On Game Ranks,10 new things players have discovered in Elden Ring

15.01.2023 0 By admin

Elden Ring is a massive game that people will probably find new stuff in for years to come.

It’s Falcon,and today on Game Ranks,10 new things players have discovered in Elden Ring.

Starting off with number 10, you can kill Melina.

You can kill most NPCs in Elden Ring with very few exceptions.

One character that was assumed

to be impossible to kill was Melina,

one of your few key allies
throughout the story.

At certain points,

she’ll appear at sights
of grace to talk to you

and those are actually the only
times she appears in games.

So most people assume those
just no way to hurt her.

You can’t do anything while
resting at a sight of grace,

so unlike most other NPCs

you can smack around your heart’s content,

Melina’s pretty protected.

At least that is what we thought.

A Japanese YouTuber named Tomato-chan

managed to get around
her supposed protections

and actually kill her.

She even has a death animation.

To kill her, you have to set a trap.

Spells like Fire’s Deadly Sin

and Freezing Mist cause continuous damage

to anyone near them.

So cast the spells

and then sit at a bonfire
with them still active.

Just sitting there obviously
doesn’t actually do anything,

the only time she takes
damage is when she’s talking.

Once she does though,

her health should start dropping fast.

Now, there’s really no
reason to kill Melina,

in fact, she doesn’t actually die anyway,

she shows up like nothing ever happened

for her next scripted appearance,

but if you show people a
character that can’t be killed

in a game filled with vulnerable NPCs,

people are, well, gonna find
ways to kill that character.

Tell gamers that can’t do something

and they will try to
do it 10 times harder.

(roaring fire)

– I divest each of thee of thy grace.

With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven

from the Lands Between.

Ye will wage war in a land afar.

– And number nine,

players found this really
weird invisible thing.

Uh, this little weird thing revealed

by Redditor Bluepenguin053
just a few days ago,

for some reason there’s
something that’s invisible

next to the forge of the giants bonfire

at the highest point of the
Mountaintop of the Giants.

It’s not just a standard platform,

it’s got an unusual shape
to it with some odd edges

and different elevations.

It just doesn’t seem like it belongs here.

And it’s an interesting
little find nonetheless,

Elden Ring’s a game that’s no stranger

to invisible platforms,

they’re rare

and they tend to hide some
pretty interesting rewards,

so it makes sense for
players to jump around trying

to find whatever secrets
might be left in the game.

So finding an invisible
stop you can stand on

outside of a key location,

like the forge of the giants,
feels like a big deal,

but as far as we can tell,
there’s really nothing to find.

Another Reddit user named saithvenomdrone

had the best theory as to what this is.

It’s most likely geometry
for a wolf head ornament

that can be seen on
other parts of the forge.

What happened is the developers

probably just turned this one invisible

after they added the crack

and forgot to remove the collision data.

It’s one of those things

that seems like it might
be a big discovery,

but it’s probably just a simple bug.

And number eight it’s Fia’s champions.

One of the more forgotten optional bosses

in Elden Ring is Fia’s champions.


A pretty basic invader style fight

where you fight five enemies total.

If you’ve been offline,
it’s always the same,

but if you’re online,

the fight is actually a little randomized.

Most assumed it just drew from a pool

of randomly generated enemies,

but the actual way it
works is more complicated.

Getting held by Fia doesn’t
just make you the subject

of a 1,000 memes and a health de-buff,

it actually has a second secret purpose.

Credit for this one goes
to Matt Gruen on Twitter.

They took a look at the game scripts

and confirmed that if you’re online,

the game will upload your characters build

when you’re held by Fia,

which is called up when another player

takes on Fia’s champions.

This isn’t the only
time a fight does that.

Getting the great jars arsenal

will upload your character build

to become the Great-Jar knight
for another player as well.

This apparently is
triggered when you’re held

before fighting the
Lichdragon boss as well.

– This is goodbye my
dear, but I am satisfied.

I choose to lie with
Godwin of my own will.

– Which is why all the
champions you end up fighting

as Fia’s champions aren’t
all level five chumps.

It’s a small thing,

but it’s pretty cool to see
from keeping up their tradition

of including inexplicable
multiplayer components

to their games.

Even if it’s not quite as epic

as the old monk from demon souls.

And number seven is the
Malekith’s site of grace skip.

Elden Ring is by far the most
open ended souls-like game.

Just being able to jump on
command is a game changer.

Players through this have
managed to discover a lot

of creative ways to skip parts of levels.

We’ve already covered
one pretty decent skip

in the Crumbling Farum Azula

that lets you bypass the Godskin duo,

but this skip’s almost as good as that.

With it, you can avoid many
of the most annoying enemies

in the area.

Like you can totally skip all the birds,

shuriken guys, spell
casters, and the dragon

just by doing a few careful jumps.

Credit to Redditor Luvonir
for finding this one.

It’s not essential,

but some of these enemies
can just be absolute hell

for certain builds.

So getting the option to
completely bypass them

can be pretty handy,

even if you just, you know, run by them.

Still, these kinds of
parkour tricks are awesome

if nothing else.

So we’re always there to
highlight these kinds of things.


And number six,

the eyes of the flame
chariot actually follow you.

It’s small, but it’s a
strange thing I didn’t notice,

and I bet a lot of other
people didn’t either.

You know these weird flame
chariot enemies in Caelid

and Liurnia,

it seems like their eyes are
just grafted onto their faces,

basically like the shield
version you can get.

But no, if you look closely
you can see the eyes

actually follow you independently
from the rest of the head.

Maybe some have noticed this
one before, but I didn’t.

And the Reddit thread
posted by Fuzzy-Improvement

shows us that, well, a lot of
other people didn’t notice it.

To be frank, these things
are already fairly weird,

so I don’t know that
everybody was really looking

for a new way for them to
be weird, but we got it.

Like, did we really need
some crazy eyes to go

with this order?

Can I send it back to the kitchen?

Can I do that?

And number five, the wings of
Astel has a new sound effect

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when it’s close to the Astel boss fight.

Here’s a pretty unusual
thing that we’re crediting to

Redditor HansChrst1,

who probably wasn’t the
first person to notice this,

but is the only poster I’ve
seen with actual visual proof

of this effect.

For some reason, when you’re
close to the Astel boss door,

or any of the other Astel-likes out there,

like Astel or the malformed star enemies,

the wing of Astel weapon
gets a new sound effect

and it’s heavy attack
gets faster, potentially.

(swinging sword)

(lightning clashing)

Why this happens?

There are not clear
answers as of right now,

but a few people in the thread

have some convincing theories.

Renjingles offered that
the Astel boss sounds

might have the same ID as
the wing of Astel weapon,

so when the boss or enemy is loaded,

then the sound changes.

Most people recognize the
sound being different,

but the speed of the attacks

is a lot more contentious though.

I went and tested the weapon a little bit

and I can’t really tell the difference.

The speed thing might
be confirmation bias,

but the sound is definitely different.

And even if it’s just a bug

it’s an interesting little interaction.

Almost like the wing is somehow
still connected to the boss.

(weapon swinging sounds)

And number four is the
weirdness of the Deathbed Dress.

The Deathbed Dress is just
a really weird buggy piece

of armor.

Maybe it has something
to do with its ability

to heal nearby allies or something,

but there’s just some strange
interactions you can do

with this thing.

Case and point, if you equip
a flail and do heavy attacks,

apparently you will hurt yourself.

That’s actually something that’s
been known for a while now,

but another more recent thing
posted by WheredMyPiggyGo

shows us that, for some reason,

if you try to sneak
while wearing the dress

then enemies will pretty
much always get alerted

before you get close to them.

You would think that this
dress would be pretty quiet.

It’s not exactly a heavy
suit of armor or anything.

So you’d think it wouldn’t
generate a lot of noise

but apparently not.

Try to sneak anywhere wearing it

and you’ll get caught
no matter where you go.

The user speculated

it’s possible the healing
buff the outfit has

triggers enemies somehow.

And I guess that’s as good
of a guess as anything else.

You’d have to be a crazy person
to wear a silky nightgown

into a fight though.

And I guess the game agrees with that

because any other explanation
is just that it’s buggy.

(clashing swords)

And number three is the Red
Wolf of Radagon wearing jewelry.

There are so many little
details in Elden Ring

that it’s easy to miss all of them.

And while this one’s kind
of minor in the long run,

it’s unusual.

At the Academy of Raya Lucaria

you encounter the Red Wolf of Radagon.

For most players it’s only a
minor roadblock in the journey,

but visually it’s a
pretty striking creature

with its red fur and
it’s lore implications,

to say the least, can’t be ignored either.

But one aspect of it,
a lot of people missed,

myself included, is that it has jewelry.

Credit to this one goes to Cthulhubot666

who posted a closeup
of the wolf for proof.

And yeah, it’s got a pierced ear,

like, that’s for sure a pierced ear.

There’s also metal beads
braided into its fur as well.

They’re all little minor details

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that are basically impossible
to see during the boss fight

because it moves around pretty fast,

but the attention to detail

and the possible lore
implications are very interesting,

and are still being found by
players even now, months later.

And number two is a Subterranean
Shunning-Grounds skip.

If you absolutely hate this area,

and I don’t blame you if you
do it could be pretty rough,

this skip is a godsend.

Credit for this one goes to two people,

TheRealFluforon for posting the video

and Demonboy995 for suggesting it.

It’s a relatively simple skip

that lets you basically
bypass the entire area

and skip straight to the
elevator that takes you

down to the boss.

No more basilisks, no
more annoying omen guys,

no more getting lost in
the confusing sewers,

now all you have to do
is make a specific jump

in the big cistern area

that is not far from the first bonfire.

It’s not the easiest jump to make,

but it doesn’t require any
special weapons or tricks.

It just takes practice to pull off.

FromSoftware really just
can’t help themselves

with hellish sewer levels in their games.

And this place is kind
of one of their toughest,

so I don’t blame anyone
for wanting to skip it.

And number one is using
crystal darts on Golems

to make them go berserk.

The discovery is a little older compared

to the other stuff on this list,

but it’s really cool,

and we haven’t really had a
chance to show it off yet,

so it’s worth bringing up here, I think.

As revealed on Twitter by Rehvion,

crystal darts will actually
overcharge stone constructs

and make them fight for you.

The thing is there’s
nothing in the description

that suggests these things
will have this effect.

All it says is that they do magic damage,

and that long ago it is
said that the Golem crafter

employed a simple crystal tool,

which is yeah, a pretty vague clue.

If that’s what it’s
supposed to be anyways.

Using them on constructs, like
Imps and Burial Watchdogs,

make them go berserk and
attack anything nearby,

and it’s pretty entertaining to watch.

That’s all pretty nice,

but what’s really impressive

is that the crystal dart’s work
on the giant golems as well.

It takes a few darts to do it,

but it’s pretty damn satisfying
to watch these guys beat

on each other instead
of ganging up on you.

The golems are some of the
most intimidating enemies

in the entire game.

So having some way to neuter them

feels kind of like cheating,
but in like a good way.

I am not gonna lie about that,

it’s satisfying to watch them do that.

That’s all for today.

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