Looking for a third-person video game with some over-the-top action and gameplay?

12.01.2023 0 By admin

[Narrator] Looking for
a third-person video game

with some over-the-top
action and gameplay?

Well, look no further
than these beloved games

that straight up get wild.

We managed to squeeze 10
picks into this video today.

Obviously, there are a bunch more.

So, let us know your personal
picks in the comments.

But let’s get started off with number 10

and talk “Vanquish.”

“Vanquish” is a PlatinumGames
third-person shooter.

Basically the approach is,
what if “Devil May Cry”

was actually a third-person
action sci-fi shooter?

I don’t know if that statement
actually makes sense,

but in my heart and when I
play the game, I feel it,

I think it does.

If you can’t see from the
gameplay off the screen here,

“Vanquish” is incredibly
fast-paced and aggressive

with long-range slides, vaulting,

crazy enemies, big spectacle,

and the best part about it

is that even though it looks really wild,

it’s also fun to play.

The finely-tuned controls
and the way the combat works

just really, really makes you feel

in control of being an
absolute and complete badass.

Jet boosting around really,
really helps spice up

traditional third-person shooter gameplay,

and along with that, just some wild,

over-the-top boss battles
that get super cinematic,

but still manage to feel

like good old-fashioned
video game boss battles.

In between some really intense sections,

you’ll get plenty of over-the-top
QTE cut-scene finishers

and just that type of action

you’d expect from the mid-2000s.

“Vanquish” is an absolute
freaking treat, dude.

If you’ve never played it

but you’re into what
PlatinumGames generally does,

you should check it out.

(guns firing)
(upbeat metal music)

Next, over at number 9,

of course, we have to mention
the “Just Cause” games.

I mean, this series is totally responsible

for pioneering the concept
of climbing out of a car,

standing on the hood of it,

and then back-flipping off of it,

engaging your parachute,
and flying around.

Among a lot of other things,

really, “Just Cause’s”
freedom in the open world

is what makes it feel so over-the-top.

I mean, the fact that Rico can flip out

and hop on an airplane,

and surf on the airplane as it glides,

and then you can choose to shoot enemies,

or dive off and skydive,

or engage your parachute
or grappling hook.

Every single game is ripe for chaos,

from the destructible
elements, to the vehicles,

to the speed Rico can get around,

like some sort of
revolutionary Spider-Man,

it is downright ridiculous,
but fun, from beginning to end.

And I think a lot of fans are divided

on which game is the best,

some do things a little
bit better than others,

but it doesn’t really matter to me.

If this series were to suddenly go away,

I would really, really miss it

because there’s nothing
else like it out there.

That type of open world,
high-flying, crazy chaos,

is something that we
don’t really see in games,

and when you couple that
with the more recent games

like DLC expansions

and what modders have
done with these games,

it really is just an incredible,

over-the-top action experience.

Oh, and next up at number 8,

we’re gonna go in a bit
of a different direction

and talk about “Castlevania:
Lords of Shadow.”

This was a game that released

when many games were trying
to go for the “God of War”

over-the-top action,

and while you could look
at this game cynically

and think it ditched

some of its traditional
“Castlevania” roots,

still the action was
really, really awesome.

This game has over-the-top boss battles,

a really cool move set,
screen-filling combos,

and just a really over-the-top
sense of scale to it all.

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It truly feels like this,
like, epic, gothic adventure,

and has tons of memorable
moments right up until the end.

It’s definitely not the best action game

inspired by “God of War”,

we have plenty more to
talk about, believe me,

but “Castlevania: Lords of
Shadow” does not get enough love.

I don’t know if that’s, like,
controversial or anything,

but we wanted to talk about
something a little bit different

on this list and we never talk
about this game, so, yeah.

(monsters snarling)
(tense ominous music)

Next, over at number seven of course,

you know we were gonna mention
the “Bayonetta” series,

“Bayonetta” one, two,

and most recently three are over-the-top

action combat games.

In a similar vein as something
like “Devil May Cry,”

but so much more wilder and sexier,

“Bayonetta 2” specifically comes to mind.

Many moments throughout the game,

but I’d say the best
elevator pitch for playing it

is probably the intro.

This high-flying crazy
interactive playable sequence

involves giant creatures
and flying and battling

through New York City.

It’s a great introduction to
Bayonetta if you’ve never seen

or experienced her or the games before,

and it really only just gets crazier.

And you couple that with “Bayonetta 3”

that gives you bigger
environments, massive summons,

and just more general
celebration of all the craziness.

It really is something else.

This series has a dedicated
cult following for a reason.

I mean, look at these things.

We love games where you can
get some S-ranked combos

and Bayonetta with her guns
on her feet, hair, witch magic

and other kinds of weird
weapons and combos.

Just really scratches
that action chaos itch,

you know what I mean?

(weapons blasting)

Next, over at number six

we have another Platinum Games
joint, believe it or not.

It’s “Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.”

This spinoff from the
Metal Gear solid series

you think would piss off hardcore fans

with just how wild it goes,

but I think it was so committed

to the chaos and just straight up fun

that it it didn’t matter,
it won everybody over.

This third-person action game
is focused on pretty intense

and challenging combat
as cyborg ninja Raiden,

who is an extremely capable character

and basically almost like a
superhero God at this point.

It’s move set based, it’s combo based,

but it’s also centered around
using your blade to accurately

and specifically slice pieces of enemies.

Like you’re literally slicing and dicing

in moments of this game.

And what seemed to be kind
of like a gimmick at first

actually turned out to be

a really, really cool gameplay mechanic.

(weapons clanging)

You’re battling really tough
bosses, challenging enemies.

You’re pulling out their spines,

you’re sucking their life force,
but you’re also facing off

against screen filling metal gears

and of course Senator Armstrong.

If you haven’t seen the memes yet,

just know that he is one of the most

ridiculous, insane video game characters

with super villainist but
also comedic monologues.

It really is just unlike
anything we’ve seen before.

I might have to just leave it at that.

You should look up the
YouTube videos for yourself.

From the gameplay to the
crazy action moments,

“Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance”
really is an achievement.

It’s something that really
stuck to what it wanted to do.

It wanted to go crazier

than “Metal Gear Solid”
had ever gone before.

And yeah, mission accomplished.

Years after its release it still holds up.

Now over at number five, we
have John Woo’s “Stranglehold.”

This is a third-person shooter
from the Xbox 360, PS3 era

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that we do not give enough love here,

but it’s one of my favorites.

It’s specifically a sequel, a follow-up

to John Woo’s classic film, “Hard Boiled.”

That it’s all centered around
those crazy, practical,

realistic, over-the-top
shootouts that John Woo

was famous for pioneering.

You play as Chow Yun-fat,
like what’s cooler than that?

And you’re third-person shooting,

you’re slow motion diving Max Payne style,

but you’re also surfing down
banisters on staircases.

You’re jumping onto carts chest first,

flying around, shooting
enemies, you’re falling,

you’re dangling on
chandeliers shooting dudes.

The game’s environments
and the gameplay system

is really built around you
kind of bouncing around levels,

blasting enemies in over-the-top ways.

The environment gets
destroyed, enemies fly,

and you look cool in slow motion

with doves flying behind
you while doing it all,

and it is absolutely perfect.

This game is a treasure,

not only for third-person
shooter fans, but movie fans.

I’m hoping that some of you
have never even seen this game

and you’re seeing it now

and you’re absolutely surprised by it.

You should still
definitely go check it out.

It’s aged a bit,

but if you like a good old
fashioned third-person shooter

like a “Max Payne,” this one is for you.

It’s “Max Payne,” but way crazier.

Now, over at number four

we have the “Earth Defense Force” series.

Pick your poison, pick your
favorite one with this,

but essentially it is
you as a small defender,

a small army man fighting off
against forces invading earth.

Yes, aliens from outer space

but these aliens are
essentially just giant bugs.

It’s kinda like an over-the-top

Japanese style “Starship
Troopers,” but with giant ants

and other bugs causing almost
kaiju level destruction.

And it is absolutely
perfect, because even though

you are oftentimes a very
small character on screen,

the game gives you all sorts of tools

to destroy your enemies,

and they explode in gross,
spectacular fashion.

As buildings collapse around you,

that chaos can really, really ramp up.



– [Game Character 1] DuPont, close in.

– [Game Character 2] We’re
flying in the combat area.

– These games are charming

and have their cult
following for a reason.

Personally, if you ask me,

I hope they never stop
making games like this.

Games where you run around
to cities, fight enemies,

and destroy buildings
and stuff in the process.

There are plenty of other games

where you do that type of thing,

but “Earth Defense Force’s”
breed of it is special,

and we never really
highlight these games enough,

but we love ’em.

Now down to number three, we
kind of mentioned it earlier,

but “Devil May Cry 5.”

“Devil May Cry 5,”

right from the high-flying opening credits

where the main character
is flying around a van

in slow motion hopping around,

that should just set the stage

for how crazy this game can be.

Of course, “Devil May Cry’s” combat

at this point is a fine-tuned machine

that is really, really fun
with a bunch of crazy moves

to just basically combo the
shit out of your enemies

and try and get to that S ranking.

It pioneered it, it’s really
the king of that at this point,

but “Devil May Cry 5” specifically

really doesn’t take itself too seriously.

It has a lot of fun with the
characters, the series itself,

and just some really
wild and weird moments.

I mean, especially when
Dante gets involved.

Dante at this point is an
absolute cartoon character.

He has a Michael Jackson dance sequence,

but he also has a weapon that essentially

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is like a motorcycle that you can use

to piece in half and combo
your enemies and ride around.

If that is not over-the-top action.

I don’t know what is, man.

“Devil May Cry 5” is our pick for today,

but the whole series
is absolutely perfect.

Yes, I even have a spot in my
heart for “Devil May Cry 2.”

You might think less of me now,

but hey, we gotta move
on, ’cause at number two,

let’s talk something recent.

“God of War: Ragnarok.”

If you’re still playing, of course

we won’t spoil it for you,

but it definitely delivers
on over-the-top action.

If you like the Baldur fight
from “God of War” 2018,

you get a bunch of that.

Kratos squaring off with gods,

head to head with crazy
punches and people flying

through the sky and all sorts of effects,

and of course the brutal finishers

and absolute just brutality and meanness

you’d expect from the “God of War” series.

I know some fans will argue

that the old school
games are still better,

and yes we should include
those on the list as well.

because they really pioneered
some over-the-top action.

But for the sake of recency,

“God of War: Ragnarok”
is no slouch either.

There are a couple of really jaw dropping

action gameplay moments in this game.

Now, down to number one, of
course, we had to mention it,

“Asura’s Wrath.”

“Asura’s Wrath” is a
third-person action game

that kind of is in its own genre.

It’s kind of like God chaos
action where you’re basically

killing screen filling
gods, basically planets.

It is so wild that it’s hard
to explain other than show it.

While it is something that
has moments of repetition

here and there, you can’t
deny that the moments

that this game presents
are incredibly unique.

We’ve talked about the game

and its DLC in the past a little bit,

but really this game is special
because it takes a lot of

anime action conventions
and just grand spectacle,

but somehow manages to make it
feel different than the pack.

Probably maybe because
it is so like abstract

and godly with it all,

but it doesn’t matter how it’s described

or anything like that.

Just know that it is
incredibly satisfying.

The wild stuff you see on screen
here is actually that cool

to pull off in game.

This game had a demo back in the day,

and if you played that demo
and you weren’t hooked,

I don’t know what to tell you.

“Asura’s Wrath” is absolutely
crazy for over-the-top action.

We haven’t seen anything like it since.

I would really, really
like to see a sequel

just because there’s nothing
else like it out there.

but those are some
third-person action games

with over-the-top action
that we got for you today.

Like I said, there are
so many more out there

that we wanted to include,

so let us know what you
think in the comments,

because we’d love to make
a part two of this video.

If you had fun just kind of yapping about

old games with us today,

clicking the Like
button’s all you gotta do.

It really helps us out.

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But either way, as always,

thanks for watching and
we’ll see you guys next time.