In the not-so-distant past, we produced a video called “10 Best-Reviewed PS2, Xbox and Dreamcast RPGs”, and many of you spotted the fact that the other console from the sixth generation, Nintendo’s GameCube, was missing. Well, thanks to some controversial review scores that we were in no way responsible for, the GameCube didn’t have any…
No new games from Nintendo after Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom in May and Pikmin 4 July
The Nintendo Switch has been with us for over 6 years, and with no new games from Nintendo after Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom in May and Pikmin 4 July, is the system reaching its successor in 2023, or will we wait until 2024? Well, in this video, we will go over two different options,…
10 Best-Reviewed GameCube RPGs
In the not-so-distant past, we produced a video called “10 Best-Reviewed PS2, Xbox and Dreamcast RPGs”, and many of you spotted the fact that the other console from the sixth generation, Nintendo’s GameCube, was missing. Well, thanks to some controversial review scores that we were in no way responsible for, the GameCube didn’t have any…
Can the Final Shape properly deliver the conclusion to the Light and Dark Saga?
What happens after Final Shape? Bungie has gone on record in their Witch Queen reveal stream to say that while the Final Shape will be the end of the Light and Dark Saga, it is NOT the end of Destiny 2. The game will continue on for years to come. This gives some reason for…
The biggest secrets with Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
We’re going to be exploring one of the biggest secrets with Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Along with that, we have some news to talk about regarding when we could see the first glimpse of actual gameplay footage for Tears of the Kingdom and so much more. So, definitely stick around until the end of…
10 games with mind-blowing physics effects
One of the wonders of modern gaming is physics. Certainly all video games have gotten way better in terms of physics, and the immersion and realism of pretty much all of them is up to a level many of us would’ve never imagined a decade ago, but some are crazy. Hi folks, it’s Falcon, and…
System Redux This is a cyberpunk horror game where you will discover a dark world beset by plagues and war
Hi, my name is ColdBeer and let’s start with Blacktail Here the choice is yours: will you become the guardian of the woods or the terror nightmares are made of. You play as Yaga, a 16-year-old girl accused of witchcraft and expelled from a medieval settlement. Well, I know what I would be doing after…
10 Tough Video Game Enemies that Players Always Try to Avoid
It’s a sad fact of life that you will sometimes have to deal with enemies, and nowhere is this truer than in video games. It’s safe to say that at least 90% of our favourite titles have baddies that the player has to contend with, and yes, I did make that statistic up, please don’t…
The 10 Worst-Reviewed Wrestling Games for the PS2, Xbox, Dreamcast, and GameCube
When the Dreamcast was released in November of 1998, The Rock was winning the WWE title in a tournament final against Mankind at Survivor Series. When the very last PlayStation 2 was produced in Japan in December 2012, CM Punk was in the midst of an epic 434-day championship run, after taking the title from…
NVIDIA’s incredible new AI that can create images, and more
Today we are going to look at NVIDIA’s incredible new AI that can create images, and more. Now, wait a second. Stop right there. Every Fellow Scholar knows that today, there are plenty of text to image AIs out there, where in goes a piece of text, and out comes an image. They come in…
This may not be the best game in this list overall, but it definitely has the best atmosphere
Hi, my name is ColdBeer and let’s start with The Solus Project This may not be the best game in this list overall, but it definitely has the best atmosphere. And the alien world it throws you into is absolutely stunning. For me the world of Solus brings out some nostalgic memories from the sci-fi…