Category: Game Commentary

YouTubers that Quit the game

Destiny 2 YouTubers that Quit the game. Part 2. Up first, Rifle Gaming. Rifle gaming is a YouTuber who has been  around for a long time on the platform,   starting out posting a variety of games from  Halo Reach, to Skyrim and earned over 100   thousand Subscribers before Destiny 1 even  released. But when it…

By admin 25.02.2023 0

Wizard of Legend was released in 2018 by developers Contingent99, the two person team   of Bundy Kim and Dahoon Lee, after asuccessful 2016 Kickstarter

A well-made roguelike is something special. There’s something endlessly appealing and addictive about the ability to load up a game and get a complete start-to-finish experience in under an hour, whether you win or lose. Finding a new roguelike that really clicks with   me is one of the surest ways for me to completely hyperfixate on a…

By admin 23.02.2023 0