Arin is faced with the Japanese quiz of a lifetime

01.03.2023 0 By admin

Hey, I’m Grump! I’m not so Grump! And we’re the Game Grumps! Hello, and welcome to I can’t understand the- It’s Aozora no Takami Tachi Umenobuken.

What is this? It’s a game.

So it is, Arin.

For the Game Boy Advanced console.

What made you want to play this? It has a funny, silly elephant character, and he jumps around, and he sucks up little creatures, and he throws them, and they turn into fairies.

Is he invisible? He’s a doctor.

Or is he sky blue and cloud colored? He’s the color of the sky, and also the clouds.


He’s not invisible.

As you can see, you can’t see through his feet.

You’re right.

I’m sorry.

He’s got little animal friends, a bunny, a ferret, owls.

These animals are adorable.

He’s got two bird friends and a frog.

That looks like a frog.

If I saw a frog standing on the head of an owl, I would lose my goddamn mind.

It would be awesome, right? It would be the sickest.

It would be really exciting.

It would be the tastiest.

I was just making sure that you said the GD word after the one minute mark.

Ha ha.

What? Goddamn? They’re all having a picture, a picnic, and we’re looking at a picture of their picnic.

Do you want me to translate this with the app, or- No, no, no.

It’s fine.

Oh, hypnotize the old monkey man.

It’s like, what are you doing? This is no time for a picnic.

I swallowed a question mark and it went to my tail.

Can you help YN sign on this little sheet of paper? We should- this feels plot heavy, Arin.

We should be understanding this.

It’s not plot.

Wait, oh, the silly elephant game with the cloud body is plot heavy? Listen, I work damn hard on my cloud body and I’ll thank you to respect those who exercise and get themselves into cloud shape.

I’m always trying to get myself into cloud shape, dude.

That’s the whole thing behind this- Just a soft and fluffy man.

Yeah, it’s this boxing journey I’ve been on, man.

Just gotta get into cloud shape so when the people punch me, it just goes right through like it would with a cloud.

That’s quite a journey.

I worked really hard and then I got punched in the face.

Yeah, the end.

It sounds like the journey of life.

Look at this.

Look- aw.

She’s- wake up! He’s dead! It’s like the- both her tiny grandparents are like, kill us! Leave it be for the animals to eat its rotting bones.

Please, that’ll feed the village for a week.

Oh, it’s awake.

Okay, I mean, hello! So good to see you alive again! Wiggly ass drunk.

Do you think they’re dating? What if that was just a face leg? A face leg.

Yeah, and he’s just like kicking around like, aw shucks.

It’s hard to balance for this creature.

All the legs are in a row.

Beating the ground to the sound of your wiggly leg.

Man, there is a lot of plot, eh? Yeah, yeah, Arin.

It’s okay, the game doesn’t have plot.

It’s just, you just jump around- Have you played this before? I’ve seen videos.

It’s okay.

I looked up videos of games that we should play on Game Grumps and this was one of them.

He looks a lot like Max Rebo, doesn’t he? Dude, I- you know what? I love him.

I can’t believe it took you three and a half minutes to get to that.

Yeah, well, something about this angle made me- and granted, Max Rebo is pretty much a blue elephant.


Actually he’s a squat blue ortholin.

Are you part of the Max Rebo clan where it’s his feet? Or are you part of the Max Rebo- No, no.

I want those to be his arms.

Okay, and then he’s got other feet.



For God’s sake, what are we- why are we messing with perfect things? Well, I mean, if he was a little creature with feet for hands, that’d be hilarious.

It’d be very weird.

He was made to play the keyboard.

Oh my God, there’s so much dialogue! Even the elephant’s like, listen, I gotta get bored.

Yeah, I gotta jump around.


Create fairies.

Alright, here we go.



Look at this.

This is the most adorable game I’ve ever played.

Is it? Because you haven’t played it yet.

Oh my God! Just five more things.

Don’t forget! There is something kind of interesting about like the mystery of not knowing.


It’s your girlfriend reminding you to pick up the cherries when you go to the grocery store.

I can’t live without my cherries.

Or like there’s some like weird- it’s like the plot is horrible, but we’ll just never know.

Save the Nazis.

What? Oh! No! There’s a rat blocking your way to those sweet, wonderful Nazis.

You’re gonna die! Press B to not die.


I’m sucking the rat up.

Oh, really? Nice.

Oh, what is it? What am I looking at right now? Umai.



Why are you sucking him up? So now I can shoot it back out to another rat and then it turns into a fairy.

I wasn’t lying.

You weren’t lying.


You know what? I didn’t know quite what to make of that when you first said it.

Now it makes sense.


You suck up animals.

Only to shoot them at other animals and turn them into celestial beings.

Look at these fucking combos I’m doing, dude.

Yeah, yeah.

This game is really something else.

All you can do- can I jump? Oh, yeah.

You can press the A button to jam-poo.

Whoa! Whoa, dude! I can’t fucking- Can you suck up the apples to shoot at? I don’t think so.


Oh, my! You just killed that fucking bird! Yeah.

He’s dead! Bye.

Yeah, I didn’t- somehow I didn’t think, like, the goal of this game would be to eliminate all the animals of the forest.

Give me the fucking rat.

That pyramid of apples is very pleasing.


Oh, no.

It’s a thing.

I don’t know what to do with this.

What’s in the can, tuna? You’ll never know! I love bumblebee bumblebee tuna.

Aw, yeah, boy! It’s a ball! What are you doing?! You’re going off path! You’re not listening to anything that I’m saying! Okay, so I think that’s health.

What, the- The little pink circles.

I think you lost one when you got hit.


It’s a hint.

Oh, that’s adorable.


I don’t know.


Oh, it’s a tiny rat.

Still got him, though.

Still got it.

Still got it! Still got my elephant- Oh, god! Skull mushroom.

That skeleton mushroom is, like, a real step towards, like, unsettling in an otherwise pretty cute game.

She says, Kya! Data! Ah, yes.

The, uh, the kid from Goonies.

The years have not been kind.



Oh, well.

Oh! Oh, no! He’s asking you a question? Oh, he’s the monkey! He’s not the monkey.

Oh, my god, is there a quiz section to this? That’s not good.

That’s not- Alright, hold on, bring your- bring up your translate thing.

Hold on, maybe it’s not the case.

Oh, my god.

Arin! I didn’t know- What are you doing, man? I didn’t know there was a quiz section! Ah, jeez.

Alright, alright, alright, alright.

We got this.

We got this.

We’re gonna- we’re gonna work this out.

It’s gonna be great.

It’s gonna be great.

Here you go.



Just 30 more intricate questions.

Number one.

What is this very specific Japanese thing? Okay.

Return is Sakamichi.

What is this? Respond, listen again, focus, hint or pass.

I’m gonna hint.




Do you use hint items? Yes.



In this area, you have it.


Thank you.

Alright, what do I got now? Very helpful.

Respond, or one more time.


One more time.

What is this? Oh, listen well.

Is it ikihakaidan karihaza? I think he wanted to reset that.

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Absolutely endure, answer again, or text.

Yeah, I’ll answer.

Okay, do it.

Oh, shit.

The answer is aoyu- These are all just characters.


The answer is- The answer is su-se-so, or tachi-tu-te-to.

Where’s fu? What’s going on? No, no, no.

I’m typing.

Oh, oh.

I’m typing.

Oh, I see.

I was doing auto-fill stuff.

Uh, fu.

Where’s h? Ha.


Weight and mani-mum-tu.

Is there an answer in this? Yes.


Uh, fuah? Fu-ku? Fork, brush, or grape? Yeah, I’m going fork.

What do you think? Answer fork.


Oh, no, he’s so sad.

Oh, what is the answer? Oh, man, Arin.

I don’t know the answer.

Leave him alone, or there is no need.

Holy shit.

Oh, I did it.

Oh, good job, Arin.


Oh, excellent.


What does that, what does that mean? It’s like yay.

Oh, good.

You fucking did it, dude.

Yeah, hell yeah.

We’re crushing the game.

He was like, do you know the answer to this riddle? And I’m like, fork.

And he’s like, alright, I guess.

I guess I’ll just let you go.

It’s fine.

Listen, man, I’ve been a mushroom for a long time.

Oh, no.


Uh, ta-tamuga.

It’s the egg? What? No, not tama-go.



Dang it.

You gotta pay more attention, dude.

Like a female egg? Yeah, tama-go.

I got my tama-go.

Wow, that crow looks like he’s an ecstasy.


I’m gonna combo here.


What? Hold on.

Oh, I got, like, a diamond.

What’d she say? This, this is the one called Diamond Die, which can only be found on this island.


Very special.


I want you to.


Well, I don’t think that was a good translation.

I guess they are dating.


Ah, and, even for a while, hate-con.

Maybe ha-te-con? The items inside will be a side.

I love the items inside.

What? Oh, man.

This isn’t helping at all.

Just do your best and hit something.

That’s actually what it said.

I don’t know.

Just do your best.

Yeah, man.

What do you want from me? I can’t get up there.

Can I shoot this, like, up? I think she was saying, like, yeah.

This has great items.

Oh, I should get the top one, then.

Yeah, I got the blue diamond, dog.


Fuck yeah.

You do tend to take a little damage when you blow those up too close to you.


Oh, no.

It’s a porcupus.


Take care.


Hit it.

Oh, fucking.


Why do we do this to ourselves? All over the body, full of thorns, I will protect you.

I have a feeling she’s not saying anything very important.

It’s just a rumor because it seems that there are mice full of thorns.



It’s all flavor text, dude.


Don’t suck it up when it’s full of thorns.

The end.

Oh, all right.

Got it.

She kind of just told you that for playing the fucking game.

Or looking at a porcupine.



Oh, can I not get up there? Oh, well.

My bad.

Hi, creature.

Sorry, I was just playing laser with myself.

It’s okay.

There’s really something about just like, like this game being so much about noses in the ass.


What the fuck was that? Wow.


I guess you can use that to knock them back a little bit.


I’m gonna knock back a couple of them.


Usually when you say that, you’re talking about alcohol.


Yeah, I’ve been doing it a lot lately.


It’s good for boxing training.

You’re a drinky man.

I love to drink.

Dude, you can drink wine all you want, man.

Is that right? Yeah.

It doesn’t hurt you.

Fucking improves relationships.

I’m gonna do all kinds of great stuff.

I’m gonna drink wine all the time.

All the fucking time.

Whenever I drink wine, I drink wine.

And it tastes good.

Everyone thinks I’m cool and funny.

Oh, here we go, baby.

Here we go.

Let’s do it.



Why is it all the time when I take a dump? It’s called taking a dump when I’m actually leaving a dump.

Funk that.

Nazorodiosamas, the one who jams.

We are Yuru.

I’ll beat you with a riddle.




Even if you’re all over the place, the white building is what? What the fuck? Are these like limericks? Pass.

Let’s pass.


All right.

That’s a good one.

All right.




Sumo wearing, an eagle is an eagle worn by the sumo.

Things are mawashiwa.

Got it.

And what kind of eagle is the eagle in the main place? Oh, obviously.

Once more.

Oh, it’s um, do you actually know what he’s talking about? Yeah.

Really? What? It’s uh, dog potato.

Dog potato.







Ha ha, what is the answer? Uh, this, I don’t know the answer.

There is no need.


Um, this time I’ll miss you.

I’ll be back soon.



He’s gonna miss me.


You know what? I don’t, I understand maybe 30% of what’s going on, but the adorableness of this game is definitely universal.

Right? He’s such a cute character.

It’s a children’s game.

Is it? For children.


Oh, does it not read? I don’t know, man.

Like, I can’t understand what’s going on.

She’s like, oh, this thing is gonna happen.

And then when you go next to it, you learn what happens.

Yeah, I suppose when you tell me about that, it makes sense that this, this would not be for grown men, but like, I don’t know, man.

The colors are nice.

I get it.


Am I going to get hurt because of the caterpillar? Maybe she’s saying it turns into a butterfly if you hold onto it too long.

Oh, I think you might be right about that.

I don’t know.

I’m just going to make up my own rules.

Can you use that to make your jump longer? I was thinking maybe.



Oh, but you got a nut on the way down.

Oh, hell yeah.

I don’t think I can aim to shoot either.

It seems like there’s things I can do to jump higher, but just can’t, bro.

Can’t figure them out.

Which the lady would tell me.

Can’t you take me higher? To the place where you are here.


That is exactly my experience with this song.


To the place where I am higher.

Higher? Jesus said.

I would love it if you were going to Scott Stapp’s house as a handyman, trying to help him hang stuff on his wall.

He’s like, is this good? He’s like, higher.

Oh, higher.

Up here he’s like, higher.

Dude, it’s almost near the ceiling.

Can you take it higher? I can’t.


There’s no more wall.


To a place where I can see.

You can see it from there.



Oh, hello.

My butthole’s being sucked.

I mean, yeah, I guess so.

Those things drop down and you’re like the stuff from Metroid.

Please God.

Not more riddles.

What do you mean, not more riddles? We don’t speak the language.

It’s very tough.

No, it’s not tough.

All right.

It’s easy peasy, Japanese-y.


What is he saying? The one who interferes.

We are Nakaka-san.

Got it.

Why why? Mon die.


Be happy even if you are deceived.

See what is the thing.

Oh, interesting.

I’ll take a hint.



What’s the hint? The hint is Saint-ight.

Playing cards.

What you use.

It’s basic.

Playing cards? Playing card.

Even if I’m gladly deceived, I’ll see what is the thing.

Oh, even if I’m gladly deceived, I’ll see.

Even if I’m gladly deceived, I’ll see.

And it’s playing cards? What is it that makes you happy even if you are deceived? That’s a better translation.

Oh, magic.


The gathering.



Could it be spell? Spell? One of those translated to spell.


This is ma, right? Mami-mu-me-mo.

Yeah, mami-mu-me-mo.

How do you say magic in Japanese? I don’t know.


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Tell me.


Do you have any consequence to getting these wrong? I don’t know.

We’ll find out.


No, no, no.

Detect language.



How do you say? Damn it.


I feel like I know it, too.

Magic in Japanese.




Which also starts with ma, so that’s cool.



Maho, or maho, is the Japanese word for magic, sorcery, or witchcraft.

Fuck! No! It’s not! There’s no maho here! Maybe, maybe it’s the word spell, like I freaking said.

Well, which one is that? I can’t.

Can you get me back to translating, man? Oh my god.

Dan, you don’t know anything about anything.

No, you have so many apps.

I have like three apps on my phone.

I know, I’m sorry.

It’s okay.

I just overwhelmed my phone with so much stuff.

It’s ADHD.

It’s okay.


It’s makuta, makuta, ma-mi-mu-me-mo, uh, that one is spell.

This? Yeah, that you’re pointing to.


Like magic spell.

I don’t think this is it.



Answer, spell.

WRONG! Answer, it’s not a spell.



What is that answer? Hahaha.


This time I’ll take care of you, so hurry back.

This time I’ll miss you, I’ll be back soon.



Well, it really doesn’t matter.


None of this matters.

It just seems happy.

Well, I want to see what happens if I get the answer right! I got the answer right in my head, but not in the game.

Well, an elephant never forgets, so this elephant will never forget the shame of three consecutive incorrect riddle answers.

Maybe I should have googled what co- that’s a monkey.

Ah, it’s in my ass! What am I gonna do? Oh my god, he’s so fucking incredulous.

Ooh, nice.

Ready for this shit? Watch this, line it up, line it up, fuck it- aw, suck my dick.

Oh, you got hurt! Hurr! Oh no, I don’t like it when the elephant gets hurt.

What’s my health? He’s way too sweet.

I don’t know.

Oh, it’s the little coins.

Oh, the coins, okay, so what’s the- what are the pink, uh, dots then? Don’t know.

Oh, they’re the hints that I can use on the mushroom boy.

On the kinuko- kinu- kinu- kinoko.

That’s how you say mushroom.

Bro, you are a cold-blooded killer.

Oh, you fucking- Oh god! He’s got the crow madness, which was a type of early man, I believe.

How do I jump high? Can I, like, hold it? S.

Scott Stapp.

I almost said Stott Scapp.

That would be a great lead singer for Bickelnak.

Ah, Bickelnak.

That’s- that’s- that’s- You’re thinking of Cad-Troger.

Yeah, yeah.

A common misconception.

Everybody’s getting their assholes sucked.

It’s a weird game.

Oh! Uh oh.

What is that? Who’s this fool? Is this the next Riddle-asker? I think it is, yeah.

Oh god.

This one’s gonna be good.

Is it the ghost of a cow? From the far side? I think it might be.

Aye yai yai, alright, here we go.

Omoi ga.

You are now the rumored Aozora.


Here’s a mondai for you.

Until now.

If you make a mistake, don’t hesitate to give me a coin.

Oh, it’s gonna cost you life.

Oh shit.



I beat you here and I’m going to be praised by Diosama.

Alright, what’s the fucking question? Question is, it’s hard and lea- and it’s leaves are yellow.

It’s hard and leaves are yellow.

What is this? It’s hard and lea- tree? I mean that- doesn’t feel like much of a riddle.

I’ll ask for a hint, just to make sure.

She’s like, it’s a fucking tree! Bamboo yes.

Oh, bamboo.

You can put it in the post.

Bamboo? That’s what she said? It said bam- it said bamboo yes for a second.

Wait, what? It’s hard and leaves are yellow.

What is this? Okay.

Leaves are yellow.

Are bamboo leaves not yellow? I mean they’re usually green, right? I don’t- I mean, yeah.

They are when pandas eat them.

Alright, let’s try bamboo.

Uh, uh, it would be ha, ha, but what the fuck is this? When the answer is too much while holding down the L button, it’s good to choose.

Oh, okay, okay.

Postcard bah- hakama- bah- I’m looking for bah- bata- babaya- baba- yaga? Bong-ku-bank.

There’s no bamboo.

Witch of the swamp.

Gendel bandage stomp is honky.

This translator is really struggling.

That’s not right! Is bamboo not the word in Japanese for it? It probably isn’t.

It’s probably some other fucking word for it.

Yeah, it’s probab- wait, are you telling me it’s not the English word probably? Well, I mean, okay.


Just because it’s something that exists in Japan doesn’t mean the English word is right for it.

Bamboo in Japanese is ta-ke! Ta-ke.



So, we got- ta- and then ta-ko- ta- there’s no fucking ta-ke! Wait, ta-ke-shi? Uh, let’s try that.

Why not? If you rolled up bamboo in a tortilla, would it be a ta-ka-tako? Sorry, I was just thinking out loud here.

Let’s go.


It’s not gonna work.



You dumb bastard.

Aw, fucking dime.

Aw, he covered his little eyes with his ears.

Okay, so you were slowly losing life every time you got one wrong.

Holy shit, dude.

What the fuck, though? Yo, I can’t handle that kind of pressure.

Listen, just put that trunk in the monkey’s ass and get on with your day.

You didn’t kill the bird! Okay.

I want to jump high, but it will not let me.

Just let me jump high.

Fuck yeah, dude.


I’m getting so goddamn good at this.

It looks like he’s constantly sneezing.


Backstreet Boys.

Get out of here, mister.


Ooh, you got a hit.

Ooh, another Hento.

Boom, baby.

I guess style points for doing so well.


Cruise through that shit.


Just pick anything.


We’ve never gotten one right.

But I’m trying to get one right.


Because I got the answers.

I got the answers.

You know I got the answers.

Hook me up with the translator.

All right.

All right.

Let me fucking.

Let me do this.

Let me do this.

Let me do this.

Let’s just.

Here we go.

See what the fucking question is.

All right.

I’ll give you a coin.


He gives you a coin if you win.


If you get it right.

And takes a coin if you lose.

Apple pie has apples in it.


Then can.

Then bastard, did you get the pie? I swear to God it says that.

Try that again? Here take a look.

Let me refresh that one.

All right.

Then what? Then what’s the bastard’s pie? What the fuck? Here, look.

Take a look.

Apple pie has apples in it.

Then what does the bastard pie have in it? So what is the bastard’s pie? What? What is bastard’s pie? Dekifukupai no paiwa nanda.

What is.

That’s what.

So that word means bastard? I guess so.

Or maybe something’s getting lost in translation there, which I have to assume is probably the case.

Okay let’s pass.

Okay yeah.

Let’s try a different one.

Yeah all right.

I don’t know what’s in the bastard pie.

Maybe bastard.


All right.

I hate it.




Oh wait.

Bread is even with bread.

You close and coming.

Bread is what? These are the words that, I’m sorry, wait.

Bread is even with bread.

You darken gamaru.

What’s the bread? Bread is even with bread.

You’ll get stuck.

What’s the bread? Oh my god.

How can this.


Bread is even with bread.

You evil Tokumaru.

What’s the bread? How can it translate to ten different things? Something that’s simple.

In school where is the place when you can get lost? Oh.



Let’s try a hint there.

In the world of books.

Oh my god you’re so right.

Do you use? Do you use? Don’t bounce.

Maybe it is, maybe it is book.

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In school like the toll where is the place? Okay that’s not at all.

Okay cool.

Uh let’s try book.

It’s there.




Dang it.

I was excited.

But we had it.

Damn son of a bitch.

Abba Abba what the hell answer is that? Oh there’s another question.

First mother when the circle sticks to father become what is the word? First mother when the circle sticks to father become what is the word? Can you maybe like refresh that? I refreshed it.

It came up with exactly the same thing.

This is like we’re in bastards pie territory.

First mother moruga to tsukuto’s father become what is the word? Glad we cleared that up.

God damn it.



These are all fucking written like troll.

I don’t know in a different matter I’ll give it to you.

Okay thank you.

Very kind.


Dregs dregs what is fun scum? What is fun scum? That’s what it said.

Even if I’m stupid I’m stupid.

What? Wow.

Dregs dregs what is the fun dregs dregs dregs what is fun scum? What? What is this a Dr.

Seuss book? I don’t know.

I don’t know anything.

Kasu demo.

What is kasu? Even if it’s quick what is the pleasant dregs? Oh my god.

What’s a dregs? I don’t know.

Next question.

I’m so scared.

Oh my god.

Alright alright alright.

Here we go.

I don’t understand so I’ll help you with that.

I’ll help you with the car.

Okay cool.

Things with something attached that get crooked.

Arin? What? In the car with something attached things that bend when cut what? In the car with something attached things that bend which get cut? It’s attached to the car.

Things that get crooked when cut.

What? Rubber? Tires? What’s like a hinto? Oh Arin please.

I gotta get one of them right man.

We’ll never get one right we don’t speak the language.

Self service on the bike too I’m lucky.

And also it says that as well.

The same time again.

I’ll say tire.


I’ll say tire.

What’s the word for tire? I’m about to retire.

Tire in Japanese.

I never have to look at games again.

Is just tie up.

Okay let’s look let’s type in tire see if it’s there.

Let’s bring it home.



Nope not there.























Ting tang model Zing bang.


I gotta get one of these right.


I cannot live my life without getting a single one of these questions right.

You’ve got one more chance.


Please I’m begging you game.

Like you’re not like you’re not even close.

You’re not even like remotely close.

What is the blowfish that makes you happy when you cut it.

If you cut this, you will be happy.


If you cut this, you will be happy.

The blowfish that makes you happy.

Well, cause fuku is blowfish, but I don’t think that’s what it’s saying.

Is it the one.

maybe it’s just saying fuck you.



Shio- ahh! Let’s get a hint.

Is it the blowfish that where if they don’t cut it correctly for sushi it poisons you? Yes.

Cause that would make me happy right now.

If I could just- I’m alive myself.

It’s a festival, isn’t it? Hanabi- oh! A- a- a ribbon? Oh, you do cut ribbons.

Um, uh, what’s ribbon in Japanese? ribbon in Japanese is Ribbon, okay They don’t have a word for ribbon? Give me a break! The.

It’s not here.

Fucking get Christ! Okay, okay, here’s one.

Here’s one.

Here’s the Japanese word for it.

It’s uh, what is it? Say it.

Phone? Say it.

What’s happening over there? Apparently, that’s how you say ribbon in Japanese.

Oh, okay, it’s- Ah.


It’s beautiful.

Wha- how do you pronounce that? Cho.


That’s what she’s saying.

She’s saying cho.

Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.

So, cho is Chi, which is- would be That’s wah, that’s uh, nah, that’s chi, chi, shi, su, but it wouldn’t be- is it chi? Chi would be chi- no, chi goes the other way.

Ka, ki, yeah, chi, chi, chi, no, chi, ki The sa, no, that’s chi.

Fuck, Arin.

I’m trying my hardest! I know you are.

No, none of this works.

Fucking stop it.


Let’s try that.


In- in- in- in- in- In- seki.

Fuck! Iruka- oh, that’s fucking- None of these work.

It’s wrong.

Great work! You’re wrong, you stupid bastard.

Another one?! Oh my god! Ask again.

Oh my god! Oh my god! What is it- Just fucking say stuff in words that aren’t- that isn’t fucking Shakespeare over here.

Geez Louise.

Coot leaves this what? Nope.


It’s hard and leaves yellow.

What is this? We got this one! Okay, so what- okay.

It’s not bamboo.

She said bamboo in the fucking items.

Do you have? I do.

Alright, she says you can go on strike.

Okay, that was for you, Dan.

No, it’s okay.

You can put it in the post.

I’m with you, bud.

You can put it in the post.

It’s hard and its leaves are yellow.

You can put it in the post.

It’s hard and its leaves are yellow.

You can put it in the post.

To the post, put in things.

A box? What’s hard with leaves yellow? I mean, in general, what’s hard with leaves yellow? A tree.



You can’t put it in the post.

Which is- tree is.

Morty? Unless.

they’re counting.

The keys that were made to use- that were used to make the letter.

It’s not fucking here.

You can’t even just say key.

Oh wait, yeah, you can’t.

Yeah, you can.


Motherfucker! I just want to get one of these right! It won’t happen.

It’s fucking impossible! Of course it’s impossible.

We don’t speak Japanese and the only thing we have is translating them into the wrong words.

No, they’re not the wrong words.

They’re just the wrong train of thought.

What does that mean? We’re just not thinking strong enough.


In the apple is the apple pie.

What’s in the bastard pie? I don’t know! Then, bastard, did you get the pie? Fuck! Hint! This’ll tell us everything we need to know.

I don’t have any more hints.

I can’t listen to this song anymore.

I’m out of hints! Deki fukkou! Deki fukunai! So, what’s in the non-apple pie? Uh.

Then it’s Deki.



Whoever speaks Japanese.

I wonder if my body would allow me to break my own neck with my hands.

You should.

I was just.

Motherfucker! We’re done, we’re done.

I can’t.

I can’t! I want so badly to play this fucking riddle game that you’re playing with me, cow! I know, you did your absolute best.

Then I can’t do it.

Bye-bye? Yes, bye-bye.


Well, thank you so much for joining us today on Game Grumps.

I’ve died.

I fucking died.

That’s the end for me.

My life is over.

Great, I’m so glad we got to see the cute elephant crying at the end.

Yeah, well, maybe if I had fucking studied Japanese a little bit better I would know what the goddamn shit they’re saying.

I don’t know what this says.

It’ll be fun to go to Japan.

I’m just like, um, um, um, uh, ribbon! And I’m just like, hello, may I, uh, introduce you to my guide, Arin? He’ll be translating for me.

Ha ha! You’re like sweating profusely.

Alright, well, thank you, thank you everyone.

We’ll see you next time on Game Grumps.



I forgot he was a doctor.