Application of Ridge Wallet and KeyCase in Gaming Backlog

16.01.2023 0 By admin

Today, we are going to be talking about a lot of hectic, potentially stress inducing realities regarding…


Which is why today’s sponsor the Ridge Wallet fits nicely with the subject matter.

Because my friends, my gaming backlog is not the only thing in my life that is out of control.

In the past, my wallet and keys have felt like an absolute crisis, cash, cards, receipts,keychains, keys to my grandparents house that I got back in 2007.

I used to feel like a janitor with a textbook
in his back pocket until I discovered the

Ridge Wallet and KeyCase.

I’ve been using the ridge wallet for around
5 months now and I simply love the minimalist

finish, the way my cards slide seamlessly
in and out, and frankly the total lack of

feeling as though I’m carrying around a
ham sandwich.

It holds up to a dozen cards, PLUS room for
cash, comes with a lifetime warranty, and

much like the Ridge Keycase, is available
in a variety of colors and styles.

The Keycase, by the way, has been a delight.

It took what formerly felt like a chandelier
of scrap metal and turned it into something

sleek that fits snuggly in the palm of my

If you’re ready to declutter and add some
elegant simplicity to the items you’ll be

using literally on an everyday basis, don’t
miss out on up to 40% savings through December

22nd by going to!

The holidays are right around the corner,
and The Ridge has a lot more to offer than

just what I’ve talked about here.

That’s, huge thanks
to the Ridge for sponsoring and without further

adieu, let’s start the show.

Music: Kirby Air Ride OST – (Stadium) Air

Since the dawn of humanity, mankind has had
a natural talent for a great many things.

We are infinitely expressive through art,
music, and literature, we boast unparalleled

athletic potential and mental determination,
historically our scientific innovation has

led to remarkable achievements, we put a man
on the moon and the moon on a pie.

The human race is impressive in many ways…

Music: God Hand OST – Sultry Night

in other ways… not so much, like plugging
in a usb cable correctly on the first try

without having to flip it, exerting self control
in the presence of free birthday cake, or

remembering to floss our teeth regularly…
or really ever.

Music: Melty Blood: Type Lumina OST – Actions
in the Lower World

But for all of our shortcomings, there is
one flaw that has plagued gamers since the

year 1958 when on one fateful afternoon in
Brookhaven National Laboratory, an undergrad

student saw this on display… a game called
Tennis for Two, generally thought to be the

very first video game.

Jerry looked at the screen, I’ve decided
this kid’s name is Jerry, Jerry looked at

the screen, smiled and thought, damn I’ve
gotta play that.

And just like that, the first backlog was

Gamers everywhere began noticing new stuff
that they wanted to play and planned to play

but because humans require sleep and often
decide to do a second playthrough of Bloodborne

instead for some reason, we all find ourselves
wildly outnumbered by the sheer mass of games

on our wishlists.

And in the years since the Jerry incident,
backlogs have only multiplied…

Some of us have big ones, some of us have
small ones, some of us have measured ours,

others are overestimating the size of theirs,
many are convinced that size does not matter

, some wonder if it’s normal that their
backlog kind of hangs to the right.

This is a penis joke.

But regardless, most of us that would label
ourselves gamers have at least a handful of

titles that we have not gotten around to yet
but would love to play in the future.

And because of this, if you recommend a game
to a friend nowadays, there is a STRONG chance

they’ll say something to the effect of “I’ll
put it on the list.”

Music: Mewmore x Snivys // Route 4 (Pokémon
Red & Blue Remix)

So what I would like to do today is tell you
a story about my backlog, my master plan to

complete that backlog for a video, how that
plan didn’t exactly work out, the surprising

lesson I learned along the way, and where
that leaves me now.

Through that story and a little bit of research,
I’d like to hopefully answer a few questions

like “why does having a backlog stress me

“Why does having a backlog stress you out?”

“Why do I ignore my backlog to play the
same shit over and over?”

“Would games that haven’t come out yet technically
be in your frontlog?”

“Why do I let new games cut in line?”

“If I were to actually try and charge through
my backlog, how could I reasonably do it?”

“How long would it take?”

“Is it possible to actually finish my backlog
and more importantly, if I did, would it make

me feel better?”

Should I even-

You know what… actually, let’s start there,
“would it make me feel better… to finish

my backlog?”

Music: Melty Blood: Type Lumina OST – Before
the Dawn

And that’s not just a flavor question to set
the tone for the rest of the video, it’s

a question I’m asking myself, the one with
the colossal stack of unfinished titles, as

I’m sitting here writing this script, would
it actually make me feel better to clear it


And I think this is an important question
because in the almost 5 years of making videos

based on psych research, one thing I’ve
learned is that perception is often much more

persuasive than reality.

What I mean is, the imagined peace of having
finished alllll of the games that I want to

play might be a massive relief, but actually
accomplishing this could leave me feeling

like… “well this sucks”

That’s a disappointment that I’d really
like to avoid and I’m sure you would as


But to arrive at that answer, first we need
to add that question to the backlog, oh god,

and first answer, why do backlogs cause anxiety?

DO they cause anxiety?

Well recently you see, I posted a poll asking
you if having a backlog stresses you out and

although a good chunk of you said it didn’t
(congrats for touching grass) most said it

did even if only a little, which is to be

You know, not many of us are sitting at the
house panicking because we still haven’t

played the Witcher 3, (if this is you, just
breathe) but yeah, there is at least kind

of a general unease that having an unfinished
backlog creates for a lot of folks… not

everyone mind you but for some, sort of a
bad taste in your mouth when maybe you…

boot up a new game and wonder if this is really
your current best option or retreat to a comfort

game simply because you can’t decide…
which further pushes your ultimate goal away.

Those unfulfilled titles sort of breathe down
the back of your neck and I think that is

almost certainly partially probably maybe
a little bit due to something called the Zeigarnik

Effect, which I’ve definitely never talked
about before.

Music: Gran Turismo 5 OST – Journey To The

Way back before the era of the backlog in
the 1920s, Russian psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik

ran a series of experiments with both children
and adults, where she would give them puzzles

and other little tasks.

She would allow half of participants to finish
what they were working on and make the other

half stop in their tracks halfway through.

Guess which group we’re talking about.

And do you know what happened?

The subjects that were interrupted remembered
much more of what they were working on than

those who got to complete their tasks…

when things were left incomplete, they were
left stuck in people’s noggins almost like

an earworm; a song in your mind that you can’t
seem to get off of repeat.

Unattended notifications on your phone are
distracting for the same reasons.

If something is left unfinished, we have a
tendency to So anyways this Zeigarnik Effect

is the real deal and it’s been replicated
in research over the years, it’s used in

advertising, it’s used in educational settings,
there is research suggesting in some situations

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it can even impair your sleep…

(again buddy deep breaths) and I think it
is a pretty substantial factor in the stress

that the backlog causes for a lot of us.

As soon as we’ve seen that trailer, played
that demo, heard a friend sell us on it, and

decided we’re going to be picking it up,
that’s generally enough to make a game feel

like a loose end.And so long as it sits collecting
dust, it’ll be tough to not think about

it when we’re spending time playing anything

& IBDY – Who’s Ready for Tomorrow (Instrumental)

So another mystery solved, the backlog dread,
if you do have it, comes from the fact that

humans by nature like for ends to be tied
up, our brains crave that sweet juicy completion.


Now how we define that completion is likely
very much up to you and your personality.

I am happy once I roll credits, see the story
to its end, or feel like I’ve had my fun,

others are not happy until they’ve grinded
for every ending, every side quest, and every

secret boss.

Some of us are completionists, we can’t
tick that box and finally FORGET about a game

until we’ve done everything…

these people I’d bet…

some of us are free spirits and can comfortably
wander from title to title, spending as much

or as little time as we like on each, without
a care in the world.

As soon as it’s not fun, move on.

This is probably you.

And a lot of us, myself included, fall somewhere
in the middle.

As far as why we are this way, well those
videos have already been done, but THIS is

probably why the backlog does or does not
rustle your jimmies.

Toss in a little bit of choice paralysis from
your backlog being so stacked that you can’t

decide where to start, it’s no wonder you
either settle for the same games on repeat

or hop on whatever just came out because it’s
shiny, new, and everyone else is talking about


And BOY is there ever some new stuff out there.

Any given month, there is an absolute DELUGE
of new games constantly trying to wash away

your time and paycheck.

And as we all know, the rate at which new
games drop and the rate at which you discover

old games you’ve got to go back and catch
up on, wildly exceeds the rate at which any

sane adult with a full time job or school
can complete them.

Or afford them.

And I don’t say that without evidence.

Because my master plan to tackle my backlog
was to properly organize and complete it in

one year’s time.

Music: Kirby Air Ride OST – City Backside

After compiling everything off of my steam
and eshop wishlists, as well as a loose list

I had running on a note in my phone, I pulled
them all into a spreadsheet, did a little

bit of data entry from how long to beat, and
determined that my backlog would take approximately

2400 hours to complete… which serendipitously
divided by 24 hours gives us 100 full rotations

of the earth with no sleep, that’s 100 days
and 100 nights, I’d need 2 and half sleepless

rides on Noah’s Ark to finish all this.

And when you factor in that right now, I’m
probably only playing games for 2 hours a

day on average, that’s 1200 days, over 3 years
it would take to finish THIS iteration of

my backlog.

Because you see, How long to beat does not
compile everything that has not come out yet,

it does not compile everything that has not
been announced yet, it does not take into

account my abysmal aptitude for souls games
or that Sekiro is going to take at least one

Noah’s Ark for me to beat.

But as a youtuber, I live for new shit to
talk about, I need examples and inspiration

and footage amirite?

– so I was determined to get this backlog

I stuck to my guns, I was going to snuff this
thing out in one year’s time despite this

ridiculous time estimate.

Music: Persona 5 ▸ Price (Curly Remix).

But what I didn’t want was to waste time
on games that I kind of added on a whim or


well I hate to put it like this but… skippable.

That might sound shallow, I realize, but…
something had to give.

Therefore, to once and for all do a bit of
a Thanos snap on this list and leave myself

with ONLY the stuff I truly wanted to play,
I held a stream where you guys sat down with

me and helped me decide what to actually play
in that year… to make sure I wasn’t missing

anything or overhyping anything.

And shockingly, despite skepticism, this stream
was pretty damn helpful.

“Someone said uh…

Bayonetta is fine but I really prefer Devil
May Cry, okay… which DMC do I play?

Because I’ve been wanting to play DMC for

I generally received three kind of feedback,
the first kind was just good non-spoilery

information on each game to let me know what
I’d be getting myself into and why I would

find it interesting, the second kind was…
and the third kind was simply folks reassuring

me that the main backlog I’m working on
should consist of things that I’m either

genuinely excited about or are considered
by most folks as “can’t miss”.

Sure, a lot of games were getting cut but
if I’m going to do this, I should prioritize

where my energy is and where the truly special
stuff lies.

I can always make another smaller sort of
“less urgent” feeling backlog in the future.

And that’s what I did, everything that was
eliminated was just placed on a less exciting

backlog that I felt significantly less pressure
to get to.

“Wow we actually cut out a ton of time!”

I thought to myself, “this is wonderful,
instead of 2400 hours, I’m looking at…

wait… what’s this im feeling?

Is it like a… strange sense of peace?



No no…

well yes, but mostly something else…


I feel like I’ve completed something.”

Music: Demon Souls OST – Character Creation
(Souls of Mist)

In that moment, after the stream ended, I
sat there, my bones tingled, my pupils dilated,

the knotted muscle fibers in my neck eased
their grip.

Somehow, by organizing my backlog, it felt
like I had done some of my backlog even though

not a damn thing was played.

Sure I eliminated some stuff but it was still
a year’s worth of work ahead.

What was happening here?

Music: Hyrule Temple (Legend of Zelda / Smash
Bros) ▸ Tee Lopes Remix

Two weeks later, and that time delay is an
important distinction btw because I did not

know this when I streamed…

Two weeks later I sat down to begin researching
for this video and I came across this little


What the researchers did here was take people
and divide them into 3 groups…

they asked one group to recall 2 tasks that
they really needed to get done; an errand,

an assignment, something important.

They did the same with the second group, except
they were also asked to make a plan for how

they intended to complete that task, and the
third group was told hey, tell us about 2

tasks that you’ve already done.

(this was the control group).

And what the researchers discovered is that
the group who was most distracted and burdened

by the Zeigarnik effect were the folks who
recalled unfinished errands but were not prompted

to come up with a plan.

Both the group that planned and the group
that was finished showed no issues with focus

or distractions on a reading comprehension
test afterwards.

As the writers note, “committing to a specific
plan for a goal may therefore not only facilitate

attainment of the goal but may also free cognitive
resources for other pursuits.

Once a plan is made, the drive to attain a
goal is suspended—allowing goal-related

cognitive activity to cease—and is resumed
at the specified later time.”

In essence, by properly organizing my backlog,
I suddenly didn’t feel this massive drive

to get it all done, I didn’t feel paralyzed

It was as if having a plan pardoned me from
the pressure, everything was no longer all

begging to get played all at once.

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The next day I started God of War for the
first time and I have been LOVING it.

I started playing AI The Somnium Files on
a break while writing this, it’s a trip.

Outer Wilds is on the list I promise.

But the point here is, making a plan alleviates
some of that pressure and I think the reason

is because it tricks your mind into feeling
like you’ve just made progress.

It’s why if you’ve ever gotten your homework
out, opened it, set it in front of you, and

planned to start it any second now, it kind
of relieves the guilt of it not being done.

You’ve taken a step, your mind goes “Oh
yeah, it’s all coming together” It’s

procrastination, but a safe dosage that you
can use as a tool to help you focus and prioritize.

Which leads me to the biggest lesson I can
give you today if you suffer from “Oh god

how will I ever play it all?”

Make a list, plan it out, decide what is actually
on your backlog.

And if you’re telling me, oh I’ve already
tried that, why must you lie to me?

Survey says only about 12% of you have properly
done this.

I guess some of you only count what you own,
but you know damn well there is stuff you

haven’t bought yet that you’re thinking

In fact, if you like min maxing and want to
do something really clever, you can take a

page out of my buddy Jimmy Stewart’s playbook.

Jimmy is one of my Patreon backers and he
shared with me his method for categorizing

his backlog and it’s kind of cracked…

Basically he takes metacritic scores, and
divides them by how many hours HLTB estimates

it’ll take, effectively arriving at a quality
per hour of gameplay figure.

Not everyone will vibe with this approach
and that’s fine, but it just goes to show

that if you get creative enough, you can find
ways to narrow down what you want to play

and actually start playing them.

So make a list man, do it for Jerry.

It’s what I did and I went from an estimated
2400 hours to a measly 1600 hou- … oh…

oh no…

Music: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST – Where
We Used To Be

Can I take you on a trip down memory lane?

Around 4 years ago, I watched a streamer named
Etika play a game called Xenoblade Chronicles


It was one of the most scattered, unorganized,
unpredictable series of streams I think I’ve

ever seen.

One moment you wanted to slap this man square
in the face for stalling, the next you’d

be grinning at your screen like an moron when
something like this happened: Maybe you were

there as well, and if you were, you already
know the unprecedented levels of boneheaded

degenerate tomfoolery that took place.

Watching it all back, not all of it has aged
that well…

But there is one image from those streams
that has remained with me all these years


In Etika’s final Xenoblade 2 stream, he
finishes the game.

Lots of yelling took place, lots of tears
were shed, lot’s of realizations were had…

but to me, the most memorable moment was likely
the quietest one.

Credits have rolled, he has reloaded the title
screen, the controller has been set down,

a small river of chat messages and donations
have been left unattended like a spilled drink,

and he’s just… sort of… taking it all

Breathing, reflecting on the journey it’s
been… realizing it’s finally come to an

end and processing all of the emotions that
go with that.

And let the record show, Xenoblade 2, not
a game many people cried at, not a game many

consider a masterpiece or even…

Something they can take seriously, but in
this moment, this man was truly moved by a

game that you could tell meant a lot to him.

Streamers often play things up for the audience,
but something tells me that…

there was no faking this…

I think that this clip captures a moment we
have all had at some point or another when

finishing a game.

Being completely and hopelessly captivated…
allowing a title, regardless of its reputation

or metacritic rating to simply sweep you off
your feet and take you on a ride like you

never thought possible.

And that’s the kind of game I think we’re
all after and why it’s so hard to not add

things to your backlog.

What if this is the one I’ve been looking

You never know when a silly little video game
is going to sneak up on you and hit you THIS

hard when the credits roll and after having
experienced it yourself once and relating

to it or seeing someone else have this and
wondering what it would feel like…

I think for all of us, this is what we crave…

why we game.

I always think of that meme of the guy or
the horse standing on the beach looking out

at the water…

and the caption just says “man”.

Recently my wife Callee and I visited Yellowstone
National Park with some friends and Callee

captured this picture of me dramatically looking
out at Yellowstone Lake.When she showed me,

my brain immediately registered the picture’s
meme-ability, so naturally, I chuckled and

posted it to twitter.

People understood the assignment but…

I feel that.

I want that.

We want that.

I think that is the ultimate goal of any backlog.

To find the gems.

To find the shit you wish you could forget
just so you can play it again blind.

To be amazed that it took you this long to
play it.

To think…


Music: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 OST – Elysium
in the Dream

Etika passed away in 2019 and it hit me hard.

He’s the reason at the end of my videos
I always say “And of course as usual, please

have yourself a damn good one, I am out of
here” and since he’s been gone, I’ve

thought about that stream’s ending a lot.

His death oddly recontextualized that ending
for me.

Life is sometimes long, sometimes short, but
it is finite and there are only so many times

in life that we get to be this completely
enamored with a story, with a person, with

a moment.

At the risk of sounding ridiculous, the backlog
might be more than just a list of games we

all want to play, I think it’s symbolic
of the ambition to live a life we can look

back on fondly.

Imagine that all of the wonderful moments
you could ever possibly experience in life

were suddenly on a list sitting in front of
you… and it was up to you to make them happen.

When we view life like that, there is almost
a desperation to do it all…

That list has an end… if it’s too long,
we won’t get to to it all, if it’s too

short, we didn’t make the most of life…
if we aren’t careful, that ambition to live

our best life can sour and turn into apprehension
and fear that we aren’t doing enough which

of course distracts from the actual goal…

Music: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
OST – Jabbies Battle





Music: Final Fantasy X OST – Wandering Flame

This is where it all went terribly wrong,
I look calm on stream, but inside, I am having

a nuclear meltdown.

All hope is evacuating my body, dread in the
form of corium burns its way deep into my


However, I am still very much doing this.

Yes, making a list helped.

Yes, this is dumb idea.

Yes, by rushing through these games I might
be ruining the experience for a few of them.

Music: TEKKEN 7 OST – Character Customization

Or at least, I thought that… but not anymore,
and here’s why.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned
in the past year is that NOT finishing games,

for me at least… is okay.

Confession, I never rolled credits on Neon

I never finished Metroid Prime when I started
it for the first time last year.

I never beat finished Axiom Verge, I have
not finished a lot of things and… the reason

READ  In this game, we're going to feel like the Jedi that we were at the end of Star Wars Jedi Fall in Order

for that is, if I really wanted to, I would

The fact that I didn’t tells me all I really
need to know.

Now that said, they were all delightful in
their own way, especially Neon White, but

I just kinda… had enough?

And oddly, that doesn’t bother me now, even
if it did a little bit then.

I had my fun, I look back on them fondly,
I’m glad I put in the hours of each that

I did, and that can just be that.

As much as I want this, not every game will
be that and that’s completely and totally


It makes the games that are, that much more

So although 1600 hours, when you split over
365 days comes out to just over 4 hours per

day and gets fugly after you factor in all
the upcoming stuff it might not be even close

to that if every 50+ hour game doesn’t hook

I don’t have to beat everything, that is
a peace I’m allowing for myself.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t plan to just
try 30 minutes of each one and dip.

I’m going to give each game the same chance
I gave persona 5 and it’s gone with the

wind ass tutorial, but I’m also going to
trust the fact that if I want to keep playing

a game, I will… and if I don’t, that’s
completely kosher… which is a lesson maybe

you can take away from this as well.

Don’t feel like everything you play has to
get finished if you aren’t feeling it.

Don’t let the sunk cost fallacy get you,
shelve it and move on.

Music: TOKYO ROSE – Tokyo Burnout

With that said, I am absolutely still doing

I can make it happen in one year’s time and
come next November, come hell or high water,

I will be posting HOW I did it.

Because you see folks, this is only part one
of two videos concerning the backlog, there

will be another full episode a year from now.

I’ll take you through what I learned, what
I played, what was disappointing, what was

a delight, if I had any of these moments,
AND if I was able to actually clear it out.

There are currently 84 games on the final
backlog, an estimated 1629 hours of work.

I arrived at that figure by taking the How
Long to Beat time for the main story and the

main+extra time and guesstimating for each
game individually that it would take somewhere

between those figures based on the game genre
and what I know about myself.

Souls games will take me longer, I usually
skip most of the side stuff in RPGs, etc.


In addition to the 84 games with time estimates,
I have another tab of 29 games that have yet

to release.

Obviously no time estimates exist for these

As the new games come out, I’ll make a decision
to either skip or add them to the master list

based on how well my progress is going at
that time, if the game bombs at release, if

the game still looks like something I’ll
be interested in, if that game is called Zelda

Tears of the Kingdom, if that game looks better
or worse after finishing Danganronpa 2, and

if that game is named Hollow Knight Silksong.

This is a flexibility I’m allowing for myself,
because there are obviously some on here that

will be day one-ers for me, but tackling this
is going to be tough as hell so I’m only

TRULY committing to the main list.

As I play games, I’ll be writing my thoughts
and potentially basing video ideas on them.

No time off, I know you want that outer wild’s
video next year..

And most importantly I feel, I’ll be taking
some data points.

Right now, I have time estimates and my excitement
for each game on a 10 point scale recorded.

But as I play, I’ll note if I rolled credits,
how long I actually spent on the game, a rating

out of 10, why I either dropped it or finished
it, and if it absolutely blew me away to see

how many gems are hiding on here.

I’ll also be comparing my initial excitement
scores with my final reviews.

If my excitement was low but my rating was
at least 3 points higher, that will get labeled

a stunner.

The pleasant surprises.

If the opposite is true of the rating, I’ll
label it a let down.

I’ll also record, if I finish the game,
whether I felt as though it was too long or

not long enough.

If I’m being honest, I’m not sure what
exactly the takeaway from all this data will

be, but I’m hoping that by the time next
november comes, this will provide some interesting

talking points from someone who is actually
bonkers enough to try this.


Hey, through the wonder of technology, if
you’re interested, this document containing

my backlog will be in a viewable google spreadsheet
that I will be updating regularly.

The titles highlighted in blue are what I’m
currently playing, if it’s green, I am finished,

and you can see all the data as well.

I’ll drop a link to it in the description
below if you want to check up on my progress

throughout the year.

I’ll also be posting updates to twitter
in case that strikes your fancy.

Oh my god it’s just hitting me how much
work this is gonna be (laughing)

Music: Mewmore // Battle!

Marnie (Pokémon Sword & Shield Remix)

To answer my original question of, would clearing
the backlog actually make me feel better…

I simply do not have an answer.

Sure, making a plan or a list might help,
maybe the Zeigarnik Effect can help us understand

why having all these unfinished games fills
some of us with existential dread… but to

answer the real question here, I only see
one way to find out.

I have to enter the belly of the beast.

I have to walk that path.

And whether I fail or I succeed, I’m…
obnoxiously interested to see who or… what

I become in pursuit of that goal.

And I know I’ve gotten caught up in the
task of tackling the backlog today, but we

cannot overlook how thrilled I am to actually
rip off the bandaid and play some of these


I’m finally going to get to throw hands
in Yharnam and pull my hair out at some bloodboure.

Outer Wilds hasn’t been recommended to me
100 times by accident and I’m optimistically

terrified to say that I have absolutely no
clue what I’m getting into there.

13 sentinels is supposed to be mind boggling,
I finally get to go back and play paper Mario

64, I get my first taste of DMC, Resident
Evil, and Mass Effect.

I get stellar blade which is basically Bayonetta
but with more anime and less voice acting

controversy lmao.

Chrono Trigger, Nier Replicant, Prey, Tunic,
LiSA, Furi, Ultrakill, the Stanley Parable.

I am going to be absolutely FEASTING in 2023,
and come this time next year, I can’t wait

to tell you all about it.

Music: Pokémon Colosseum OST – Realgam Tower

Thank ya so very much for watching today.

It was a delight to hop into this topic that
I’ve been thinking about for uh… honestly

years now.

I thought about quietly just knocking down
my backlog as quick as I could, but it made

more sense to bring you all in and share what
I learn along the way, so I hope you had fun

with this one.

If you’d like to support the show, definitely
consider contributing on Patreon!

For one dollar a month you get your name listed
in the credits here, bonus streams, bloopers,

creative input, and weekly updates on what
I’m working on.

Link in the description and on screen in a
moment after I give a special thanks to this

months featured patrons…

Elyse Fires


Thomas Breitenfeldt
Sharon RH

Alexander Yaws
Jaron Clark

Thanks again, let me know in the comments
if and how you plan to attack your backlog,

like, share, subscribe, and please have yourself
a damn good one.