Game sharing website
game ranks presents 10 nasty waves videogame cheaters were punished we all hate cheaters we deal with them every day so here are 10 of the best examples of cheaters getting a taste of our own medicine at number 10 we have a notorious case in Guild Wars 2 a player character was teleporting and…
Here to talk about all the video game news that has been going on this week. As you can tell, a little bit more of like a sketchier looking video, ’cause I’m actually on location at the Game Awards this week. So yes, hostage video look, but there’s a lot of other gaming news to…
Here to talk about all the video game news that has been going on this week. As you can tell, a little bit more of like a sketchier looking video, ’cause I’m actually on location at the Game Awards this week. So yes, hostage video look, but there’s a lot of other gaming news to…
(upbeat techno music) – Hello, folks. Today is Friday, December 16th, 2022. As usual, my name is Jake Baldino. Here to talk about the video game news that has been going on this week. It’s been quite a week, so let’s just jump in. First, with some hot rumors. Now, this is, take this as…
Introduction to ten villains and evil characters in video games
– [Falcon] Playing as the video game hero, you need someone to defeat. Hi, folks, it’s Falcon and today on Gameranx, 10 of the most evil video game villains of all time. Now, just as a quick little note ahead of time, this is gonna contain spoilers. We’re talking about bad guys and the bad…