Silly and funny tidbits in video games

14.01.2023 0 By admin

[Falcon] Some Easter eggs are just so ridiculous it’s difficult to even understand why they’re there, and yet, they give you a darn good laugh.

It’s Falcon,and today on Gameranx,10 dumb yet hilarious Easter eggs in video games.

Starting off with number 10,

it’s don’t look up from
the “The Talos Principle.”

Let’s start this off
with a perfect example

of the kind of thing
we’re talking about here.

“The Talos Principle” is a
game packed with Easter eggs.

There is an absolute ton of them

and a lot of them are
pretty goofy in general.

But if there’s one secret in this game

that we would describe as
hilariously dumb, it’s this one.

Found a World B7, this hidden thing

is found by looking towards
the pyramid from the entrance

and finding this little obelisk.

It’s got a palm tree beside it.

And if you look closely,

you can see there’s a note on the tree

that says, “Don’t look up.”

So, duh, you’re gonna look up.

Now, if there’s one thing video games do,

it’s give you situations
that if you’re smart

you do the opposite of
what you’re supposed to do.

Like in a lot of platforming games,

you’re always moving to the right,

whether it’s Mario, Sonic, or whatever,

and sometimes there’s just something

that makes it look like you
should go left in this one spot.

This is “The Talos
Principle’s” version of that.

When you look up, it’s not
like a jump scare or a screamer

or anything like that.

Obviously, it feels like it could be,

but it’s actually the dumbest
thing you can imagine.

A coconut falls on your head

and blurs your vision for a few seconds.

And that’s it. It’s totally pointless.

But it’s just so blunt and silly

we can’t help but laugh at it.

(mysterious music)

(coconut whistling)
(coconut clangs)

And number nine is the infinite hole

from “The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe.”

In terms of effort,
it’s the polar opposite

of the previous one, though.

It doesn’t mean it’s not incredibly dumb,

’cause, oof, it is.

But the level of work they put

into creating something so dumb

and pointless is awe-inspiring.

Like, you could kind of say
that about the entire game.

“Stanley Parable: Ultra
Deluxe” is an upgraded remake

of the original game, and this is spoilers

but most of the new
content revolves around

if you’re carrying a bucket or not.

This is a game that

it swings for the fences with dumb stuff.

And this secret’s
actually one of the best.

Unlike most of the other
secrets in the game,

it doesn’t even lead to an ending

and it’s fairly easy to miss.

At a certain point in the game,

you get the opportunity to
try out the infinity hole.

A hole that’s not quite as
infinite as the narrator implies.

Every time you fall in
the hole it gets smaller

until it’s barely lower than
the ground you’re started on.

And if you wait around inside
this shallow hole long enough,

something starts to happen.

The hole starts lowering.

You can change your
perspective, move the camera.

You can change your reality to
change the background images.

Like sometimes it’s
stock footage of puppies.

You can change yourself
into different models

made specifically for this
one moment in the entire game.

Models that appear literally nowhere else.

It’s all just a dream in the end

because they had to end
the sequence somehow.

– [Narrator] Drifting away into dreamland.

But we can’t have that, Stanley.

Because this hole is
just so darn fascinating

that I want you to be wide awake

for every second of it.

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You don’t want to miss a single moment.

– [Falcon] It’s so
bizarre to see something

so high effort as a reward
for doing something so dumb

like standing around in place

in a hole for a little too long.

But yeah, that’s the kind of
game “Stanley Parable” is,

and always has been.

At number eight is the
tiny car in “Just Cause 4.”

This is another series

that’s just got an absolute
ton of Easter eggs.

And yeah, “4” isn’t necessarily
the best game in the series,

it does have some of
our favorite Easter eggs

from any game at all, period, in it.

Of course, there’s the famous stuff

that we’ve talked about before

like the cow gun or the
Aha music video secret.

But there’s one I don’t think

that’s actually come up
on this channel before,

the toy off-roader.

Now, this Easter egg’s unusual

because it was actually added
to the game post-launch,

that’s probably why a
lot of people miss it.

It’s hidden in the main city of the game,

near the stunt ramp by the stadium.

Like a lot of Easter eggs in this game,

finding this stuff’s basically impossible

without some kind of guide.

So it’s fairly easy to miss,
just like all this stuff.

It goes without saying,
Rico looks ridiculous

driving around in this thing.

And to make the whole thing even dumber

it can accelerate like crazy,

which can quickly make it
almost impossible to steer.

It’s completely useless

and definitely just in
the game to be goofy.

And in that way, the tiny off-roader

serves its purpose pretty well.

(off-roader engine whirring)

(off-roader thuds)

(off-roader engine revving)

And number seven, in
“Gears of War: Judgment”

the Buckethead Locusts.

It can be easy to forget,

but the “Gears” games actually have a lot

of pretty great Easter
eggs hidden in them.

For this list, we’re gonna talk about

one of the lesser-known
ones from “Judgment.”

Okay, so it’s actually from “Aftermath,”

the little bonus campaign

that comes packed in with “Judgment,”

which is confusing, to say the least.

But, yeah, it’s whatever.

It’s a pretty simple Easter egg at least.

So at a certain point

in section five of the campaign
called Straight to the Top,

you can find three buckets
hidden around the environment.

You shoot all three, get to the rooftop.

Then all the Locust
enemies appear up there

wearing buckets on their heads

and have little smiley
faces drawn on them.

That’s kind of goofy,

but what really takes it from
mildly amusing to hilarious

are the characters reacting
to this Easter egg.

– Oh, what the hell’s going on here?

(Locust grunts)

– [Garron] Ugh. Eggs eggs.

(guns blasting)

– Shoot these Bucketheads!

– [Falcon] I dunno, there’s
just something funny

about the character’s
reacting to dumb Easter eggs

like they’re a real thing.

And number six is teddy in “Dying Light.”

Another one, similar to number 10.

Basic, very stupid, but very funny.

All you have to do is
find this pink teddy bear

in the kindergarten on the
second main map, Old Town.

According to the Wiki,

you need to start the Rupert
at the Gunsmith mission

to actually access this area,

but once you do, you
should be pretty good.

All you have to do is
poke the bear’s nose.

Nothing really seems to happen.

But if you keep doing it,

the bear’s expression
gets more and more evil

and the eyes get more red
until it just finally explodes.

– [Teddy Bear] Leave me alone.

Don’t touch me.

Stop it.

You asked for it.

(explosion blasts)
(man grunting)

– [Falcon] Why? What’s the point?

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It’s just the game trolling you.

It really doesn’t matter.

You do get a special
grenade out of the deal,

the Stasis Field Projector,

which is pretty fun to
mess around with, actually.

Has nothing to do with explosive

pink teddy bears, obviously.

But yeah, it’s better than nothing.

And at number five, Tannis riding the fish

in “Borderlands 3.”

An Easter egg that takes
dumb to the next level.

For whatever reason, there’s a running gag

in the “Borderlands” games about Tannis,

the eccentric scientist
character, riding a fish.

It’s in “Borderlands 3,”

and it is exactly as stupid as it sounds.

To trigger it, you have to go from west

to the Rogue’s Hollow Fast Travel Station

until you get to a shore

with a bunch of different
explosive barrels around it.

Mouthful. But it’s there.

The trick is you have to shoot five

of the elemental barrels
in a specific order,

which is fire, then
corrosive, then electric,

then radiation, and
lastly, the Cryo barrel.

You do it right, Tannis
will appear on a boat,

and a just hilariously bad
animation will play out

where she’s attacked by fish, capsized,

and the whole thing ends
with her riding on a fish.

(upbeat music)

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

– [Falcon] It’s real.

It really happens in the
game for whatever reason.

At this point, they’re making it as crappy

as possible on purpose too.

There’s much more elaborate
Easter eggs in the game,

but if you want one that’s
just straight up dumb

and like, is gonna make you laugh

because it’s that dumb
and that badly made,

intentionally so, they don’t
get a lot more dumb than this.

This is the dumb.

The essence of dumb.

And number four, “Dying
Light 2’s” SpaceCock.

Like the first game, “Dying Light 2”

is also loaded with Easter eggs.

In a continuation of the joke
introduced in the first one,

there’s an entire quest
dedicated to a space chicken.

It’s pretty well-hidden, of course,

but it is very, very goofy.

And best of all, it’s a full-blown quest.

So your main guy actually
talks to a space chicken.

Just starting the quest is tricky.

It’s hidden deep inside the Renegade base,

and it only becomes available to explore

after you’ve beaten the game.

It’s basically a maze, but
if you explore around enough,

you can find a door that
was previously locked.

Inside is a long hallway
that leads to the chicken,

who you will find in a birdcage

and tells you a long nonsensical story.

And yes, the quest is
really called SpaceCock.

Yes, that’s pretty much how I
get to say that word here too.

That’s what does it.

So he sends you out to
get the spaceship parts,

which brings you to this hilariously

crappy-looking spaceship.

You get a part, you have
to give back to him.

Then he asks you if you
wanna go to space with him,

before leaving in a flash of electricity.

The whole thing is so dumb,
but also very elaborate.

Probably the funniest part
is hearing your main guy’s

incredulous reaction
to the whole thing too.

And you can’t blame him.

– [Aiden] Brunek, I’m still here.

(chicken speaking gibberish)

– [Aiden] Maybe another time.

– At number three, the
talking hippo from “Hitman 3.”

The recent “Hitman” games have
had some pretty wild secrets,

let’s just say,

but probably the strangest
one is this talking hippo

that appears in the mission Apex Predator,

the Berlin one.

Getting him to appear
actually isn’t that difficult

but it’s pretty random.

First, you need a gold
idol that’s in the safe

in an office on level two.

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To get that you input the code 1989.

You take the idol.

You find this unused section of the map

with a lawn chair sitting
in front of a little pond.

You throw the idol onto the chair,

and for whatever reason,
that makes this hippo appear.

So you just sit in the chair
and the hippo starts talking.

It’s inexplicable, it’s totally bizarre,

and it’s hilarious as well.

What is this thing even talking about?

Like, let’s be really clear, I don’t know.

I don’t have any idea.

– [Hippo] Anyone.

When the wine is poured
the blood will flow.

Don’t dance the dance of death.

Don’t trust anyone.

– [Falcon] And number two is
the Secret Football Glory match

from “Serious Sam 4.”

The makers of “Sirius Sam,” Croteam,

also worked on “The Talos Principle,”

and, like that game, this one’s
got a ton of weird secrets.

But one of the most
memorably goofy ones is this,

for some reason called the
Secret Football Glory match.

It triggers on the
mission One for the Road.

And when you get to the
city where Kenny is,

that’s when you can get
behind this concrete wall

and find yourself inside
a football stadium.

That’s when the message triggers

and a bunch of Serious Sam clones spawn,

who face off against a bunch
of guys called Mental Mates,

and they play football, yeah.

For some reason, watching all these AIs

try to roll a ball around,
it’s goofy as hell.

It is not impressive.

Like, it’s a bunch of glitch puppets

shuffling around looking foolish.

So dumb. So, so dumb.

But like some of the best
“Serious Sam” Easter eggs,

makes you laugh anyway.

(football players chattering)
(dramatic music)

(whistle shrills)
– Goal!

(crowd cheering)

– [Falcon] And finally, at number one,

the music video in “Red Faction.”

Before really making a name for themselves

with the “Saints Row” games,

Volition wasn’t exactly
making goofy games,

but a lot of humor

that would be front and
center in “Saints Row”

still found it into their older games.

Like this Easter egg, for example,

which as far as I’m aware,

can only be found by digging
through the PC version’s files.

You go to data and then movies,

and you find the expected cut scenes,

like the intro, the TQ logo, the end,

and a trailer from one
of their other games,

called “Summoner.”

But there’s also something
called technochunk.

And with a name like
that, it’s gotta be dumb.

And yes, it is.

It is extremely dumb.

It’s a music video created
with the stock animations

of enemy Grunts.

Very cheap looking, very awkward.

It’s so dumb and it’s just
hidden in their files.

It’s almost a wonder why it exists.

I don’t know.

But it is very funny, in a
YouTube poop kind of way.

It reminds me of those goofy older videos

that got really popular

after Source Filmmaker first came out.

It’s dumb as hell, but it’s amazing.

And that’s all for today.

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