Theories for us to craft but if you’re itching for Nuzelda beloved and acclaimed games of all time and with how many floating shapes

23.01.2023 0 By admin

theories for us to craft but if you’re itching for Nuzelda beloved and acclaimed games of all time and with how many floating shapes.

A lot of
people think those are the

back and watch the existing
trailers over and over again

was malice spewing out of Death
Mountain? And perhaps most

importantly, did you notice the
amber relics that may actually

be titchular tears of the
kingdom? At one point in the

for a new trailer or a Nintendo
Direct, it’s hard to not go

Dungeons can be completed as
certain characters or maybe

character-specific traits and
abilities like how certain

with Tears of the Kingdom, it’s
got me so excited for Classic

to control her. I think there’s
a lot of really cool ways that

a more old-school design
philosophy could play into

Dungeon design is going to be
more or less similar but I’m

Don’t forget to like the video.
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like Zelda is going to play a
much more active part in the

confident in its quality.
Nintendo just knows how high

the stakes are for a sequel
especially to one of the most

something of this size without
working on it for a long time

really compared to the classic
Zelda games, Breath of the Wild

that. The Divine Beast were
also a massive part of Breath

that just about everyone can
agree upon it was the enemy

be the new form of shrines, we
will have to wait and see but

school direction. We know that
are likely not going to be a

more of an old-school approach.
Classic Zelda games had a

the last game Zelda Breath of
the Wild was criticized a bit

learning how different items
interact with each other. I

previous Zelda games in general
I’m really hoping a number of

of Breath of the Wild which
means a much larger map and

but I see no reason why the
sequel shouldn’t expand upon

different strategies to take
down. The simplistic enemy

variety of Breath of the Wild
was likely done to keep the

and the Witcher three showed
just how amazing an open world

experience the sequel would
greatly benefit from giving us

variety hostile in PCs were
rather repetitive in the last

I’m also really hoping enemy
variety is improved upon with

don’t expect tears of the
kingdom to be more of a

of other Zelda games we
released over the last few

moment-to-moment game play like
previous games in the series

more linear in an attempt to
focus more on the story in

know a lot of gamers are tired
of open world games with

exploration and rewards us for
being involved with the map and

frustrating to have your
momentum just shut down by a

crafting system especially if
the degradation system is

sword breaking for the tenth
time but on the topic of weapon

for its weapon degradation
system and while I know that

degradation. I’m really hoping
we get some kind of weapon

features are either improved
upon or just introduced from

being big and that aren’t able
to remain engaging from moment

the Wild prove that an open
world Zelda could be amazing,

to moment just because there’s
too much space and not enough

like Far Cry Four. Games that
seem big just for the sake of

your notifications turned on
and until next this has been

month or two. But yeah guys
that is going to wrap it up

Hopefully we get to see a
Nintendo Direct within the next

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But only time will tell if we
will have the same kind of

I’m super excited and I cannot
wait to see more of it.

going to be. This will likely
be 20 23’s game of the year.

being arguably one of the best
in the franchise thanks to the

Nintendo absolutely needs to
make this game bigger and

filler. When you’re crafting an
open world game, it could be

isn’t a cyber punk situation
which I don’t think it’s

Breath of the Wild sequel
without being absolutely

and I seriously doubt that
they’re going to put out a

Wild, you’re naturally going to
want something bigger and

traditional Zelda game instead
expected to be a true evolution

someone looking to play a
follow up to Breath of the

material, just go back and
watch the trailers and pause

seven sages. It leaves a lot of
question unanswered and

trailer, we see them being
surrounded by seven strange

their next one and there are
ton of little details from the

challenges and dungeons. While
we patiently sit back and wait

in the trailers to kind of hold
people over while they work on

incorporate all the things
unique about her into the

years like Links Awakening and
the recent release of Skyward

game and that kind of gameplay
loop is what people expect from

some people have suggested that
the sequel may end up being

the Switch, there are a number
of options but if you’re

never been a true open world
franchise and while Breath of

this adventure this time
around. I’m hoping that also

hoping we get to play as Zelda.
The early trailers made it seem

challenges but Zelda seemingly
having a more active role in

the game world that we’ve seen.
Granted the Sky Islands could

part of the experience because
they’re not present on any of

and since there is going to be
a sequel, I would imagine the

really neat gameplay philosophy
especially with the Dungeons

floating islands so while the
exact world size is unknown,

design but I’m really hoping
the Tears of the Kingdom takes

was nearly a perfect
modernization of old-school

game could be when the enemies
are varied and required

exciting gameplay, amazing
story, and much lower amount of

gameplay more addicting and the
story more spotlighted. A

better. There’s been so many
franchise that decided to take

the over exposure issue and
really enhance the experience.

Breath of the Wild because if
there is just one criticism

kind of real weapon crafting
system that encourage

Sword is truly broken, we would
want to repair it, right? Which

going to be kept roughly the
same as before. If the Master

simply, you can’t evolve upon
Breath of the Wild without

even deeper mechanics speaking
of Breath of the Wild and

making it bigger and better and
I think Nintendo knows that so

going bigger and better, I’m
the map design to be at least

wanted to expand and make a
better Skyward Sword. With

mechanics are going to be
returning. It seems like Tears

think about and analyze.
Overall, Tears of the Kingdom

PS five giveaway. The details
are in the pinned comment.

looks absolutely amazing.
Nintendo rarely puts out

the opposite direction. Breath
of the Wild was an incredible

Sword HD. If people want a
non-open world Zelda game on

but personally, I think Tears
of the Kingdom need to go in

one dungeon floating in the
sky? Did you notice that there

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to assume that the sequel is
going to be even bigger. The

them every few seconds because
you will find something new to

about. For example, did you
notice that there was at least

September 2022 trailer that a
lot of people aren’t talking

going to be even bigger poth
even double the size. Thanks to

confirmation that a number of
Skyward Sword traversal

was with some saying it was as
big as 31 square miles but no

means that we get to play as
her in that way Nintendo could

interesting stuff to fill it
with. The Legend of Zelda has

but why not in is known for
hiding tons of little details

bigger and grander, then the
Legend of Zelda Breath of the

you end up getting games like
the new Saints Row or something

story than the previous game
and hopefully that means we get

Dungeons to return. Now, in
addition to that, I’m really

Lincoln Zelda have to work
together to complete certain

dungeons and now that we’re
going to be going underground

able to do that. Breath of the
Wild is a result of what we

Breath of the Wild’s world and
how it compared to Skyward

the inclusion of the floating
islands. There are actually

conflicting estimates on just
how big Breath of the Wild map

incredible. These elder
director was once asked about

the Wild’s world design which
explains the use of the

Sword to which they responded.
I actually really wanted to

of the Kingdom is going to be a
further escalation of Breath of

interviews seem to imply that
the game size is going to be

of the Wild as well as the
shrines and while they weren’t

either way, I really hope we
get to see a return of classic

really hoping that changes are
going to be made in a more old

gameplay streamlined and more
about exploration the combat

this would be a great
opportunity to introduce some

a wider variety of creatures to
fight. Games like Elden Ring

game and even though it wasn’t
a huge detriment to the

crafting systems but I think if
done well, Nintendo could beat

better that expands upon all of
that game’s mechanics. Put

was a part of the developer’s
vision it did get a bit

matter who you ask, it was a
really big game and it’s safe

team hasn’t even given us any
exact numbers but some of the

to tall areas and using that as
a vantage point to discover the

popular example of this is
Grand Theft Auto 4 which was a

Open World similar to how the
game play Loop of Breath of the

from the trailer it’s confirmed
that a number of the enemies

be a little strange for Azelda
game but I’m here for it now

a direct sequel. On top of
that, there have been a number

much simpler game than it’s
predecessor but that led to it

hard to fill the space between
important areas and that’s how

the art style is coming back
and the story is going to pick

of inside sources are claiming
that tears of the kingdom is

all. The trailer showcase that
once again we will be climbing

it’s extremely unlikely that
the game gets delayed again so

are going to return likely
thanks to the world being

a more streamlined approach to
sequels in order to make the

big is the open world going to
be. Zelda Breath of the Wild

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Wild was but once we get on top
of those Sky Islands just how

I’m sure it will be so being a
direct sequel to Breath of the

Wild and since the modern
gaming industry is all about

Tears of the Kingdom is almost
certainly going to be much

40 square miles possibly even
more. Personally, I think

announced in 2019 and obviously
needed a ton of extra time

six years and delayed a number
of times it was originally

dramatically but the wait is
finally coming to an end and

less be required reading before
you start this one which will

Think that it’s really
unfortunate that we weren’t

explore the space that
connected those areas and I

but after Breath of the Wild
was such a roaring success the

had a game world approximately
23. 5 square miles but a number

titles which makes total sense.
It is a direct sequel after

the time we get tears of the
kingdom it’ll have been roughly

shared and as a way to kind of
create synergy between the two

Wild a number of things are
naturally going to carry over

up where things left off so
Breath of the Wild will more or

new use for a bunch of scrap
DLC ideas for Breath of the

didn’t start as a direct sequel
at all which I tend to believe

hopefully it all ends up being
worth the time we waited and

Nintendo is only a handful of
sequels so I’m totally willing

the corner with everyday that
passes it’s only getting bigger

000 subscribers to celebrate it
all of the details will be

but the rest is kind of history
with Tears of the right around

Tears of the Kingdom has been
in the works since 2017 and the

Wild came out and it was just
going to be another Zelda game

games concept was reportedly
born from an effort to find a

though there are a bunch of
teasers and hints that are

currently present in Breath of
the Wild that directly tie into

decision was likely made to tie
the two games together even

the story that we will likely
get for tears of the kingdom by

especially after the world shut
down and work slowed down

desperately needed to happen
after the failure of the Wiiu

Zelda game in years and it more
than lived up to expectations

Wild which eventually turned
into a direct sequel granted

there are number of sources
that actually claim the game

to believe that the game
started out after Breath of the

later on in the video according
to the official sources Zelda

finally releasing its
long-awaited direct sequel in

and better also real quick as
I’m giving away a PS5 for 100,

Alright, guys. Wes here.
Welcome back to the channel.

Today, we’re going to be
discussing how large the open

just a few months. Breath of
the Wild was the first mainline

world of Tears of the Kingdom
will actually be. As you know,

becoming one of the
best-selling and best reviewed

games of all time and
skyrocketing the Nintendo

Switch into the mainstream
success which Nintendo

Breath of the Wild is over five
years old and Nintendo is

Wes and I will talk to you guys
in the next video.