Top 10 video games disappearing in 2022

11.01.2023 0 By admin

– [Falcon] Nothing lasts forever,

especially in video games.

But it’s not just trends.

Sometimes it is long-running stuff

that just has to die a quick

and painless death, right?

Always quick and painless.

It’s not always quick and painless.

All right folks, it’s Falcon

and today on “Gameranx”,
10 video game things

that died in 2022.

Starting off with number 10,

it’s video game NFTs.

You know, NFTs, Non Fungible Tokens.

Basically Hyper DLC, unique DLC

that can’t be copied or something.

I don’t really know

how you would incorporate
NFTs in the games.

It seems like a bad idea all around.

Hey, we got video games.

They exist electronically now.

You digitally download them and play them

and there’s no problem
in terms of shortage

of physical materials to distribute games.

Let’s create scarcity,

so stuff becomes more expensive.

Yeah, everybody hated that.

I mean, there’s a lot

of other concerns regarding NFTs.

Some people talk about
environmental impact.

A lot of people reminding everybody

about the overall kind of grifty nature

of the NFT in every
other instance of NFTs.

I mean, ultimately the real problem

with NFTs is the same
problem people have had

with over monetization from the start

of over monetization.

It took a while for publishers to put

out DLC that wasn’t
just universally hated.

And while there’s an
entire cottage industry

of making videos dunking

on how bad monetization is in games,

the NFT is the logical progression of that

and also just an obvious step too far.

That 10 steps too far.

Whenever a public entity, be it a company,

somebody who works for the company,

a spokesperson or even a lot

of voice actors voiced any kind of support

for NFTs, they were
roundly attacked and hard,

probably harder than I
can remember any kind

of monetization since the loot box.

And now it’s the opposite.

Big names and big companies are trying

to distance themselves.

Like when Gabe Newell
banned NFTs from Steam.

Directors have hit games, like Josef Fares

of “It Takes Two” saying,

“I’d rather get shot in the knee

than include NFTs in future games.”

And Mojang, the developers of “Minecraft”

banned NFTs and blockchains as well.

I mean that’s big when
a company with something

like Minecraft is like,

“No, we’re not doing that,”

that pretty much shoots it dead

in the water, thankfully so.

And number nine is G4TV

which has been dead before
and was brought back

in 2021 due to a series

of absolutely hilarious oversights,

like allowing content
creators to charge them

between 25 and $30,000 per day to appear.

Now, when it came back,

it came back to not only television,

but on Twitch.

And as you know, small scale television

and I guess medium sized Twitch channels

aren’t exactly the most
profitable thing to run.

Paying out that kind of money

while taking in way less,
it was bound to happen.

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But beyond financial mistakes,

they made a few other ones.

First, they were not targeting the group

of people that originally liked G4.

Instead, they were
attempting to target people

who well, really don’t
use cable and never have

because they’ve always had YouTube.

That’s not a sustainable audience

for a cable channel which would be

where the most of the money would come in,

to be clear, you’re not gonna bring

in 25, $30,000 a day

to have a literal single personality

on once taken in Twitch (indistinct).

I guess they thought
eSports was gonna be big

for the channel, which
people who are interested

in eSports are more than
capable of finding ways

to watch eSports without cable,

which again would be the main place

where money would come
in and clearly wasn’t.

And number eight, it’s Google Stadia.

I mean, the thing that was really

just never going to be big.

It just didn’t have
anything that made sense

for it to exist.

Like it had a few big
games like “Destiny Two”,

which you could play anywhere else

and it would play way better

because playing it locally
just works compared

to streaming it on Stadia.

Another aspect of the
problem with Stadia is

it really didn’t work well.

Like, I don’t know if
you’ve ever used Luna,

the Amazon competitor for Stadia,

that’s still around,
but it works way better.

So between the fact that
it didn’t work great

and the library sucked, it’s not shocking

that Stadia was canceled.

If you’re not gonna have
a significant number

of original titles coming
out for the platform,

then you’re gonna have

to have an incredible lineup of games

that while you can get them elsewhere

for a low cost monthly, you can play all

of ’em on Stadia.

You know, like Xbox Game Pass.

I mean they were just out planked

on every single possible front.

And number seven,

we lost some pretty high profile games

to being delisted, not necessarily

because they were good.

In fact, most people did
not hold favorable opinions

of the games that we’re
about to talk about.

Firstly, “Babylon’s Fall”.

Platinum Games attempted a live service.

Oof, no one was happy with that.

Kind of an ugly game that sucked.

Started as an attempt to expand

on near Automata’s Combat

and integrate multiplayer.

Basically, games as a service is a thing

that people don’t like.

And when you make them,

people don’t like your game.


But a more traditional game game

was also delisted.

Again, not a good one.

“Postal III” was taken down

and even the developers themselves

who developed all of
the Postal games except

for “Postal III” were quite
happy that it came down

because they didn’t have any control

over the page.

And while the game had a lot of problems,

their response was at least no one will

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be able to buy that trash.

At number six, “Saints Row” and Volition.

Now, Volition isn’t entirely gone,

but Saints Row, it’s hard to imagine

that they’re going to bother

with another one of those for a while.

While “Saints Row” met
financial expectations

and apparently helped bring in profits

for Volition’s parent company,

it did literally nothing

for the “Saints Row” brain.

In fact, it tanked it.

Terrible reviews.

Fans were not happy with it.

There’s basically no reason to assume

that they’re gonna do another one

of those for quite a while, if at all.

Volition, on the other hand,

got moved to Gearbox presumably

so that they will be

under a more watchful eye.

On account, Gearbox is
also in the United States

and apparently has an
experienced management team

that can pay a little
closer attention to them.

“Deep Silver” was who they
were originally working with.

I’m happy they didn’t
just disband Volition,

if I’m honest.

Great developer, just really big misstep

with “Saints Row”.

The way they rebooted it was just wrong.

And number five is the Bethesda Launcher.

What else do I need to say?

Thank you, Bethesda.

Back in February,

they said “Attention PC players!

We’re retiring with the Bethesda Launcher,

moving to Steam.”

And everybody was like,

“Why didn’t you do this
a very long time ago?”

The Bethesda Launcher is terrible.

I mean, everybody was happy

about this development.


There’s not much else to say.


And number four is cheap games.

Wow, everything is $70.

We had a lot of games that released prior

to fall that were less than $60.

But starting in the fall,

we basically started getting games

that are 70 bucks.

And as far as I’m concerned,

this move is very strange.

They’re starting to sell the PS4

and Xbox One versions of new games

that are gonna cost 70 bucks

on the Next-Gen platform
at 70 bucks as well.

So that sucks big time.

I mean, that’s a pretty steep price.

I mean, yes, inflation exists

and money is worth less
than it used to be.

And yes, the development cycles

of games have been vastly expanded

and there’s far more money put

into them than ever before.

But wow, that’s a lot of money for a game

and it’s gonna be the new normal.

That’s pretty much what they’re gonna

be charging people for
games and wow, just sucks.

At number three, RIP PC
Graphics card scalpers.

The RTX 4080 really rained

on their parade, so to speak.

The ants came to the
picnic, they showed up.

Here’s the problem, the 4080 while better

than the 3080 MSRP at 1200 bucks,

the 3080 still nothing to spit

at is only 900 bucks.

Quite a bit lower actually.

Now the 4090 is
significantly more powerful

than the 4080 and it retails at 1599.

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Scalpers were trying to sell the 4080,

the less powerful one that retails

at $1,200, at $1,400.

And that $200 gap between the 4090’s MSRP

and the scalped 4080
price really looks bad

when you consider how
much better the 4090 is.

I’m not gonna get into technical talk

but the 4080 was just roundly rejected.

And Scalpers are trying
to sell the 4080 at MSRP

which is really a sign
of failure for the card.

The worst, at least for Scalpers.

It’s really a sign of
failure for Scalpers.

And number two,

a Marvel MMO that was in development

from the creators of DC
Universe online got canceled.

And well, that’s that

for a massively multiplayer Marvel game.

Do we know for sure that
there will never be one?

No, but this would’ve been a good one

cause DC Universe online
is pretty well liked

and is gonna get a visual
overhaul next year.

Obviously, Marvel fans
have wanted an equivalent

but at least for the foreseeable future,

it’s pretty doubtful that’s gonna happen.

And finally, at number one,

we had some studio closures.

Firstly Square Enix Montreal,

who made the actually
pretty darn good “GO” series

with “Hitman GO”, “Lara
Croft GO”, “Deus ex Go”.

Pretty fun mobile games, honestly,

that took those popular IPs

and made something
completely new with them.

Basically board game type games

and were really actually pretty cool.

I enjoyed those games.

Anyway, Square Enix Montreal was sold

off to CDE Entertainment
and Embracer Group.

Now the real reason this deal went

down was likely to acquire Eidos Montreal

and Crystal Dynamics
and these mobile studios

just got shut down and
they shuffled the employees

to the larger AAA studios.

Now, Vicarious Visions is also no more.

Back in 2021, Blizzard Activision

made them a subsidiary of Blizzard,

and in April of this year was fully shut

down and merged into Blizzard.

So to all these things that are now gone,

consigned to the dustbin
of history in 2022,


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I’m Falcon.

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We’ll see you next time
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