members of the Hollow Knight community.

So if you want to check out theories from the  community on a variety of different topics,   try checking this page out.

I put a link  down in the description.

I also put a link   to the entire script of the Bee movie as  well.

So be sure to check that out too.

The first big question I think we all asked at one  point or another is… what’s outside Hallownest?   There are two instances where the game tempts  us with glimpses of the outside world, but we   are stopped by powerful forces of nature.

Through interacting with the Godseeker,   we also get very small windows into lands outside  of Hallownest.

We see the Godseekers in the middle   of their journey through the wasteland as they  make their pilgrimage to Hallownest.

We also see   the Land of Storms, the location from which the  Godseekers fled after they were abandoned by the   Gods of Thunder and the Gods of Rain.

We also  see parts of the lands beyond in the Quirrel   prequel comic and in the opening cutscene of  Hollow Knight: Silksong.

All of these scenes   portray the Lands Beyond as a desolate wasteland  filled with nothing but sand, rock and deadly   creatures.

Even the tablet in the Howling Cliffs  tells us there is no world beyond Hallownest.

But are the Lands Beyond truly such a  desolate wasteland? After all, there   are several travelers who arrive in Hallownest  such as Zote, Cloth and Tiso.

And of course,   there’s also Pharloom, a completely different  kingdom that exists somewhere else out there.

So, even if the Lands Beyond are mostly wasteland,  there still appear to be pockets of civilization,   although maybe not to the scale of Hallownest in  most cases.

But this does raise another question.

Why does the lore tablet at the entrance to  Hallownest call it the last and only civilization?   I think this is because the Pale King expected  Hallownest to last eternally.

And if that were   the case, then to travelers arriving in the  far future, it really would be the last and   only civilization.

And there might actually be  good reason to believe that there really aren’t   many kingdoms left in the world of Hollow Knight.

Long before the events of the game, the Pale King   existed in the world as a Wyrm, burrowing  through mountains and across wastelands,   and only came to Hallownest to die.

From there,  he shed his Wyrm form, taking on a meager shell,   founded Hallownest and created a beacon to draw  in subjects to his new kingdom.

According to   Dream Nail dialogue from Mister Mushroom, this  is how Wyrms typically operate: “Wyrms pull   bugs into their thrall”.

Wyrms might be one of  the primary forces that build civilizations in   this world.

But there’s one line from Bardoon that  illuminates the problem here.

When discussing the   Wyrm’s Cast-off Shell, Bardoon says “With its like  gone, the world is smaller.

” This line might imply   that the Wyrms of this world have all died out.

This could explain why the land is so desolate.

The creatures mainly responsible for creating  and advancing civilization are just all gone now,   so most of the kingdoms have collapsed into sand.

It’s interesting to think of a world where Wyrms   were more prevalent and there were tons of nearby  kingdoms engaging in trade and warfare.

Of course,   while this might explain the current state of  the world, it raises another question.

Why did   all the Wyrms die out in the first place? Did  they destroy the natural ecosystem of the world   by their actions, leading their population to  drop? And why did the Pale King die specifically   in Hallownest? Is there something unique about  this patch of earth that draws the likes of the   Pale King and other civilizations to try to claim  all of it? These are some pretty broad questions   that I’m not sure we’ll ever get answers to.

And  the Pale King isn’t the only Wyrm we know about.

The Blackwyrm is mentioned in the Hunter’s  Journal entry for the Dung Defender, where   he mentions that he participated in the “Battle  of the Blackwyrm”.

And that’s all we have on the   Blackwyrm.

This pitiful amount of information has  led to a wide variety of theories, and I think it   might be worth discussing a few of them here.

One of the most popular theories out there is   that the Blackwyrm is the corpse that  houses the Colosseum of Fools.

In my   dedicated Colosseum of Fools video, I  dismissed this idea pretty strongly,   but since anything related to the Blackwyrm  is speculation, let’s lay out the evidence.

First of all, this ancient bug corpse is very  unique from every other ancient corpse we see   in Hallownest.

It appears to have chains  going into it as if someone was trying to   immobilize it, perhaps because this creature  was encroaching into Hallownest during the   Pale King’s reign.

This could signify a battle.

Second, the Lord Fool might be like the Pale   King in that it was born from the carcass of  the larger Colosseum bug.

The name Lord Fool   might have even been part of his punishment  for trying to invade the Pale King’s kingdom,   and he’s been relegated to stay inside his  Cast-off Shell on the edge of the Kingdom.

Third, the worship of the Lord Fool  we see of bugs like the Little Fool   might be part of the “wyrms pull bugs into  their thrall” line from Mister Mushroom we   discussed earlier.

This might also explain  why the Colosseum houses infected bugs that   seemingly still retain their ability  to act non-hostile towards the Knight.

The hurdles this theory has is the fact that this  corpse looks nothing like the Cast-off Shell.

It   has limbs, it isn’t molting, the interiors look  different.

There’s also Ellina who identifies the   Cast-off Shell as a Wyrm, but not the Colosseum  of Fools corpse.

In order for this theory to work,   you have to argue that the Pale Wyrm  isn’t representative of all wyrm types,   which I think does have merit, but I think  the Colosseum Wyrm idea strays a bit too far.

The other argument I’ve been seeing pop up is  that the Blackwyrm isn’t a Wyrm at all.

This   stems from the lack of consistency between its  name and every other instance of “Wyrm” we see   in the game.

Any time the word “wyrm” is used  outside of “Blackwyrm”, the word is by itself.

Most instances of the word just say  “Wyrm” by itself with a capital “W”,   with a few instances where it’s just in lower  case.

There’s also the one time Grimm uses the   word “worm” with an “O” seemingly to mock the Pale  King.

The only other time, aside from “Blackwyrm”   where we get an adjective in front of the word,  is when it’s written as “Pale Wyrm”.

Two words,   both capitalized.

As opposed to just one word.

Personally, I don’t find this line of thought   to be very compelling either.

Mainly because, if it’s not a Wyrm,   what is it? Generally the theory follows  that the Blackwyrm was some kind of location,   perhaps a place with a structure that looks like  a wyrm or something to that effect.

Or maybe it’s   named after a battle tactic.

Like the Battle  of the Bulge.

While this might alleviate the   discrepancy between “Pale Wyrm” and “Blackwyrm”,  I don’t think it’s a very sound idea on the whole.

The only other idea I can think of is that  the Blackwyrm is a different Wyrm with its   own kingdom that possibly fought against the  Pale King at some point in the past.

It seems   like if any higher being could form a militia  to do something like that, it would be a Wyrm.

So yeah, that’s my take on  those four words of lore.

Void is a very complex subject in Hollow Knight,  so much so that there is a 70 page lore document   written by Sumwan and ToxicBrain detailing all  the different aspects of Void and its impact on   the lore.

But in this section I’m going to discuss  something only briefly mentioned in this document   and never mentioned on this channel before.

While Soul and Essence have clear sources from   which they are created, we have no clue how Void  is formed.

Void is always described as a darkness   or an emptiness, which aren’t really things that  can be created, but instead are an absence of   something else.

However, there is one comparison  that could explain where Void comes from: regrets.

When dying and losing its shade in Hollow Knight,  the Knight can recover it by giving a rancid egg   to Confessor Jiji in Dirtmouth.

Jiji describes  the missing shade as a regret which leaves a   dark stain on the world.

And after the Knight  collects the Void Heart, Jiji even describes the   Knight as “coming to terms” with its own regrets.

But it’s not just the Knight’s regrets that Jiji   speaks about.

Jiji notes that the entire kingdom  of Hallownest has become thick with the stains of   regret.

It’s possible that Jiji is aware of the  other shades trapped in the Abyss, but the fact   that she says the entire kingdom is stained might  mean that she can sense the regrets of all the   bugs that have died since Hallownest collapsed.

This idea that normal bugs can also leave stains   of regret is reiterated by the Hunter.

In the  journal entry for the Shade, the Hunter remarks:  Each of us leaves an imprint of something  when we die.

A stain on the world.

I don’t   know how much longer this kingdom can  bear the weight of so many past lives.

This regret motif appears one more  time, scribbled on the tablet located   just outside of the Abyss.

The tablet describes  the Abyss and discarded Vessels as the “refuse   and regret” of the Hollow Knight’s creation.

So there are quite a few connections between   Void and regrets.

But the problem with this theory  is that we don’t really see non-Void creatures   actually create Void.

There are occasional  bugs that have black streaks under their eyes,   such as the Grey Mourner’s dead lover, the Lord  Fool, No Eyes, Mask Maker and Karina.

But there   really isn’t any slam dunk connections here.

For  the mantis, those could be tears, for No Eyes,   blood.

For Lord Fool, it could be weathering,  like what we see on statues and paintings that   have eyes.

And as for Mask Maker and Karina,  there really isn’t any indication that either   of these two characters have any regrets.

But I think there is at least one plausible   example of a non-Void creature leaving a  dark stain on the world: the Pale King.

The entirety of the White Palace hidden in  the dream realm still shines with that bright,   pale light, with the only two exceptions being the  White Palace workshop and the Pale King’s throne   room.

From the dialogue of his Royal Retainers as  well as Mask Maker, we know that the Pale King was   racked with shame and deeply troubled.

Ultimately,  the Pale King faded away alone on his throne, and   the deep regrets he held inside stained the throne  room, shrouding it in a thick cloud of Void.

While I think this makes a lot of sense  thematically, it might be too much of   a stretch to say Void originates entirely from  regret, especially since the way Void is used in   the rest of the game doesn’t reflect this idea.

Team Cherry might have just used this “regrets”   concept as a way to keep the concept of Void a  mystery, since the player could potentially meet   Jiji very early on in the game.

But it’s the  best explanation I have for the Void’s origin.

The only other idea I can think of is that Void  is supposed to be like some kind of oil deposit,   perhaps from the dead bodies of creatures  past.

But the lack of the United States   military anywhere in Hallownest  kinda makes this theory unlikely.

Mask Maker is such a fun little character.

They seem so oddly separated from the rest   of Hollow Knight lore, and yet they have intimate  knowledge about the events of Hallownest and even   civilizations from long before the Pale King.

Some  of the Mask Maker’s dialogue can be interpreted in   regards to the Knight.

They talk about the  contrast between the Knight’s outer shell,   and its inner shade, almost as if the Knight  itself is a face hidden behind a mask.

But this doesn’t really answer the question  of why the Mask Maker is making masks in the   first place.

Who are the “Kingdom’s faceless”  the Mask Maker is referring to? Why do they   seemingly equate having a face with the ability  to “define, focus and exist”? And why do they   consider masks a “gift to a world deserving”? The problem with answering this question   is that we see very few characters in  Hollow Knight that actually wear masks,   and sometimes those masks seem to serve  different functions.

There’s the three Dreamers,   Quirrel, the Fools in the Colosseum, the Grimm  Troupe, the Godseekers and possibly Midwife.

But outside of that, we’ve got very  little to work with.

So it’s hard to   define who the kingdom’s faceless are  and how masks affect their wearers.

I have my own idea about what all this means.

It does involve a lot of assumptions and it   has its fair share of issues, but I’m not really  sure if there’s a theory out there I like more.

I mentioned before that the Mask Maker draws  a contrast between the Knight’s outer shell   and inner shade.

I think there is a parallel  theme here in the actual bugs of Hallownest.

I think some bugs are naturally  more beastly in nature, and aren’t   capable of higher thought.

These would be the  “faceless” that Mask Maker refers to.

However,   these bugs can still conceal their true nature  using masks.

And somehow, masks are able to grant   these bugs identity and allow them to exist as  more than just weak-minded beasts.

In effect,   this is the same as the Pale King’s beacon.

However, while in Hallownest, these bugs no longer   need to hide their true forms, as explained in one  of the lore tablets located in the King’s Pass.

In a time before the Pale King’s beacon, masks  were potentially a much more useful object,   which could explain why we see ancient masks  lying around the kingdom.

Perhaps the Mask   Maker was making masks long before the Pale  King arrived, and chose to continue making   masks because that’s all they know how to  do.

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Their swirling eyes might imply that   they are a little insane, driven to feverishly  make masks for the people of a dead kingdom.

So, to simplify things, the Pale King’s beacon  “redeems” the beastly “base instincts” of bugs.

However, bugs could also wear masks that  conceal their beastly nature and, in turn,   grant them an identity.

Both are methods that  turn the “faceless” into sentient beings.

How likely is this theory correct… ehh, I’m not  sure.

It’s still really weird that Mask Maker   is making masks for Hallownest when Hallownest  strictly doesn’t need them.

It’s also possible   that I’m misinterpreting the King’s Pass tablet  completely, or drawing a connection between that   and Mask Maker that wasn’t intended.

And again,  we don’t really see how masks grant identity   like all this applies.

Like I said, this  theory is still my preferred interpretation,   but I’m not going to act like it’s an airtight  explanation of the Mask Maker’s dialogue.

I really do think we just lack information to  pin down exactly what this maniac is on about.

Charms are ubiquitous in Hallownest, popping  up in all sorts of random locations.

And charms   can be created from a variety of different  circumstances.

Charms can be crafted by bugs   like the Soul Catcher and Mark of Pride, born  out of strong emotions like the Grubberfly’s   Elegy and the Spell Twister, or even created  naturally like the Spore Shroom and Deep Focus.

But charms can also form in another more morbid  way.

Salubra tells us that charms can be created   from the last wish of dying bugs.

Charms that  likely fit into this category include Dashmaster,   Fury of the Fallen and the Glowing Womb charm.

But the biggest actual mystery surrounding charms   is how they work.

They are created through various  random and tragic events, yet they all can slot   into these vague, weird, generic notches.

The best canonical explanation of anything   related to how charms are equipped comes from the  Wanderer’s Journal which mentions that equipping   and unequipping charms can be tricky, so you have  to be sitting down to do it.

Thanks to officially   licensed Hollow Knight vinyl records released by  Fangamer, we can actually see that charms have   these interfaces on their backside that allow them  to slot into charm notches.

But even though these   slots are discrete, with each charm connecting  to just one slot, a charm like Kingsoul still   requires 5 charm notches to actually equip.

It  doesn’t really make sense and even Team Cherry has   thrown up their hands on this one.

In an interview  with Edge Magazine, Ari Gibson explains that   charms, quote “had this vague sense of socketing  into the Knight’s shell in some sort of creepy   way”.

He makes it sound like this is some sort  of cyberpunk body augmentation.

Now I haven’t   played Cyberpunk 2077.

Although I have watched  its anime adaptation, Cyberpunk Edgerunners.

Everyone in the Hollow Knight community  generally agrees that grubs are hideous   creatures that deserve to be mashed up  into a fine, viscous paste.

But one thing   the community isn’t quite as sure on is most  of the lore surrounding the Grubs and reason   behind the capture.

“Why are all these  grubs trapped in jars?” I hear you moan.

High up in the Watcher’s Spire, just below where  the Dreamer Lurien the Watcher sleeps eternal,   we can find a couple of unassuming lore  tablets.

However, upon further inspection   we can see that these tablets actually  contain images of jars, similar to the   ones found scattered throughout Hallownest.

The  same jars containing dozens of helpless grubs.

We can find a stockpile of these jars east  of Lurien’s tower in a location called the   Tower of Love.

The original resident of  the Tower of Love can seemingly be found   in the Queen’s Garden, clutching the key to  unlock the tower’s door.

When Dream Nailed,   this Husk Dandy says “Too long… spent together…  We become as one”.

In addition to this,   we can also see Void seeping out of their corpse.

The source of this Void becomes clear when the   Knight unlocks the door to the Tower of Love.

Inside the Knight finds a maniacal Void being   known as the Collector, who is likely the  one responsible for capturing Grubs in jars.

From its Dream Nail dialogue, we can tell that  the Collector is obsessed with protection and   providing a safe space for its captives, so much  so that the Hall of Gods describes it as a god   of Protection.

Finally, hidden in a secret room of  the Tower of Love, is a strange diagram of a grub,   drawn in the style of the Vitruvian Man.

Now that we’ve laid out all the facts of   the matter, let’s dive into heavy speculation.

It seems Lurien tasked the Husk Dandy found in   the Queen’s Gardens with preserving the various  wildlife of Hallownest.

This might have been   in an effort to preserve these animals from the  Radiance’s infection, sort of like Noah’s Ark from   the Bible.

Or maybe Lurien just wanted there to  be a collection of these bugs somewhere within the   city, sort of like a zoo, like the one depicted  in the 2011 hit comedy film We Bought a Zoo.

Somehow the Collector came into the possession of  the Husk Dandy.

The Collector itself appears to   be created from a mould found in the White Palace  Workshop, the same mould used to create the Pale   King’s Kingsmould guards.

This implies that the  Collector is some kind of defective Kingsmould,   leading to speculation that the Collector somehow  escaped from the White Palace and was later found   by the Husk Dandy.

While it’s not impossible,  I have a slightly different explanation.

We know that Kingsmoulds likely roamed  areas outside of the White Palace, given   that the Nailsmith can be seen making a little  Kingsmould doll.

Perhaps it wasn’t uncommon to   see Kingsmoulds walking around the streets of the  city.

So, it’s possible that the Husk Dandy was   able to secure a Kingsmould of their own, either  through Lurien as part of the preservation effort,   or just through connections they  had with Hallownest’s high society.

But I think there was one problem with this whole  setup, that being that this little Husk Dandy was   a total freak.

I think this Husk Dandy was the  one who originally drew the Vitruvian Grub,   due to some sort of strange obsession with the  grub’s body and physiology.

But I think this   fascination also extended to other creatures as  well.

Perhaps the Husk Dandy was also curious to   see what their Kingsmould servant looked like  underneath all its heavy armor.

Maybe they   decided to completely strip it down so they could  observe this strange creature in its natural form.

Regardless of how the Husk Dandy ended up living  with a naked Kingsmould, this set the stage for   the two to “become as one”, with Void seeping  into the Husk Dandy’s body, and the Husk Dandy’s   fascination and obsession with preserving bugs,  and especially Grubs, seeping into the Collector.

These strange thoughts warped within the  Collector’s mind, transforming it into the   least insane Tumblr user you’ve ever seen.

In  the end, the dying Husk Dandy decided to lock   the Collector inside the Tower of Love, fleeing to  their final resting place in the Queen’s Gardens.

Connecting all this back to grubs, it’s hard  to tell if this obsession with grubs was really   warranted at all.

Is there really anything greater  to them? While it isn’t much, we do have a little   bit to go on here.

Note that the symbol placed on  the chest of the Vitruvian Grub lines up pretty   closely with this gem on the Grubberfly’s Elegy  charm.

The Grubberfly’s Elegy shows us what the   next stage of life looks like for a grub, and the  charm itself can imbue the Knight’s nail with a   “holy” strength.

So perhaps the original bug was  obsessed with some sort of hidden holy strength   contained within grubs.

This   mystery is pretty important to the core  story of Hollow Knight, and it can actually   be pretty confusing for new players.

How  exactly did the Knight and other vessels   escape the Abyss? Team Cherry was even asked  about this question to which William relied:  We’re not sure – we know that some of his  siblings managed to make it out of the Abyss,   but most of them did not.

Whether those  who made it out were somehow different,   or whether some of them were just lucky.

that might be something we examine later!  But is William actually telling the truth here?  Surely they have an answer to this question.

Hollow Knight lore kind of completely breaks if  they don’t.

Since Team Cherry is not going to   answer the question, I will share one theory that  has been floating around for a while.

Basically   there’s a portion of Deepnest that does seem  to be affected by the influence of the Void,   and not far from there is Nosk’s lair.

And this  is the one location of the game outside of the   Abyss where we see the most Vessel bodies.

This seems to imply that there might have   been a path out of the Abyss through Deepnest.

Another question that might arise from this is   why the Knight left Hallownest in the first  place.

We’re given no explanation for this   and it may be as simple as Vessels just kinda  wander around like that.

And although we don’t   know why the Knight left Hallownest, we do know  that the Knight was called back to Hallownest by   something.

It’s not confirmed what this was,  but it seems to be related to when the Hollow   Knight’s shell cracked in the cutscene shown at  the beginning of the game.

We also know that the   Knight is just one of multiple Vessels wandering  around during this time, as Hornet is actively   hunting Vessels down and destroying them to  keep them from trying to free the Hollow Knight.

So I wouldn’t be surprised to learn if other  Vessels also happened to have left Hallownest.

Lifeblood is a topic I have barely talked about  on this channel, and that’s because Lifeblood   barely has any influence over the overall  lore of Hollow Knight.

But we should take a   little bit of time to talk about Lifeblood because  Lifeblood is pretty weird.

Throughout Hallownest,   the Knight can find eight separate Lifeblood  cocoons.

Destroying these cocoons releases these   small creatures called Lifeseeds, which are filled  with Lifeblood.

Not far off from these cocoon are   butterfly shaped flowers.

And there are also  three Lifeblood related charms the Knight can   find.

The Lifeblood Core and the Lifeblood Heart  are both objects that can seep or bleed Lifeblood,   while Joni’s Blessing actually transfigures  the vital fluids of its wearer with Lifeblood.

Lifeblood is described as making the user  feel much healthier.

But despite this,   Salubra tells us that drinking Lifeblood  is a taboo, and the Blue Child Joni,   the character in possession of Joni’s  Blessing, is described as being a “heretic”.

We don’t know for sure why Lifeblood is considered  such a taboo, but we can figure a few things.

In   Joni’s Repose where we find Joni’s corpse, we  can see an explosion of Lifeblood butterflies   and vines covering the cavern, all seeming to  radiate from Joni’s corpse.

Given her charm,   it seems like Joni’s “vital fluids” had  been completely replaced with Lifeblood,   and upon her death, this Lifeblood spouted  out from her.

From there, these butterflies   and vines can then travel out and create more  Lifeblood cocoons for more bugs to drink from.

It seems Lifeblood’s powerful healing  properties are meant to entice a host to   consume it.

According to the Wanderer’s Journal,  Lifeblood vines are capable of producing fruit,   which in real life lore, have evolved to be  eaten by animals as a way to spread their   seed.

And upon that host’s death, this Lifeblood  can then spread itself out even further.

In fact,   there might already be a vast network of  Lifeblood vegetation spreading all across   Hallownest.

And I should also note that Joni  isn’t the only Lifeblood infused creature we see.

Deep under Hallownest, hidden away In the Abyss,  is a door that can only be unlocked by having   enough Lifeblood masks.

Behind this door is  a strange region that seems to exist both in   the real world and the dream realm, where  we can see a giant creature with glowing,   blue eyes lurking in the background.

This creature  can also be seen hiding in the Lifeblood room in   Godhome.

This being is referred to as the  Abyss Creature in the game files, and it   clearly has some kind of connection to Lifeblood.

I think it’s pretty safe to assume that the Abyss   Creature facilitates the appearance of Lifeblood  in Godhome, but I’m not entirely convinced that   this is the true source of all Lifeblood.

It  might be possible that this creature is similar   to Joni in that it just ingested Lifeblood to the  point where its “vital fluids” were completely   replaced and it can now spread Lifeblood  around through the Dream Realm.

But with   how little info we are given on Lifeblood,  we can’t say anything too conclusive here.

Out of all the Pale King’s Five Great Knights,  Isma is easily the most mysterious.

We probably   still know more about her than we do Dryya, but  nobody cares about Dryya and all my homies hate   Dryya.

Getting back to Isma, we know that she was  a kind person and that her and Dung Defender had   a very close relationship.

You can even hear  Dung Defender say Isma’s name in his sleep.

But we only catch small glimpses of what  she looked like during Hallownest’s prime,   and her corpse in the Royal Waterways seems to  have somehow fused with the plant life around   her.

We know that this location, known as Isma’s  Grove, is being protected by the Dung Defender,   and if we look at the Dung Defender’s  dialogue after consuming Isma’s Tear,   he seems to think that Isma is still alive.

And this might be true, in a sense.

Looking   at her corpse, it seems as though Isma is  the source of all the plant life around her,   almost like her body is a seed that has  taken up root in the ground.

This might   indicate that Isma didn’t die, but instead has  transitioned into the next stage of her life.

And it’s likely that the Dung Defender is  aware of this.

The sign he makes outside   her grove specifically mentions that  it is a grove.

If Isma is the source   of all the plant life around her, then Dung  Defender must have seen her in this state.

Strangely, Dung Defender mentions that Isma  willfully gave the Knight her blessing,   which is a little odd considering the blessing  in question was “Isma’s Tear” and it doesn’t seem   like Isma created it specifically for the Knight.

The Knight kinda just walked up and “consumed”   it.

It seems like the tear was just a fruit  growing out from her body, perhaps representing   her immense sadness in losing her time with Dung  Defender.

Did Isma really grow this just for us?  It’s possible, but maybe Dung Defender is  just in denial about Isma’s true state.

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Or   maybe deep down, Dung Defender knows that she  is gone, which could explain why he ponders if   the line of Hallownest’s Great Knights is going  to end with him.

Regardless, it does seem like   Isma could still be alive, even if it’s not  in quite the same way you or I are alive.

Here’s an interesting question that doesn’t get  asked a lot.

Why is Hornet named Hornet? It’s a   little bit odd considering Hornet is a spider and  spiders and hornets are not the same animal last   time I checked.

Hornet has had her name since her  reveal back in December 2014.

It’s a cool name,   but in game, there really isn’t any explanation  for it.

There is never any interaction between   Hornet and the Hive, and no one from Deepnest  ever speaks to the origin of Hornet’s name.

If we look outside the game, Ari Gibson did  give us an explanation in a Reddit AMA held   on r/gaming in August of 2017.

During this  AMA a user asked the following question:  “Was naming the bee queen “Vespa”,  as in “hornet”, intentional, and does   that have to do with Hive lore?” In response to this, Ari said:  Vespa to Hornet was intentional.

There was an  old concept here that may still apply: Hornet   was the ‘Child of Three Queens,’ one birthed,  one raised, one trained.

It is from the third   queen that Hornet took her name.

Whether that  notion still applies however, I can’t confirm,   though it was definitely the basis for the names.

So, the original concept for Hornet was that she   trained with Vespa when she was young, but even  Ari can’t confirm if this is still the case.

Or can he? In an interview with the magazine A  Profound Waste of Time held back in July 2020,   the question of Hornet’s name came up again.

Neither [Pellen] nor Gibson will divulge the   meaning behind Hornet’s name, though Gibson  states it does indeed have significance.

‘And   whether that ever is revealed, I’m not sure.

’ In this interview, it seems like Gibson states   that Hornet’s name does have significance although  now he doesn’t want to give any details.

Does this   mean that the backstory is accurate? Or did  Ari mean that name had significance outside   of the game? Unfortunately, none of this really  matters for canonically proving Hornet’s origins,   as Team Cherry themselves have stated that  their own statements relating to Hollow   Knight lore should not be considered canon.

William: We try not to … it’s a bit boring   sometimes but we try not to give  out too much information sometimes   that is not in the game.

Because a lot of people  spend, it’s really cool, coming up with theories   based on the info in the game.

And if  we start giving out info that is not   explicitly in the game, then you might start  contradicting people’s theories and stuff….

Ari: Yeah it colors all that stuff, you know.

William: …which is no fun.

It’s not a   nice thing to do for a creator to  come in after the fact and start…  Ari: Stomping around and denying people’s ideas.

William: Yeah, yeah.

What’s in the game is what’s   in the game.

And anything that we say  outside that is actually not canon.

Ari: Although obviously any additional Hollow  Knight content is canon.

So anything through   Godmaster or Grimm Troupe or Hornet… William: Or the comic and stuff.

Ari: Yeah.

Of course,   we’ll sometimes use Reddit AMA answers as if  they are canon, but only in a few instances like   confirming how the Hive was infected.

But those  are way more minor than the Daughter of Three   Queens stuff.

I occasionally see people treat this  origin story for Hornet as if it’s true, but keep   in mind that it isn’t officially confirmed  by any means, and the only in-game evidence   we have for it is that Hornet’s name is Hornet.

I should also mention that according to Ellina,   the Hive sealed itself off completely  from Hallownest, which seems to imply   they likely never even met Hornet, despite  the King’s Brand she guards being so close by.

Who the fuck is Dashmaster? There’s literally  only one statue commemorating the guy,   and it’s about 5 feet from a giant sewage  pipe.

We’re told that this Dashmaster was   an eccentric bug but not much else.

Also, people got really mad at me in   my last video for saying this guy wasn’t  a reference to the character Sans from   Undertale.

I’ll be completely honest with you.

This is a little embarrassing, but I’ve never   played Undertale.

Although I have watched its  anime adaptation Cyberpunk Edgerunners.

But I   guess they cut Sans from that for some reason.

We’re given quite a good amount of detail   surrounding the nature of the Pale King and the  Radiance.

And yet for being such an important   aspect of the story, the White Lady is a bit of  an enigma.

We know that part of her nature is a   desire to spread her seed and propagate across the  land.

But she decided to put bindings on herself   and trap herself in a cocoon-like chamber to  suppress this nature and hide herself from others.

We can actually see glimpses of what the  White Lady used to looked like before the   events of the game.

From the silhouette left  on the chair in the White Palace nursery room,   we can see that she was once quite a bit smaller.

We can also see other images of her in concept   art and early images, which might represent how  she looked during Hallownest’s reign.

But now,   her roots have grown out uncontrollably,  and she must do all she can to contain them.

I honestly don’t really have much else to say…  It’s just like, where did she come from? It   makes sense that a Wyrm could have slithered into  Hallownest, but where exactly did this big tree   momma come from? Pale Ore  Let’s talk about Pale Ore.

Pale Ore is icy cold  to the touch, and it has been confirmed by Team   Cherry that it is connected to the Pale Beings,  which either refers to creatures like the Pale   King and White Lady, or Redditors.

But what  exactly is Pale Ore and what does it do? Let’s   compare how Pale Ore changes the Knight’s Old Nail  into its final form, Pure Nail.

The Pure Nail has   patterns running across it similar to those seen  on the Ancient Mask, Soul Vessels, as well as the   Hollow Knight’s nail as shown in the Embrace  the Void endings and the various nail attacks   used by the Pure Vessel.

What’s interesting  here is that the Pure Vessel can literally   create these solid nails that have the same  pattern as the Pure Nail using nothing but Soul.

So perhaps Pale Ore itself contains some form of  Soul, itself a substance with strong connection to   Pale Beings.

I should point out that the Pure  Nail isn’t just a regular nail forged to be   stronger.

More specifically, the addition of Pale  Ore somehow causes the nail to reveal its true,   ancient form.

So, even if Pale Ore isn’t strictly  some kind of solidified concentration of soul,   it certainly has some kind of magical  effect on the Nail itself.

However,   the actual location of Pale Ore throughout the  game makes this Soul connection a bit strained.

Of the Pale Ore that aren’t rewarded by random  NPCs, they just kinda show up in random rocks   or eggs or whatever they are and in the Radiance’s  statue.

The Radiance statue maybe makes some sense   as some kind of offering or ritual, but  these random deposits are a bit more odd.

Perhaps these are the remnants of ancient  Pale Beings from a time before Hallowenst.

This mystery isn’t particularly big or  important, but it’s somewhat cryptic   in the game itself.

Throughout Hallownest  are three Nailmaster brothers named Sheo,   Oro and Mato.

Despite clearly the best among  the three, Sheo eventually put down his nail to   become an artist, leaving Oro and Mato to carry  on the craft taught to them by Nailsage Sly.

However, at some point, Oro and Mato had a  falling out, and now live on opposite sides   of the kingdom.

Mato is awaiting something  that Oro owes him, while Oro will not be   delivering on this anytime soon.

We are also  told by Sheo that Oro is haunted by something.

“What could this be?” I hear you quiver.

First off, Oro is likely the worst Nailmaster of   the trio.

We have one brief line from Sly where he  says that Oro holds his nail like a club.

Later,   upon learning that the Knight received  Nailmaster’s Glory, Oro even mentions that   he doesn’t begrudge that the Knight won Sly’s  approval and even feels that he is redeemed   in helping the Knight along in its journey.

To  me, this further indicates that Sly was never   impressed with Oro’s skill as a Nailmaster.

During the fight in Godhome, Oro has Dream   Nail dialogue indicating that he wants to prove  himself.

Oro is also the only brother to have   a training dummy outside his hut, perhaps  indicating that he feels he lacks training.

This is reflected by the Dream Nail dialogue of  the dummy, which reads “Stronger… Brothers…” I   think this shows that Oro views his brothers as  being stronger than him, and maybe even dresses   the dummy as his brothers to remind him of this.

Another contrast we can see between the brothers   is how their huts are furnished.

Mato has  his hut covered in the skulls of beasts   he has likely fallen, whereas Oro’s  hut is full of random objects from   the city and fancy drapes.

Oro is also the only  Nailmaster who charges Geo to train the Knight,   and he even scoffs at the idea that Mato fights  for loyalty and honor.

In contrast, Mato gets   overly attached to the Knight, as according to  Sheo, Mato’s greatest desire is to be a teacher.

This all leads to a strained  relationship between Oro and Mato.

Mato clearly takes pride in being trained in  the nail and wants to share that with others,   while Oro lacks confidence in his abilities.

He  instead trains alone because he wants to prove   himself.

He likely charges money as a way to keep  distance from others, and avoid building strong   connections.

We know that Oro hides his true  feelings often due to how he reacts to the Knight   giving him a flower.

He acts all pissed off, but  ultimately ends up placing this flower in a vase.

But what does Oro owe Mato exactly? I think the  most logical answers are that Mato either wants   to duel Oro in a friendly competition, Mato wants  to train Oro, or Mato wants Oro to fight alongside   him.

Whatever it is, Mato wants companionship.

This would explain Mato’s Dream Nail dialogue   in the Godmaster fight, stating “Brothers always  fight together!” and “Don’t leave me behind!”.

This is the only thing Mato is portrayed  as wanting, and Oro is the only brother   who still wields a nail.

I don’t think anything  else would really matter to Mato.

But due to his   lack of confidence in his own skills, or his  desire to prove himself, Oro refuses to give   Mato that companionship.

However, deep  down, Oro also seeks that companionship,   he just fails to openly show it.

Although  Oro and Mato never make up in Hallownest,   it’s nice to think that they were able to share  the battlefield at least once as brothers.

Everyone in the Hollow Knight community generally  agrees that Sly is a geo-pilled chad of a   character that deserves to be remembered alongside  the greatest characters in all of fiction.

But one   thing the community isn’t so sure about is the  identity of Esmy, a mysterious character that is   only mentioned once, and never seen in-game.

The  only dialogue we get is from our first encounter   with Sly while he’s fighting off the infection  where he says “ .


how much deeper do   we have to go…”.

William Pellen was asked about  Esmy in a Reddit AMA and he responded that she is   someone that still lingers in Sly’s dreams.

So,  not a lot to go on here.

From Sly’s dialogue,   it seems Esmy was pushing Sly to travel into  some sort of dangerous area.

The only possible   clue we have is the Shopkeeper’s Key, located in  the Crystal Peak, not far away from Dirtmouth.

Perhaps Sly and Esmy were exploring this area  when they were separated somehow.

When we give   Sly the Shopkeeper’s Key, he even guesses that  the key was in the mines, so it’s likely that   Sly was in that region at some point.

It’s worth pointing out that a lot of   characters in Hollow Knight have mysterious dead  lovers.

Cloth mentions a character named Nola   that also died at some point.

In fact, it’s  even implied that Cloth wanted to be killed   in Hallownest so that she could be reunited with  Nola in death.

Which… is a very overlooked aspect   of this character and probably one of the saddest  storylines in the game outside of the main quest.

Elderbug also has vague dialogue about a lost  lover, whose grave he visits on occasion.

This would also be incredibly sad if  Elderbug was actually a good character.

One of the biggest mysteries left in Hallownest  has to be this strange trilobite statue in   Deepnest.

In the game files, the art in  this area is referred to as a shrine.

It   is protected by a seal of binding and connected  to several pipes that hold it up off the ground,   with a mouth located at the bottom.

Finally, we  have concept art of the shrine from Ari Gibson’s   sketchbook.

The design is basically the same,  except we can see some kind of substance coming   out of the mouth of the shrine.

This appears  to be some type of fluid or possibly even silk.

Between the pipes and the mouth, I do believe  that this shrine is a container for something,   perhaps even some kind of creature.

Just above  the face of the shrine we can see what appears   to be some type of crown, which could imply  that this shrine houses Deepnest’s King.

The King of Deepnest is mentioned only once in the  entire game in a lore tablet located in the Fungal   Wastes.

He is described as Deepnest’s “dead sire”  and that he was of “honored caste”.

They contrast   this to Deepnest’s Queen, Herrah, who they  describe as a “broke ass bitch”.

From this,   we can assume that Deepnest’s king was some  kind of powerful or important creature.

But according to this tablet, the king is  dead.

Now, that doesn’t mean the King can’t   still be inside this shrine.

Perhaps the king  passed away while in this device, or maybe he’s   still alive in some sense, but the mushroom  people just aren’t aware of this.

Regardless,   if the king was placed in this thingamabob, I  think it must have happened while he was still   alive, given the pipes and mouth.

While this is a very big mystery,   this is one that I am very confident  will be expanded upon in Hollow Knight:   Silksong.

When asked explicitly about Deepnest’s  King in a Reddit AMA, Ari Gibson replied:  …further elements of Deepnest’s  past will be illuminated in future,   but we can’t say anything specific for now.

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So, this means that an answer to this question   should be waiting just around the corner… right? Long before the Pale King’s rule, an ancient   civilization existed in the land of Hallownest.

There are several remnants of this civilization   that can be found in-game.

Large corpses in  various locations throughout Hallownest might   be former members of this ancient caste, although  it’s tough to find any direct confirmation of any   of this.

But they aren’t the only thing we  have to work with.

Arcane Eggs, Soul Totems,   and potentially Ancient Masks and Soul Vessels  are all evidence of this civilization’s existence.

These objects seemed to be of no use to  the bugs of the Pale King’s Hallownest.

The majority of Hallownest’s bugs likely  didn’t partake in the manipulation of Soul,   so there was no use for objects such as  Soul Vessels and Soul Totems.

These bugs   also used stone tablets and parchment to store  information instead of Arcane Eggs.

Despite this,   it’s interesting to note that the Pale King did  craft some Soul Totems within his White Palace.

And these egg shaped tablets we see throughout  the kingdom might be the Pale King’s own version   of Arcane Eggs, as Lemm explains that eggs are  a great way to store information.


Although these are pretty massive eggs for  just a few sentences.

That’s like storing   a “read me” txt file in one of these.

There’s also some weird patterns within   the Ancient Civilization.

Lemm mentions that  other scholars have speculated that Arcane   Eggs contain some sort of will within them.

Elderbug talks about how the rocks that form   the roads and structures in the Ancient  Basin seemed to have a will of their own.

And then there’s the Quick Slash charm, which  was formed by the fusion of a bunch of discarded,   imperfect nails created by the Ancient Nailsmith.

As the charm explicitly states, these nails   long to be wielded.

So, it seems like inanimate  objects from this time period are more likely to   possess living traits such as wills and desires.

But the most interesting relic from the Ancient   Civilization is the Void Idol.

As Lemm explains: Inspired or mad, those ancient bugs.

They devoted   their worship to no lord, or power, or  strength, but to the very darkness itself.

Lemm doesn’t give us a good explanation  for why these bugs worshiped the Void,   but if we look in the Abyss, we might be able  to see direct evidence of these strange bugs   interacting with the Void.

In this room east of  the Abyss Lighthouse, we see some sort of desk.

Next to it is a strange relief in the wall, which  is described as “an imprint of Abyss given form.

”   This may be a stretch, but I think this  was a place where these Void worshippers   would “give form” to the Void, creating the  Void tendrils we find in the Abyss lake.

So,   basically a more crude form of the molds we see  in the White Palace workshop.

Alternatively,   the Void Tendrils might have existed before the  Ancient Civilization, and this room is where   they studied the Tendrils.

Aside from that room,  there is also the Shade Beast, who holds a bowl   that pours out a never ending stream of Void,  which was perhaps used in some sort of ritual.

We can infer from the Mask Maker that this Ancient  Civilization fell to ruin as a result of trying   to lay claim to all of Hallownest.

So perhaps  this worship of the Void stemmed from a desire   to expand their lands.

This obviously didn’t work  out for them.

Perhaps, they even ran into our old   pal Radiance, which would explain why she calls  the Void her “Ancient Enemy”.

The last strange   structure we find in the Abyss shows a bunch  of soyjak faces screaming out above an altar,   with the Dream Nail dialogue.


Our voices…  will cry out… again…” Perhaps this was the last   desperate cry of the Ancient Civilization as their  kingdom collapsed and disappeared into obscurity.

Although maybe this cry is actually true.

Allow me   to speculate.

In the Godmaster endings to the  game, we are introduced to this strange Void   creature, who doesn’t have a formal name but is  sometimes referred to as the Void Given Focus,   or the Void Entity.

We don’t  really know what this thing is,   but there is debate that it might be a more  evolved or powerful version of the Knight,   given how the Godseeker speaks to the Knight  in Godseeker Mode and the fact that it replaces   the Knight statue in the Hall of Gods.

But I think this being might actually be   more directly tied to the Ancient Civilization.

In  the first cutscene introducing this new character,   we can see that it acts distinctly from the  Knight, the Hollow Knight and the rest of   Vessels.

While I think the Knight does become  part of the Void Entity at the end of the game,   I think this creature existed before the Vessels  were even created, and has been lying dormant   somewhere in the Abyss, only called back now by  the Focus given to it by the Godseekers’ ritual.

And it seems like the game really wants us to  connect what the Godseekers did in Godhome with   what that Ancient Civilization did with Void  in the past.

Hence why we unlock Void Idol   descriptions from looking at the Void Entity  statue.

But if the Ancient Civilization really   worshiped a creature like this, what exactly  was it that caused their kingdom to collapse?  It’s established that one power Wyrms like the  Pale King possess is “foresight”.

This ability   is mentioned once by Bardoon, and twice by  the mushrooms of the Fungal Wastes.

But as   we all know, despite this prescience, the Pale  King’s kingdom still collapsed into ruin.

“But   how prescient is the Pale King really?”  I hear you ask in a normal tone of voice.

The way I like to think about this problem  is in regards to time.

The Pale King was   specifically trying to create a kingdom that  would last forever: an eternal kingdom.

The   Radiance is described in a lot of dialogue  as being nature, or something unavoidable.

This is what the dead mushroom points out  in its Dream Nail dialogue.

Nature will   come to destroy the Pale King’s civilization  eventually as kingdoms can’t last forever.

The Pale King’s only solution to this is to  just stop Time, as explained in the White   Palace workshop lore tablet.

So yes, the Pale  King was able to foresee an unavoidable demise,   but his solution was to delay it inevitably.

This idea of fighting your inescapable fate   is a storytelling trope seen all throughout  literature.

The most prominent and well known   example is from the television series The Amazing  World of Gumball.

In the episode The Oracle,   Gumball finds paintings produced by Banana Barbara  that appear to predict future events, with one of   them depicting Gumball completely naked surrounded  by a huge crowd at the mall.

In response to this,   Gumball tries everything within his power to stop  this from happening, but through his actions, he   inadvertently causes himself to end up completely  naked surrounded by a huge crowd at the mall.

The same thing pretty much  happened to the Pale King.

Mister Mushroom is a wandering  mushroom man who somehow winds up   in Hallownest.

You can only understand him  if you’re wearing the Spore Shroom charm,   but even then his dialogue implies that  he is talking to someone you can’t see.

Out of all his dialogues like this, the only  ones we are confident on are his first and third,   where he seems to be talking to the main  characters from two of Team Cherry’s other   games: Hungry Knight and Tomb Cat.

But outside of what I talked about   in my Mister Mushroom lore video, there really  hasn’t been anything conclusive to say about the   majority of Mister Mushroom’s wacky dialogue.

My guess is that Mister Mushroom is talking to   characters from future Team Cherry projects,  or even just ideas they have for games that   they’re never actually going to make.

You can tell  from interviews that William and Ari have tons   of ideas for games that they want to make and  it’s something that they think about a lot.

Game development is long, right? Especially games  like this, big games.

You spend two years on it.

We’ve thought up ten years of games that we would  love to make in one year of game development.

But as to specific explanations for what any of  Mister Mushroom’s dialogue is referring to… He   does use the word determination at one point.

Now if you’re a fan of the channel, you know I   absolutely love Undertale.

It’s an amazing game,  filled with all sorts of wonderful characters.

In   fact, I’m so good at the game, I almost beat Sans.

Anyway, determination is actually a very important   aspect of Undertale’s main story, as it shows up  a couple times.

So I think I speak for everyone   when I say this can’t be a coincidence.

And of course, because Mister Mushroom   is connected to all of these other Team Cherry  properties in the Team Cherry Cinematic Universe,   they have to give him a post credits  scene to tease his next adventure.

The Masters are yet another group that  will hopefully be expanded up in Silksong,   but as of right now, very little is known about  them.

They are a group of beings mentioned only   by Confessor Jiji and Steel Soul Jinn.

When the  Knight receives the Void Heart, Jiji mentions that   her Masters would be impressed with how the Knight  seems to have come to terms with its regrets.

Once the Knight is marked with the King’s Brand,  Steel Soul Jinn mentions that she cannot bow to   the Knight, as her masters’ minds are other, and  do not seek order.

And once the Knight receives   the Void Heart, Jinn also comments that the  Knight has become complete like her Masters.

From what little we know about Silksong, it  seems there are more Steel Soul creatures   who are looking to assassinate Hornet.

Whoever these Masters are, it seems as   though they are interested in Void creatures  like the Knight, which might explain why Jiji   and Jinn were assigned to offer services,  while others were ordered to kill Hornet.

From the dialogue we get from Jiji and Jinn,  it might turn out that the Masters themselves   are Void creatures.

But instead of just crazy  unhinged maniacs like the Collector, or brainless   golems like the Kingsmoulds, these Masters are  actually intelligent and capable of scheming,   with their end goal in mind appearing to be not  order, but something else entirely: Like disorder.

The Delicate Flower comes from a far off,  “serene” land, carried by the Grey Mourner,   a character who herself looks like some sort of  wilted flower.

Once the flower starts growing   in the Queen’s Garden, it is described in the  menu as glowing with a pale light.

The White   Lady recognizes it as distinct from herself and  Hallownest.

She mentions that a rare power exists   inside these fragile petals, and refuses to accept  it, telling the Knight that only someone with no   knowledge of its power would hold it so close.

This flower can be given to the Godseeker, who   ponders that it might be a “splinter, cast-off or  refuse from something greater” before ultimately   saying that she can’t sense any godliness within  it.

However, if the Godseeker is holding the   flower during the Embrace the Void ending, we see  that the flower does something to the Void and the   Godseeker, seemingly leaving nothing but a small  black blotch on the corner of one of the petals.

There isn’t any solid theory on what happens here.

It might be that the Void and the Godseeker were   banished to some part of the dream realm, similar  to how the White Palace was teleported away.

Or   maybe they were teleported back to where the  flower came from, or maybe they’re just gone.

So despite being described as producing a pale  light, both White Lady denies a connection to   this flower, and the Godseeker can’t detect any  Godliness within it.

If that flower shares some   kind of pale property with the White Lady, Pale  King and Pale Ore, this seems to inform us that   just because something is “Pale” doesn’t mean it’s  godly.

Is this “pale” property related to Soul,   or some other force? As of right now, I’m honestly  not sure.

But one thing I do know, if this flower   really can just pop creatures completely out  of existence, I’m glad I gave one to Elderbug.

The Godmaster update added two additional endings  to Hollow Knight back in 2018.

And unlike the base   ending which all were fairly conclusive, these two  endings left the story on a major cliffhanger.

The   Knight and the rest of the siblings have  seemingly been consumed into this new,   strange Void Entity.

The Radiance’s infection has  been erased from Hallownest.

And the Hollow Knight   is now free from its prison inside the Black  Egg Temple.

And that’s where the game leaves us.

On top of that we have no idea how or even  if Team Cherry is going to follow up on these   endings.

We still don’t know for sure how the  events of Hollow Knight and Silksong line up   on any sort of timeline.

If Silksong takes place  after, is the game gonna give us a flashback to   this event? If it takes place before, are they  going to do a time skip? Or are they going to do   something completely different and just explain  it in one off comic or another anime adaptation?  In a Reddit AMA, Ari Gibson did  say the following in regards to   Hollow Knight’s multiple base endings.

All endings are equally canon.

We’re not   into ‘True Endings.

‘ You choose the path  yourself.

We’ll do our best in all future   Hollow Knight content to account for all of them.

Now keep in mind this post was made 5 years ago,   before the new endings were released, so it’s  possible that Team Cherry changed their mind   on this.

That said, I don’t think they have.

This seems like something Team Cherry wouldn’t   change their minds on.

And if they really  do have a way to keep all this stuff canon   and pay off everything, I am very excited  to eventually one day have to explain it.

And finally, I think it’s time we talk  about the single biggest mystery that   has loomed over the Hollow Knight community  since February 24th, 2017.

It’s a question   that has eluded some of the greatest minds  of our generation.

The smartest men, women   and children have tried for years to solve this  mystery, and they have all died in the process.

Who the fuck is Sprintmaster!?