Funny role-playing video games

14.01.2023 0 By admin

Many of us out there love a good role playing game.

And every once in a while something happens that, mm, it’s just the right thing.

It’s Falcon,and today on “gameranx”,10 things that make RPG gamers go, “Ah, yeah.”

Starting off at number
10, it’s loot explosions.

When it comes to RPGs,

few things are as intentionally satisfying

as getting a good loot pinata.

You know the deal, you beat a boss,

like in a loot heavy
action RPG like “Diablo”.

And when they die a shower of
loot flies outta their corpse.

Where’d they get all that crap,

who knows, but it’s yours now.

Because the random nature of
loot in a lot of these games,

you’re not guaranteed
to get the good stuff

after killing a boss, but when you do,

wow, does it ever feel good?

The “Diablo” games have
really kind of mastered

the art of the loot explosion,

but any decent action
RPG these days will have

some kind of loot to get after
a boss after you kill ’em.

The “Borderlands” games, for instance,

have a really good loot
shower after a boss.

And while other games,
and a lot of Western RPGs

are a little more understated about it,

there’s still a real
sense of accomplishment

after you beat a boss,

and you find yourself in a room filled

with chests for you to loot.

This one is about as simple as it gets.

Loot feels great to get,
so more loot, better loot,

whatever, equals more good feelings, duh.

And number nine is clearing the screen

of enemies with a really overpowered move.

It just feels incredibly
satisfying in an RPG,

when you start to get overpowered,

and you whip out this attack
that just completely clears

the screen of enemies.

Especially when it’s the
first time you’ve done it.

You got your character to a
point where it’s possible,

and you pull it off.

Like some overpowered spell

like Ultima from “Final
Fantasy”, or ridiculous summon,

or just a powerful combination
of skills in an action RPG.

Doesn’t really matter, it
all just feels really good.

At the start of a lot of RPGs,

you kind of just have
garbage on your back,

and that’s about it.

You have to scrape by

and struggle even against the
weakest enemies in the game.

And slowly but surely you
start to increase your power.

It usually takes a while.

RPGs are kind of famous for being long,

but eventually you’ll be stronger

than anything the game can throw at you.

And the first time you
managed to just destroy

your enemies with a single
attack, wow, does it feel good.

And number eight is hitting a wall

and finding a secret passage.

All right, RPGs love to hide secrets.

Sometimes they’re
actually kind of annoying.

Sometimes they’re also nearly
impossible to find naturally.

But when you do find one of

those nearly impossible ones
kind of almost randomly,

wow, does it ever feel good?

The difference between
finding a secret in an RPG,

compared to an action game like “Doom”,

is that in an RPG you usually
find some special loot.

There’s something specific to the secret.

Sometimes the best treasures
in games are hidden away

behind these random breakable
walls, or invisible walls,

or just something that
doesn’t look like anything.

See, when you manage to
stumble on one of these things

through dumb luck, it
almost feels like cheating.

Just the act of revealing a hidden wall

in an RPG is satisfying enough,

but like the sound of a wall breaking,

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or the illusion going
away, it just feels right.

Because you looking at a
spy, you thought to yourself,

“Eh, something looks fishy”,
and you ended up being right.

And sometimes feeling right

is the best feeling in the world.

Not all the time, sometimes
feeling right about something

is actually a very bad feeling

because there’s a whole
lot of crappy stuff

to be right about in this whole world.

But here, wow, does it feel good?

Secrets are one of those double
edged sword kind of things,

where they can be really annoying

to deal with if you miss them.

But if you’re one of the lucky
few, just finds ’em randomly,

you’re gonna let out a big, ah yeah.

And number seven is pulling
off a series of perfect dodges.

Now, this might sound like
more of an action game thing,

but the line between RPG and action game

is getting thinner by the day.

I mean, look at the “Souls” series.

Dodge timing is absolutely
essential in those games,

and those are definitely not the only RPGs

where that matters, it
actually goes way back.

I mean, look at the “Mario” RPG games

like “Super Mario RPG”, “Paper Mario”,

they all have timed
hits where you can avoid

almost all damage from an attack

if you press the button at the right time.

Obviously, these things require patience,

but when you manage to perfectly dodge

through a boss’s entire
combo, it just feels good.

Pretty much any well
timed dodge feels good,

but it’s especially
impressive when you manage

an entire series of dodges in a row.

If you wanna feel like an
untouchable badass in a game,

like Neo dodging bullets, then
get the dodge timing down.

Even if something as basic as “Mario”,

managing to completely negate all damage

from an enemy’s attack
never stops feeling good.

And even though it’s basically essential

to beat some of the
toughest “Souls” bosses,

it’s still a good feeling

when you dodge multiple attacks perfectly.

And number six, when you
make an enemy vulnerable,

and doing massive damage.

Like loot pinatas, this
is one of those things

that’s absolutely
designed to be satisfying.

I’m talking about things
like knocking over an enemy

in “Xenoblade”, or pulling
off an all out attack

in “Persona 5”.

There’s a lot of great RPGs

that use some variation of this mechanic,

where you can somehow
exploit an enemy’s weakness

and leave them open to a big attack.

It doesn’t even have to
be the flashiest thing.

Even something like stunning an enemy

in a “Souls” game is satisfying.

Especially when you follow
it up with a visceral attack,

and shred their health bar.

It never stops feeling good
to just destroy an enemy

with an all out attack in “Persona 5”

before the song even
manages to get started.

That game is the absolute
master of the, ah yeah,

at least as far as JRPGs go.

They’ve just got the whole
brain reward thing down.

If you wanna feel good
about yourself as a gamer,

play “Persona 5”,

and get good enough at it
that it starts rewarding you

with animations instead,
you’ll feel great.

And number five, evolving Pokemon,

or getting the perfect fusion.

It’s a little more specific,

but it counts because
while all the leveling up

in a game feels good most of the time,

it’s not even close to as
satisfying as evolving a Pokemon.

There’s a few other games
with similar mechanics,

like unlocking new classes
in class based games,

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or fusioning monsters in SMT games.

But the visceral thrill
just isn’t quite the same

as those games compared to a Pokemon game.

And it feels good, no matter what,

to watch a creature
evolve into a new form,

and instantly gain a sometimes
massive increase in power.

But when you view it for the first time,

when you didn’t know what was coming,

or what this new evolution would even be,

wow, is it even better?

That little moment of buildup just before

the new Pokemon’s revealed

is just the most hype thing possible.

And regardless about your
feeling for the Pokemon series,

there isn’t a lot out
there in the RPG world

that is as satisfying as
evolving your Pokemon.

It’s not the only game that does it,

but it’s basically the originator,

so we have to give the
series it’s due here.

And number four,

leveling up at just the right moment

when you’re low on health.

Okay, so there’s actually
something just a little bit better

than evolving a Pokemon.

And it’s something that can
happen in pretty much any RPG.

You’re exploring a dungeon,
but your resources are shot,

and everyone’s on the verge of death.

There’s no safe point in sight.

And a fully powered boss
is in the near future,

and it seems like you don’t
have a chance in hell.

You manage to scrape
through one more battle,

and that’s when the ah yeah happens.

Everyone in the party levels up,

and all of your HP and
MP gets fully restored.

Just a second ago, you
were on the verge of death,

but now you’re maxed out and ready to go.

Leveling up a character
in general feels good,

but when you manage to
strategically level up

when you’re on the verge
of death is incredible.

And not every RPG does this,

there’s some that are
cruelly denying healing you

when you level up.

Still, while others just all
around don’t let you do it

unless you’re at a safe point.

But for the games that just
naturally do the right thing,

and heal you when you level up,

pulling off this trick is amazing.

And number three is catching
an enemy by surprise.

Stealth headshots in “Skyrim”,

like sneak attacks in “Elden Ring”,

hell, even attacking an enemy from behind

in something like “Earthbound”.

This all feels really good in an RPG.

For people who had played
“Final Fantasy VI” or something,

and then tried “Chrono
Trigger”, and were like,

“Oh, the battles aren’t random.

“Wait, that means I can
sneak up on enemies.”

And it made the battle much easier.

It’s not that it’s stealth mechanics,

but it’s kind of stealth mechanics.

It really feels great, whatever it is.

Take a game like “Divinity:
Original Sin II”,

a game that’s pretty challenging
at the best of times.

Certain encounters can be total slogs

if you try to take ’em on normally,

but if you’re careful,

and get all your guys
into the right position

before attacking,

you could turn a fight
that would normally kill

you pretty much every
time into a cake walk.

All it takes is the patience
to set up a good ambush.

There’s a reason why
the stealth archer build

in “Skyrim” is so powerful too.

It really works, and it’s
very satisfying to pull off.

Same thing goes for “Elden Ring”.

It’s simple, but a good
back stab from behind

with a good stealth character

can really neuter some of
the more difficult fights

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in the game.

Even in some old school RPGs,

where stealth isn’t really a thing,

getting a back attack on enemies is great.

I mentioned “Chrono Trigger” a moment ago.

It usually makes it so
you can attack twice

before the enemy can
even do anything at all,

which is obviously incredibly helpful.

At number two is critical hits.

Of course, when you’re talking about RPGs,

one thing you’ll always
see are critical hits.

Whether they’re random,

activate because of a special
ability, or meter based,

it doesn’t really matter,

because actually getting a
critical hit always feels good.

Always, that’s just how it is.

Blowing up an enemy in “Fallout 4”

where the V.A.T.S critical is fantastic.

Just like getting critical
hits in old school games

like “Earthbound”, “Final
Fantasy”, or even “Dragon Quest”.

The “Pokemon” games critical
message is a classic too,

but one series that really
does critical hits well

are the “Fire Emblem” games.

Those games all have special animations

for when you get a critical hit,

just to really take home
how specialties attacks are.

Pretty much every RPG out there has

some kind of critical hit system in it.

And even when the game
isn’t as flashy about them,

it’s still great when you’re
lucky enough to get ’em.

And finally,

at number one is completely
breaking the difficulty.

Here is the ultimate RPG, oh yeah.

When your characters become so overpowered

that there’s basically
nothing that can stop you.

One of the great joys of playing in RPGs

is watching the numbers go up.

The stats, the damage, you do, everything.

Working and getting
something for it feels good.

And for certain gamers,

there’s nothing better in the
world than doing everything

you can to basically completely break

the difficulty of a game.

They’re the types who can look at

the various systems going on,

and identify all the vulnerabilities.

The buff combos that are
potentially overpowered,

the possible exploits, and
some random mini games,

stuff like that.

RBGs tend to be really complicated,

and with so much going on,

it would basically be
impossible for a designer

to account for every possible thing.

So usually there’s some way
to completely break a game

over your knee,

even if it’s not exactly
obvious from the get go.

The amount of examples
of this kind of thing

are pretty much endless,

but the results are always the same.

A game that’s supposed to be
at least kind of difficult

becomes a total walk in the park.

And for certain gamers out there,

there’s just nothing better than getting

all the pieces into place,

and becoming a totally
unstoppable chosen one in an RPG.

And that’s all for today,
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I’m Falcon, you can follow me
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And we’ll see you next time
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