I hurt myself playing golf

04.02.2023 0 By admin

It’s the store to grub, I’m a grub, and you’re coming out to grub, it’s Game Grumps Versus Hello and welcome back to Game Grubs.


So as it turns out, our golf game.



Why is this so much more difficult than it was the other day? What, life? Everything’s moving around.

Um, yeah, so our golf game from last time, uh, has disappeared.

But that’s fine.

That’s okay, we were 15 to 15.

We were tied, yes.

So we’re now, we’ll just chalk that up to, uh, uh, getting to know this world round, and now here comes the real deal.

Here comes the pizza.

Here comes the pizza indeed.

Yeah, I’m gonna golf all over you.

Ah, dude, I can’t wait.

Dude! I’m gonna shoot my putts.

I’ve been waiting for you to say that to my face every day and night, oh baby.

Oh crap, I don’t remember how to do this.

Yeah, you do.

You’re gonna be like, oh yeah, okay.

Okay, I remember this then.




So you’re gonna be like, oh yeah.


Yep, easy.

Got it.

It’s so easy.

A baby could do it.

Looks like you, but just like a baby.

Dude, that’s a clean swing right there.

I don’t even want to talk about it anymore.

Right down the center of the fairway.

Dude, you’re embarrassing me.

Yeah, I mean, what can I say? Forfeit? Yeah, I think so.

Point the controller down.

Whoops, you fucked it up.

No, I didn’t, it’s fucking awesome.

Look at that shit, way farther than yours, stupid ass.

Oh, it’s headed for the rough.

No, it’s not.

You see that? Bounced right off.

It was gorgeous.

It was fucking gorgeous.

I’m an amazing man.

God, I just want to lick you.

All right.

I just want to fucking lick you.

All right, so.

Come on, dang.


Remember, it goes way farther than you think it’s gonna.



Look at that shit.


That’s a practice motherfucking swing.

Damn, damn, damn, damn.

Holy shit.

Oh my fucking god, dude.

That was incredible.

Dude, I don’t know how you did that shit.

Well, let’s see if you can replicate it.

I don’t want to.

I know how to fucking practice, dude.

Well, as long as you don’t miss it.



Nicely done.


That was too shallow.

That was way too fucking shallow, bruh.

Use your wedge.


Wow, that was fantastic.


No, it wasn’t.

That was way too far.

I was trying to go for the hole-in-one, though.

I was trying to go for just a plop, you know? Well, just keep stroking.

See what happens.

You definitely don’t want to get it in on this one, though.

You definitely want to miss it.

Yeah, I’m fucked.

I’m doing real bad right now.

No, you can do it, but it’s also a chance you could miss it.

Oh, incredible.


Well done.


Keep your arms close to your fucking sides.


Got it.

He’s gonna hit too hard.

He’s gonna hit too hard.


That was amazing.


That’s my first birdie in like- Wait, how did you get a birdie and I got par? I hit way more than you did.

One, just one.

What? Yeah, because your long distance shot was outstanding.

You had an incredible putt.

It wasn’t a putt, it was a drive.

Your drive was good, too, but I was talking about your putt.

Oh, my putt was pretty good.

My putt was pretty dang good, if you ask me.

And you didn’t ask me, but I don’t care.

I’m gonna keep talking about it pretty dang good it was.


Oh, a little wiggly there.

Got it.


Suck my fucking balls.


Damn, you got the announcer.

Oh, it’s too far.

Oh, God.

I’m gonna fart.

It’s gonna happen.

It’s gonna happen.

Oh, yeah.

God damn it.

All right, Arin steps up.

And a hop.

I’d love to have a golf announcer announce your farts.


Wow, what the hell? Dude, remember yesterday, like, you would shoot it all the way and it would go so far and now it’s like going exactly as it’s supposed to.

It’s really pissing me off.

Arin steps up and farts.

I know.

Check the mini-map I shot.

The white dots on the meter, Arin.

It’s a fucking mini-map.

Bless you, Ally.


Too far, too far, too far, too far.

Oh, I gave it a backspin.

What the hell was that all about? Green.

I didn’t even know I could do that.


There’s a chance for birdie.

Kicking my ass.

Not yet.

How do I see the topography? Oh, terrain.

Not very helpful.


I mean, you can kind of see it with the.



It’s just downhill, really, with a slight bend to the right.



Suck my fucking motherfucking dick.

Okay, almost to the second bit.

Too much.

Almost to the second bit.


Too much.

Almost to the too much.


Dude, your putts are killer, dog.

That’s two birdies in the bush.

Tweet, tweet.

Tweet, tweet, motherlucker.

Don’t mess it though.

Mess it.

Fuck, you’re good.

Oh, I love this suck nuts.

We’ve gotten a little bit better at this.


I had time to sleep on it.


What? I dreamed of golf.

I dreamed of the green.

It was a green dream.

Why do I even have to go first? Because you’re fucking epic.

No, I want you to go first.

Because you are better, so they want you to.




Smile-o-da fucking bug.


Fucking summon your inner Ryan Gosling and drive.

Summon your.




I bought a night call.

Here we go.

Oh, fuck.

Made myself laugh.

God damn night call.

My coffee with some cream.

Oh, my God.

It’s really funny.

My coffee with some cream.

I want a coffee with a cream.

All right.

Oh, shit.

You definitely don’t want to mess it.

Oh, you can get through those trees.

I think I’m going to do it.

You will.

I think I’m going to fucking boom.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

So far.

Oh, stay in the green.

Stay in the green.

It’s on the fairway.

Stay in the fucking fairway.

That was good.


It was pretty good.

Oh, God.

All right.

I think this is my best chance.

Oh, man.

This is just begging to be in the trees.

Begging for cream right now.

Plum sweet and begging for cream.

God, why do they plant so many fucking trees? Because it’s beautiful.

Deal with it.

Not to me.

Song glasses came down on my face.

I’m sucking moisture.


Whoa, that was ass.

Oh, geez.

Actually, the tree is good.

The tree helped.

That’s like, is that out of bounds? No, it would have been if I- Fuck.

Son of a bitch.

Oh, fuck.

All right.

I have to just do it like this.

I mean, I think if you curve it, you can do it.

Really? I want to beg that man for cream.

Oh, it’s all fucked up now.

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It’s all fucked up.

There went my whole lead.

Fuck this.

You’re on stroke six? Yeah.

I mean, seriously.


Right behind the tree.

This is the worst.

They’re going to fucking disqualify you.

I just need a mulligan on this.

That’s not so bad.

That’s not so bad.

You could do a little curve to it.

Oh, dude.


No, it’s too far.

I mean, yeah, but you got out of it.

I’m seven strokes in now.

You got raw.

You don’t know how this goes.

It just said seven.

Yeah, but you don’t know how this goes for me.

I get it.

I get it.


Was that supposed to be fucking implying something here? Man, that was the worst.

I can’t help but get a little curve.

Oh, it’s a call.

It’s a call from the doctor.


Hold on one sec.

I’ll be right back.

Oh, fuck.

Oh, no.

No, I have to do this.

Get it.

Get it.

Just get it.

I’m swinging.

You don’t have to be here for my swing.

Stroke eight.

Fuck my life.

Okay, here we go.


Stroke eight, bro.

Looks like you stroke out.


I’m about to stroke out.

That’s what I’m saying, but I guess it just wasn’t clear enough.

No, it was very clear.

No, no, no.

Part of joke design is about the feel of it, like the understanding of it from a surface perspective.

You shouldn’t have to think too hard about a joke.

It just has to present well.


Great shot.

Thank you.

Look at those extra carts in the background.

That’s the kind of flavor I like.

Mine’s cherry.


All right.

God, why can’t you just fuck up? I did.

The first stroke sucked.

Sucking moisture.

I am.

We know.


Yeah, it’s like we haven’t played this in fucking two days.

Fuck you.

You stupid asshole game.

Oh my God.

Oh, damn.

I needed that.

That was fucking wild, dude.

I really need you to just not get this in as a friend.


No, no, no.

Somebody’s not my friend.


Well, we had a good run.

I’m sorry, man.

I just love winning.

I know you do.

All right.


Stop wiggling your stick around, bro.

You got to give me a second.

I got to recover.

There’s a refractory period, you know? I wish I was dead.

Plus five.

That’s only plus three.

So you’re basically where I was before this round.

In one round.

Thank you, Arin.

That’s a great point.

Ah, shit, dude.

There is not a single wind to be heard.

Well, then I guess you have one shot at this.

Oh, that would have gotten you in real trouble.

Why do they keep thinking I’m rotating it? Stop.

What’s the deal here? Maybe you got a dangly wang.

Take your shot, Arin.

There we go.

Sorry, I’m just trying to get it so it doesn’t.



It keeps turning.

I don’t like that.

What am I doing wrong? Nothing.


That’s what I’m doing wrong.


All right.

All right.


Jesus Christ.

It’s like watching someone take, like, 50 shitty practice swings in the batting cage and then launching it out of Fenway Park.

All right.

Here we go.




All right, you fucking guys.

If you hit it too hard, I think it automatically goes wonky.

Yeah, it goes wonky for sure.

Yeah, if you’re past the.



Fucking rolls the dice of wonk.


All right.

Rolls of wonk dice.


Yeah, you’re gonna wanna go a little to the left.


Got it.


Oh, fiddle faddle.

Do a little practice shot.

Get a perfect shot.

What Arin doesn’t know is that I’ve been jerking off this entire time.

Dennis jerking off before we’re in the corner.

It appears that Arin knows.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.

Oh, shit.



Missed the shot.

Missed the shot.

Gonna suck a dick.

Arin? Yeah? As a celebration for missing the shot.


You don’t need to tell me every time.



I can’t.

That’s so gentle.



Swing in the gentle club.


Swing in the gentle club.

Oh, goodness.

Getting it in the hole.

Getting it in the hole.

Now, I’m about to get it in the hole.

Get it in the hole.

Are you ready for this shit? As long as I don’t fuck up.

Are you ready for my wonk? Oh.



It was par.


Oh, my dad’s watching.

I don’t want him to see me like this.

Boy, golf is really one of those games where you can just ruin it all in one hole.

That’s just life, really.


Too real.

All right.

Okay, but I want to twist the other way.

Stop being straight now.

I can’t, Arin.

All right.

That’s what I want.

Oh, shit.

That curved way too soon.

No, way too soon.



Yeah, it’s rough.

Come on.

Come on.

Hit the ball in the air.

Hit the ball in the air.

Hit the ball in the air.

Air ball.

The ball’s gonna fly through the air.

Air ball.

Then it’s gonna suck my dick every night and day.


Was that? It’s yeah for me, though.

Oh, sure.

Like, just in the game sense.

Like, as a person, I still, I’m like, oh, but like in, as a winning thing, I’m like, yeah.

Cool, Arin.

Thanks for breaking that down.

Because I want to win in the end, but like, I want my friend to be happy too.

No, you don’t.

It’s a constant struggle because I’m always winning.

Anything else you’d like to add? All right.

Looks good.

Clear sailing.

All right.

Shit, man.

Yeah, bro.

Nicely done.

Don’t even ask me what I do with myself, because I do ask myself what I want to do.

What? I’m gonna hit the ball through the trees.

I know.

I am gonna watch you put, if you please.

Ow! Bro.

I think I just broke my thumb.


Fucking ow.

Look at that.

Oh, man.


Yeah, I burst something.

Whoa, that’s crazy looking.


Oh, boy.

Yeah, look at that.

That’s blue, like, immediately.

Let me, let me adjust this for you.

I don’t think a band-aid will help.


Look at that.

That’s crazy.

We should take a picture of that.

What? Look at that shit.

Did you, like, did you burst something? I feel like I must have.

Uchi maguchis.

Does it still hurt? It does, but I mean, whatever.

I mean, like, we’re playing sports, so like, you gotta play injured.

Yeah, okay, sure.


There you go.

It shouldn’t happen now.

Bro, like, if I was, like, the type of guy who, like, loses his cool and just, like, punches walls, I couldn’t have hurt my hand anymore.

Fucker mother.

Ooh, man.


Yeah, well.

I’ve never felt any feeling quite like that.

That was, like, you could probably hear that on the fucking microphone.

I bet.

It’s just, like, poof.

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Oh, ouchie magosh.

Okay, that’s fine.

We’ll put in a nice.

Here we go.

Gotta play through the injury.


What if you just play amazing now? I would love that to be the case, but it does not seem to be so.

Yup, second bunker.

It’s just a practice shot to get used to the injury.

Now it’s gonna be perfect.

Oh, man.

I kinda wanna, like, poke it with a needle and see if it just, like, bleeds, you know? Thank you, Arin.

No, but you know what I mean, right? No.

Because it looks like it’s a blister.


Now you’re curious.

We should put this in ice, actually.





Do you wanna pause and put it in ice? Uh, maybe we’ll finish this hole now.

Okay, sure.

The game’s more important.

I mean, it’s fun.

It is fun.

Yeah, actually.

Thank you.

If you could just, like, a cup of ice water, please.


That was a little gentle.

That was a little too gentle.

Okay, Mr.


Ooh, it’s starting to freeze up a little.

Your finger? Yeah.

That’s crazy.

Well, it’s probably getting swollen, so you can’t, like, bend it as much.

Yes, you better believe it.



Oh! Oh, my goodness gracious.

My god, you’re amazing at fucking getting the balls out of the bunker.

Thank you.

It’s like, dude, it’s, like, look at the color it’s changing to.

It’s, like, a purplish.

Oh, man.

I’ve never seen it happen so instantly before.

Yeah, I know.

That was cool.

Was it cool? No.

There’s a time when, like, you’re younger, where, like, if you hurt yourself, there’s a part of you that’s, like, everyone check out how I hurt myself.

Look! And then you just reach a point in your life where, like, I wish I hadn’t hurt myself.

It hurts.

Oh, shit.

Oh, wow.

That was way harder than I- oh.

It was a windy putt.

That’s what I said to my boyfriend last night.

What? What? It’s way harder than I thought it was.



Well done.


5 foots to go.

Gonna put a dick in my mouth.

Don’t veer a little bit to the right.

I don’t want to.

I know, I know.

I want you to get your points back.

Oh, boy.




Dude, honestly, I think my thumb’s broken.

I couldn’t, like, my whole hand is going numb.

Oh, no.

There we go.


Triple bogey.


Yeah, it’s just normal.

Yeah, it’s just normal.

Thanks, Al.

Stick your thumb in a mug of ice.


Bro, like, I put my hand in the ice, ice water, and it’s just like- Do you want to, you want to take a little fiber? I think maybe we should, actually.


Let’s do that.


Be right back.

All right.


Hey, we’re back.


Dan iced his golf injury.

My pretend golf injury.

That makes it even more shameful.

Oh, crap, I’m first.

All right, we’re fine.

We go on.

We’re doing this show for the people, man.

I can’t wait to see what it looks like tomorrow.

It’s gonna be gross.

I’ve never seen, like, a human thumb turn so many colors in such a short period of time.

Really was something.

It’s like the bottom of a snow cone.


It’s like when they put too many flavors in a snow cone, you’re like, blue, purple, red, and green.

Oh, it looks like shit.

I am taking some safe short shots now.

Yeah, man.

That was, like, the best shot possible.

No more wild swings.

It went a fair way.

I’m gonna.



Go on? Nice.

Thank you.


I’m gonna.



I’m just gonna fucking.




Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Randy, sandy, tandy.

Randall sandal tandal.

That was fucking great.

That was awesome.

I did it just so I could go next.

Stee-roke two.


No, I don’t want that.

All right.

You changed to a five iron? No, I switched back.

Oh, thank god.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.

Looks pretty good.

That was a penalty area.

Oh, shit.

All right.

Like how it showed where it landed and then vanished.


Like, don’t even.



Don’t even forget about it.

Nice shot.

It better be.

Dude, you’re getting nice.



What the fuck? Oh, oh.

You lying whore.

Nice shot.


My bad.

All right.

Oh, that’s a lot.


This is kind of unfair.

Oh, no, you got it.

Yeah, it’s a really hard one because like you can’t hit it too hard or else it goes wonky, but too soft and you’re in the drink.

I keep farting.


I know, Arin.

Thank you.

It’s really.



It’s not like I’m injured.

It’s not like I’m injured.

Forgive me.


That was amazing.

Happened to be a great shot.

Oh, green.


5 foot to go.




I’m looking at the way you’re putting and I’m liking it.

You know what? I’m staring at dad ass and I’m liking it.

Thank you, Arin.


Wish I could get a slice of dad ass.

Arin, please.

Yo, it’s like a cake that I’d like to eat.

Put some frosting on dad ass.



Sorry, did I distract you by objectifying dad ass? You can do whatever you like.

Oh, really? Yeah.

Well, why not? I’m just going to stare at dad ass.

All right.

Thank you, Arin.




Oh my goodness.

Oh my God.

I can’t believe that shit, though.

Here’s my chance to take the lead if you miss this.

I’m not going to miss this.

You might miss it.

How can I miss? Well, maybe you won’t, but if you miss it, though.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

You needed the gentleman’s touch.

Shut up.

I can’t think of something to say back to you.


It’s probably just the anti-inflammatory medicine I just took.

Fuck yeah.

Yeah, it makes you delirious.


Really weird side effects.

Like no more pain and no more friend.


I know.

Oh God.


You gotta be gentle.

He’s going to be.

Oh my God.


All right.

Are we back to we tie? Oh, Oh, what the fuck? Yeah, man.


That was real bad.

Well, cause every time you got it in the uh, water, it’s like two strokes.

It’s a penalty.

Out of mouths.

Penalties are the worst.

I got it in the drink, dude.


One of the drink, two in the pink, you know.

What? God, I wish I could enjoy my victory more, but my hand’s broken.

That’s all I can think about right now.

Man, really, really at the top of my awareness.

I was thinking like, I’m going to get some ice cream later.

And now I’m thinking like, man, my fucking hand hurts.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, dude.

The velocity, man.

94 you do.

All right.

Check this shit out.

Are you ready for this ass? Hell yeah.

Y’all ready for this ass? Wow.

That was the maximum.

That was incredible, Aaron.

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That’s a perfect shot.

I know.

I’ve been practicing.

Guys, I just want to lick you.

Oh, man.

Oh, man.


That was terrible.

Holy shit.

Your reign continues.

What the fuck? Okay.

Oh, fuck.

Who’s going to hit the ball? I don’t know what to do.

Here we go.

Here we go.

Going to hit the ball.

Dare I do this? He’ll impress us all.

If he hits the ball.

Watch him fall.

From grace.

Oh, popped it over the tree.

Into the green.


That was fucking beautiful.

Thank you, dude.

Holy moly.

I’ve got a bit of a quarter chub right now.





Kind of stopped me in the tracks of whatever I was going to say.


Sometimes it’s best to just whale.

Just fucking whale it.


I’m going to lose.

I’m going to lose.

No, you’re in good shape.

Oh, my God.

Glad I practice shot at that.


I can’t wait to take a dump after this.



All right.

So strong.

It’s so strong in the paint.

God, I wish I had an Ooga horn right now.

I just fucking put it right up to your ear.



Oh, yay.

Flapping its wings.

Bird die.

Shit, man.

All right.

You got two holes to get your life back in order.

Yo, that’s okay, though.

Is it? Yeah, at least I’m fucking buff.

Oh, God.

You are buff as shit.

Look at this course.


That’s a nightmare.

But you can skip right all over it if you get a great shot.

I guess so.

Why would you ever try to get in the middle there? If I can play Midnight Club over here.

Whoa, look at those little swan boats.

That’s cute.

I like the flavor.


Please, God.

Please, God.

Holy moly, dude.

That’s awesome.

All right, cool.

Well, you just want to get it like across the chasm of doom.

I can do it.


Chasm of doom crossed.

Whoa, you’re on the Gren.

I’m on the Gren.

I’m on the Gren.

He’s on the Gren, everybody.

He’s on the Gren.

It’s incredible.

He’s on the Gren.

Look at this boy.

He’s on the Gren.

Such a green package for such a small package.

Oh, man.

All right, starting to lose it a little bit.

Oops, too hard.

Far too hard.

Look around you.

All you see is Gren.

Far off in the distance lies the city of the night, but here it’s his only Gren.

There’s a little tipsy-turvy.

Too much terrain.


Too much terrain on the Gren.

Look at this man put.

He’s putting his.



Oh, shit, dude.

Oh, my God.

That was almost the finest.

My finest moment.

Chance for birthday.

Would you like the chance for the birthday? All right.

Whoops, that was.



No, that’s good.




Oh, that’s not good.

It was.



The aim was fantastic.

I don’t know how that ended up being way stronger than I intended it to.

The putts are insanely sensitive.

Don’t give me a fucking break with the toilet bowl action.

Lipped out.

Dude, fuck no.

Dude, I’m done.

I’m done with this shit, man.

I can’t even fucking do this anymore.

Dude, I’m retiring.


Yo, I can’t golf no more.

Listen, while I still have feeling in my left hand, maybe I’ll give you a consolation stranger.

Put all that.

I guess giving someone else a hand job is always a stranger.

But I know you, Dan.

All right.

You’re not strange to me.

Thanks, man.

All right.

Ali, cut this whole episode.

Oh, man.



Bring on the last pet.

Bring the last pet.

Dude, this is for all the fucking beans, man.

33 miles an hour.

Oh, crapity.

Dude, this one’s fucking wild.

How do you even get to the other islands? You have to take a helicopter? I wouldn’t take a helicopter in this weather.

No, no.







Really good.

Here we go.

Oh my god.


Perfect, dude.

Holy moly.


Clap, clap, clap, clap.

That was really great.

Thank you, man.


Now do it again.


Now I want to see you do it, nude.

Now draw her farting.

Oh my god.

Oh, that’s too much.

It’s too much.



No, no, you’re good.

You’re good.

Oh, that’s not good.

You’re still good.

It’s okay.

Oh, so funny.

What’s happening? All right.

Hold on.

Here we go.

Oh, I hope I hope it’s a nice show.

Oh lord.

When you get out of like the horror spots, it’s such a relief.

I know.

Oh, my microphone is so steady now, bro.


Dude, I can’t make it.

Or can I? Oh my god.

Let’s find out.

Yeah, sure.

With the with the wind.

Absolutely for this shit.

That went a little too far to the left.

No, you’re good.

You’re good.

You made it onto safety island.


Oh boy.

Boy, oh boy.

Oh my god.

All right.

Safety island.


Trouble on safety island.

Not that exciting, really.

Hard to get into too much trouble.

Stay on the green.





Only 19.

Stay on the green.

Stay on the green.

Give me the green.

I would like to see the green.


Everybody green.

I agree with you.

Show me.

God, I hope you mess this up a thousand times.


I mean, not.

I hope you win.

Thank you.

Holy moly.

Oh, well.

All right, thank you.

Chance for birds.

I heard that the flag is they used a lot of the processing power on the flag.

They used all the gigabytes.

What? Did you see the flag? Oh, yeah.

They used all the gigabytes on the flag.

I thought you meant the American flag.

I was like, these colors don’t run.


I have a chance for eagle.


An eagle is a kind of birdie.

As if to loudly.



Oh my god.


Gotta watch out for those fucking tornado force winds.


Come on, baby.

Come on, baby.

Still possible for me to win.

All right.

Still possible.

Technically possible.

Definitely not possible, but technically possible.

I wouldn’t bet money on it, but it’s possible.


It is now officially impossible.

Well, looks like my story’s over.



All right.

That was fun, Arin.

That was super fun.

We had a good time.

Sorry about your thumb.

No, it’s okay.

Yeah, my personal best.

Thanks for that.

And all it cost me was the use of my writing hand.

Well, have a wonderful day, everybody.


Enjoy a little golf.

Thanks, everyone.

I gotta shit real bad.

Okay, I’m gonna call.

Get a doctor.

I am going to watch you, but if you please.

Oh, I think I just broke my thumb.